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From the National Shooting Sports Foundation . . .

NSSF, The Firearm Industry Trade Association, revealed that the FBI’s National Instant Criminal Background Checks System (NICS) completed 711,372 background checks for the purchase of a firearm at retail during the week leading up to and including Black Friday. FBI’s NICS recorded 192,749 background checks on Black Friday alone, ranking it third in the Top 10 Highest Days for NICS checks and a 2.8 percent increase from Black Friday 2021, when 187,585 background checks were completed. The NICS checks are unadjusted, representing raw data from the FBI and are inclusive of all background checks related to firearms.

NSSF has worked with firearm retailers to spread out special sales offers to customers throughout the week leading up to Black Friday so as not to overwhelm FBI NICS on Black Friday which can result in longer than normal wait times.

“Background checks for firearm purchases were already trending to make 2022 the third strongest year on record, coming off of the outsized years of 2020 and 2021,” explained Joe Bartozzi, NSSF President and CEO. “These figures tell us that there is a continued strong appetite for lawful firearm ownership by law-abiding Americans and that firearm manufacturers across the country continue to deliver the quality firearms our customers have come to expect.”

Annual background check data indicated that firearm sales will typically rise during the final month of the year coinciding with hunting seasons and holiday sales. 

Below are the breakout tables for each day of unadjusted FBI NICS background checks and The Top 10 Highest Days of FBI Background Checks.

Saturday, Nov. 20, 2022: 102,376

Sunday, Nov. 21, 2022: 57,665

Monday, Nov. 22, 2022: 103,543 

Tuesday, Nov. 23, 2022: 109,895

Wednesday, Nov. 24, 2022: 116,033

Thursday, Nov. 25, 2022: 29,111

Friday, Nov. 26, 2022: 192,749

Black Friday 2022 was the third highest Black Friday transaction total on record.

Larger (PDF) versions of these graphs are available here. 

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    • …whose citizens have now somehow become accepting of an unconstitutional hoop (NICS) they must jump through before being allowed by TPTB to exercise their natural right.

  1. I will keep buying guns and ammunition, and they can shove their electric cars and fake meat up their asses!

  2. Yes, we are still in a recession. What is really happening is citizens are DIGGING DEEP into their finances to purchase firearms for the protection of their families and homes.
    The police can not protect them efficiently. The Feds and Liberal DumboRATS look the other way and/or defund police. Soft on crime is adding criminals to the population. And other factors. When left to our own devices, we Good Citizens WILL find a way to protect what we love. Recession, depression or government interference >> WE WILL FIND A WAY!

  3. I would’ve bought a gat but I was unimpressed by the LGS deals. A pocketfull of bucks & nothing I wanted(Cabelas was the worst. I wanted the razor folding earphones & they were supposedly sold out. Except the ones there were identical to the ad at double the price. The ammo deals sucked too). And Hammond,IN Cabelas just got dissed nationally…

  4. Hoorah for the USA and the Bill of Rights!

    Had talked myself into an AR10 for Christmas, then, the water heater broke. $971 dollars for the replacement. Will install it myself when it arrives. Alas, the AR1O will have to wait.

    • Only $971?? The quote I recently got for mine was almost $2500! It was $1500 only three years ago, but I held off because my (now 20-yr-old) unit is still fine and I was only thinking of preemptively replacing to avoid a catastrophic failure and water damage. The contractor who provided the quote said he’s been getting angry comments from potential customers all year due to the massive increase, mainly due to the addition of more CA fees and L.A. County permits.


    • I posted a component list about the AR-308s I assemble in my reply to you, link below…About a year ago our water heater went out and my brother came over with a new 30 gallon…saved us around $550.00. For his kindness I gave/forced it upon him one of my tweaked out Sar9s. I asked him on Thanksgiving if he shot it and as expected the answer was no which will most likely be the same answer next year.

  5. Exactly. What recession for American gun-nuts who put ownership of completely unnessessary firearms before every thing else in their delusional lives.

    Do not Americans yet realise that they are DUPES of the American Firearms industry yet?. Does they not realise not realise that if some thing is not done, and done soon, America could well be heading for ARMED Civil Strife on an unprecedented scale even to a CIVIL WAR if DONALD TRUMP get’s re-elected and is still prepared to support insurrection. Meanwhile the American legislature dither’s about frightened to take even the simplest measures towards GUN CONTROLS.
    Meanwhile the US FIREARMS INDUSTRY is proud of itself for making another 700 THOUSAND killing machines and by implication SEVENTY MILLION ROUNDS, of ammunition available to an already oversuscribed and dangerous market. Thats MORE firearms than a medium sized NATIONAL Armed Forces. I doubt that the UK which by some measure is the worlds fifth most powerful military has more than a million Smallarms in it’s ready Arsenal

      • I bet his dog craps on his rug out of pure spite for being stuck with him… 🙂

        • Albert, why are you wasting time and effort writing screeds on a site where NO ONE gives two shits about what you may have to say.
          Your time would be better spent collecting the little bit of firewood that hasn’t been taken already from wherever it was available. Real winter weather is on its way, so you’d best be digging up and saving the still available cow shit before it’s covered with snow… that’ll make it harder to find, and way harder to burn.
          Enjoy your coming life in an icebox a-hole.

    • “Exactly. What recession for American gun-nuts who put ownership of completely unnessessary firearms before every thing else in their delusional lives.”

      Some of us live below our means enabling us to weather recessions and inflation much easier. If I decide that Henry side gate .357 is something I want, then I shall purchase it. In fact, I will purchase any legal item I so choose to purchase. I don’t need your permission or your approval. On that same toke, you don’t need my approval either to purchase something. The difference is I do not have the need to control others decisions.

      “Do not Americans yet realise that they are DUPES of the American Firearms industry yet?. Does they not realise not realise that if some thing is not done, and done soon, America could well be heading for ARMED Civil Strife on an unprecedented scale even to a CIVIL WAR if DONALD TRUMP get’s re-elected and is still prepared to support insurrection.”

      Well if we were to have a shooting war here, would it not be prudent to have the weapons and the ammo to defend yourself in that situation? Funny thing is America was founded on insurrection, the first which we prevailed to become our own Country. Maybe you learned about that in history class? Then we had a second insurrection that almost destroyed the Union, yet we have healed. Our third and most recent insurrection is by those who think like you, they do not understand what a Republic is and how we were not founded as a Democracy. Some want to create a Democracy here, that would be insurrection by definition.

      “Meanwhile the American legislature dither’s about frightened to take even the simplest measures towards GUN CONTROLS.
      Meanwhile the US FIREARMS INDUSTRY is proud of itself for making another 700 THOUSAND killing machines and by implication SEVENTY MILLION ROUNDS, of ammunition available to an already oversuscribed and dangerous market.”

      Maybe because you are ignorant of US Gun laws, you do not realize how many regulations we have here about the ownership and possession of firearms. We took those measures, those measures failed. So now you prescribe we continue on a failing path? What sense does that make Mr Hall?

      700 Thousand firearms, not killing machines. Hyperbole is generally a trait of the weak minded and uneducated.

      “Thats MORE firearms than a medium sized NATIONAL Armed Forces. I doubt that the UK which by some measure is the worlds fifth most powerful military has more than a million Smallarms in it’s ready Arsenal”

      This is a great observation on your part. One of the arguments for the 2A was defense against outside militaries. What you have identified is we as a civilian population are better armed than most protentional adversaries.

      We don’t have issues with firearms any more than the UK has issues with sharp blades. We experience the same problem that every society has, criminals who decide they are above the law. A wise person would direct this energy to the core issue and not the symptom. Are you a wise man Mr Hall?

    • Yes the American firearms industry has duped me about 20 times now. They will probably dupe me again…duptey duptey doo…you idiot.

    • To many guns are a want and purchases are planned in advance. If an item wanted is available at a good price and it is affordable, why not? If the new owner is not a criminal and complies with the local laws, what is the problem?

      If someone sees a need, why not? When seconds count, the police are at best minutes away. Often longer. How long would it take for the police to arrive at your allotment, err, country estate? More than long enough for your body to reach room temperature.

    • Hot diggity damn, finally a comment from Sir Albert I like.
      Americans got more small arm’ns then most militaries have.
      You bet your ass we do.
      Fool me once

    • Well, Albert, it seems that with the crime problem we have thanks to Leftists, and the fact that your buddy, Sleepy Joe want to ban guns, we ahve to buy them while we still can?

    • Albert, I’ll bet you are seriously PROUD of yourself for being part of the left-wing PROBLEM we have in this country! Trying to subvert the Republic and Constitution used to be called “treason”… Now it’s an everyday part of what passes for public discourse these days.

  6. I just luv it when the plan comes together. Thanks leftists and liberals … you made gun buying in the USA great once again !!!

  7. 700,000 sales! Pure madness as most guns will end up as second hand gun sales to criminals and lunatics because many states do not vet second hand gun sales and those guns get trafficked to states and cities with high crime areas.

    The first thing people do is sell their guns when the economy crashes and we are due for a big one in the not to distant future no matter who is in power. When that crash comes several million guns will be dumped onto the second hand black market because we have failed to institute Universal Background Checks and Safe Storage Laws.

    Of course robberies and murders will yet again skyrocket and the streets will run rivers of blood while civilized nations will watch their news reports on Capitalvania in abject horror.

    History has proven that the more guns has made the U.S. the most unsafe industrialized nation on earth. The U.S. has more guns than people and it has the highest homicide and mass murder rate among the industrialized nations.

    History has proven that the demented far right propaganda that more guns make us safer is an obscene , immoral and totally insane propaganda as well as bold face lies by the paranoid and demented Far Right who dream of a white revolution and a one party dictatorship which will only grant rights to white, protestant christians and establishes a whites only christian caliphate.

    Those American expats that moved to civilized industrialized countries because of job or business opportunities certainly made the right move at the right time as the U.S. disintegrates into social and political chaos much as the Roman Empire did when the rich controlled all the wealth and the people starved.

    • Yup. You’re plan is to eliminate gun violence by eliminating gun owners. Then it will be land of equity, equality, rainbows, unicorns, free love, and free drugs. The s0cial and economic impact of liquidating a third of the population can be always blamed on wreckers.

      • All that drivel and not a word of truth does he speak. dacian can’t help it. He’s way past mentally ill.

    • you still have not explained how to get criminals to comply with your stupid universal background checks.

      come on you coward, explain it.

      • Because in his mind criminals will still follow the law even when they don’t.

        The paradox of doublethink.

        • If not for double standards they wouldn’t have any ……… Does this apply to though as well?

      • To Link

        If you had been paying attention to my many posts or you were even reasonably intelligent and devoid of advanced paranoia you would not have to be told.

        Universal Background checks and Safe Storage Laws have been law in the industrialized world for decades and they have proven far more successful than our total lack of such laws.

        When the penalties are draconian enough such as the NFA act of the 30’s and Reagans Machine gun ban the average citizen does indeed obey the laws because they do not want to be imprisoned, fined, lose their jobs and lose their gun rights for life.

        Therefore when the citizen decides to sell one of his guns or all of them they will obey the law and the buyer will have to go through a background check before the gun is sold to the buyer. This will cut out not thousands but millions of guns that end up on the second hand black market when we have a lack of such laws which let people sell their firearms with no paperwork background check to anyone that has the cold cash because blind greed rules the second hand gun market.

        The other source of black market guns is smash and grab robberies. The average robbery is over in minutes because the criminals know that many homes have security alarms and they also do not know when the homeowner will be back. Even a cheap safe is often enough to deter them because even breaking into a cheap safe you need two things, time and tools neither of which the criminal often has and they know it.

        History has proven these laws work and work well as the other industrialized countries have way less homicides and mass murders. I have been to European countries and it is very difficult to find an illegal gun. A good example of many was the London Bridge attack in Britain and in Germany a maniac had to make his own single shot gun that failed to function when he tried to attack a church full of Jews. Just two examples of thousands that prove how successful Europe had been with their gun control laws many of which I have not even spoke of yet. Mental tests, the outlawing of carrying a gun for self-defense, mandatory safety training, mandatory shooting club membership, mandatory study of the gun laws , restrictions or bans on weapons of war i.e. the assault rifle, are just a few of their other gun laws.

        History has proven they have been taken the right course of action to lower homicides and mass murders while we have done nothing and suffer the consequences in a nation now gone completely insane with blood running in rivers down our streets not every day but every hour.

        • So so funny. Long on ideas. Short on implementation. I live in a place with UBCs, safe storage, mandatory licensing, and restrictions on what can be owned. Guess what? It doesn’t stop the criminals at all. Every week or so there is another gangland shooting. Between illegal imports, illicit manufacturing, and thefts (a distant third in the supply at best) the criminals are certainly well enough armed.

        • ” If you had been paying attention to my many posts…”
          NEWSFLASH fuckstick , NO ONE IS !!!

        • Dacian, the Founding Fathers knew all about you and your buddy Albert. People like you are why the Founding Fathers wrote the words “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED” on a piece of paper.

    • dacian, the Dunerhead. As usual, you are spouting off like a horny Sperm Whale. 700,000 guns for some 300mill people? As we do have a crime problem thanks to your WOKE buddies and that your other buddy, Sleepy Joe want to take our guns, we want to buy as many as we can, to be able to defend ourselves.

    • It’s getting to the point it doesn’t matter. Lots of people have guns of all kinds and can gift to family (even here in NY). There are beginnings of gun registries everywhere but ultimately unless you have every purchase logged and on your permit (NYC includes rifle and shotguns) it will be impossible to keep track of everything even most people own. Best they can do is have a yes or no to known ownership of something and probable calibers. Oh and that is assuming everyone is as law abiding as I am. They will push for more and drown in the noise trying to call it data.

  8. I made the mistake of stopping by academy to pick up some replacement hunting supplies and not realizing the day I was astounded at the number of people in the store and the line at the gun counter.

  9. There were some entry level 1911s at $400. Was real tempted. Ended up buying mags instead. MFTs were $5 each at Primary Arms.

  10. We are in a recession. And this one is far worse then 08. At least with the last one money still had some value and people weren’t going broke buying food or going hungry.

    People have jobs now for sure but that alone isn’t the sole measure of an economy. People have jobs but it doesn’t matter when they can’t afford to buy a damn thing. Inflation is far worse then any tax or unemployment spike. And the unemployment is coming, I promise you.

    • At the moment I am guessing we will see the worst begin to kick off when home sales level off and utterly stall and values start going down.

      • There’s ‘talk’ about people trying to buy homes using ARMs again…thinking that they’ll refinance in the future. Lots of wishful thinking. Feels like that already happened about 15 years or more ago. Hmmm….

  11. NO gun bought, but I did pick up 2 more 17 rounders for my SR9c. :))
    Ordered 3 mag sleeve extensions for it. Then since I got B’day money, I went and got reloading supplies for the Charter Arms 38 spl.
    Next on list is a Vortex red dot for my lc9s Pro (or might use it on the SR9c-decisions, decisions)

    Oh, by the way, dacian, you really are pathetic, you need some quality counseling for you immature, name calling histronics.

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