What Rifle and Ammunition for Idaho Firing Squads?

Death Penalty Firing Squads
A chair sits in the execution chamber at the Utah State Prison on June 18, 2010, after Ronnie Lee Gardner was executed by firing squad in Draper, Utah. Idaho Gov. Brad Little has signed a bill to legalize firing squad executions into law. (Trent Nelson/The Salt Lake Tribune via AP, Pool)

From the AP . . .

Republican Gov. Brad Little signed a bill allowing execution by firing squad, making Idaho the latest state to turn to older methods of capital punishment amid a nationwide shortage of lethal-injection drugs.

The Legislature passed the measure March 20 with a veto-proof majority. Under it, firing squads will be used only if the state cannot obtain the drugs needed for lethal injections.

Pharmaceutical companies increasingly have barred executioners from using their drugs, saying they were meant to save lives. One Idaho death row inmate has already had his execution postponed repeatedly because of drug scarcity.

The shortage has prompted other states in recent years to revive older methods of execution. Only Mississippi, Utah, Oklahoma and South Carolina have laws allowing firing squads if other execution methods are unavailable, according to the Death Penalty Information Center. South Carolina’s law is on hold pending the outcome of a legal challenge.

Some states began refurbishing electric chairs as standbys for when lethal drugs are unavailable. Others have considered — and, at times, used — largely untested execution methods. In 2018, Nevada executed Carey Dean Moore with a never-before-tried drug combination that included the powerful synthetic opioid fentanyl. Alabama has built a system for executing people using nitrogen gas to induce hypoxia, but it has not yet been used.

“While I am signing this bill, it is important to point out that fulfilling justice can and must be done by minimizing stress on corrections personnel,” Little wrote in a transmittal letter after signing the bill. “For the people on death row, a jury convicted them of their crimes, and they were lawfully sentenced to death. It is the responsibility of the state of Idaho to follow the law and ensure that lawful criminal sentences are carried out.”

During a historic round of 13 executions in the final months of Donald Trump’s presidency, the federal government opted for the sedative pentobarbital as a replacement for lethal drugs used in the 2000s. It issued a protocol allowing firing squads for federal executions if necessary, but that method was not used.

Some lawyers for federal inmates who were eventually put to death argued in court that firing squads actually would be quicker and less painful than pentobarbital, which they said causes a sensation akin to drowning.

However, in a 2019 filing, U.S. lawyers cited an expert as saying someone shot by firing squad can remain conscious for 10 seconds and that it would be “severely painful, especially related to shattering of bone and damage to the spinal cord.”

President Joe Biden’s attorney general, Merrick Garland, ordered a temporary pause on federal executions in 2021 while the Justice Department reviewed protocols. Garland did not say how long the moratorium will last.

Idaho Sen. Doug Ricks, a Republican who co-sponsored that state’s firing squad bill, told his fellow senators last Monday that the state’s difficulty in finding lethal injection drugs could continue “indefinitely,” that he believes death by firing squad is “humane,” and that the bill would help ensure the rule of law is carried out.

But Sen. Dan Foreman, also a Republican, called firing-squad executions “beneath the dignity of the state of Idaho.” They would traumatize the executioners, the witnesses and the people who clean up afterward, he said.

The bill originated with Republican Rep. Bruce Skaug, prompted in part by the state’s inability to execute Gerald Pizzuto Jr. late last year. Pizzuto, who now has terminal cancer and other debilitating illnesses, has spent more than three decades on death row for his role in the 1985 slayings of two gold prospectors.

The Idaho Department of Correction estimates it will cost around $750,000 to build or retrofit a death chamber for firing squad executions.

Agency Director Jeff Tewalt has said he would be reluctant to ask his staffers to participate in a firing squad.

Both Tewalt and his former co-worker Kevin Kempf played a key role in obtaining the drugs used in the 2012 execution of Richard Albert Leavitt, flying to Tacoma, Washington, with more than $15,000 in cash to buy them from a pharmacist. The trip was kept secret by the department but revealed in court documents after University of Idaho professor Aliza Cover sued for the information under a public records act.

Biden pledged during his campaign to work at ending the death penalty nationwide, but he has remained silent on the issue as president. Critics say his hands-off approach risked sending a message that he’s OK with states adopting alternative execution methods.


        • Unfortunately true. No death penalty should be allowed based on circumstantial evidence, which would substantially reduce the error rate. Ending coerced confessions, which also occur to often, would also reduce the error rate.

        • Mark N, Excuse me but “forced confessions” have not been an issue since Arizona v Miranda. Only in the minds of Leftists and anti-police radicals.

      • So you believe the government is always right, and always honest, even after witnessing Duke Lacrosse, UVA r*pe, absolutely everything they touched related to Trump/Russia, Waco, et al.?

        I don’t, especially when you consider that those are only the ones we heard about. We don’t hear about the normal people who just railroaded.

        I don’t oppose the death penalty because I think it’s unfair. I oppose the death penalty because I don’t trust the government that much.

      • Who gets to decide that? The state should not be deciding who lives or dies or what crimes deserve death, or even what is a crime.

        In June I might be declared a criminal if the brace rule is not overturned. I have not harmed anyone or anyone’s property. Will I really be deserving of severe punishment for not obeying edicts that I beleive are themselves illegal?

        • The Crimson Pirate, the “State” does not decide. A jury of your peers does.
          Last I heard, possessing or using brace is not a death penalty offense. (Not that I agree with the brace “ban”)

    • Principal, my posterior. If you kill someone without justification, you forfeit your right to life in a free society. Citizens? IN a pig’s eye.

      • jelsd…Let’s assume a nitwit like you attempts to murder me and I fire 17 +17 +17 +20 +20 +30 +30rds. and for the sake of argument I miss and you succeed it is nice to know a state firing squad won’t miss.

        • 151 rounds… and you miss.

          The guy down the street with the white cane and seeing eye dog could do better than that.

          For the sake of argument, you might consider some lessons.

        • Debbie W, Sorry, but that is an awful lot of assuming. I you try to shoot me, I am already justified to use deadly physical force to stop your deadly physical force threat. Second, in the case of an execution, the shooters are justified in shooting and trust me, they won;’t miss.

        • firing squads were often composed of a group of riflemen…all but one of whom fired live ammunition…and no one knew who had the rifle with the blank in it….seemed to quell some moral qualms….

        • Hush, I gave my life to being a law enforcement officers. !0 yrs as a police officer, 25 in Corrections. Retired as a Sergeant. If someone had tried to kill me, I hope the hell they executed that bas#$rd.

      • You were and are part of the problem. For ed confessions, and cops lying to people are a still a big problem. You can read someone their rights but that doesn’t mean the average public school graduate understands them. Especially when they have been kept up all night, deprived of food and water, in a small room, where someone with more verbal skill has been demanding a specific statement. It happens all the time.

        • He’ll, even easier, get denied on a background check for a gun purchase in PA and donappeal then PSP will nicely invite you down to the barracks to sort it out. Sort it out means you get arrested, fingerprinted, photographed, and booked, the released on your own recognizance.

          A prosecutor will then offer to make it all go away if you just sign these papers. They won’t tell you that those papers are a guilty plea to afederal and a state felony.

          Why would I trust people who do that to decide who should live or die?

        • The Crimson Pirate. Pure UNADULTERATED B/S! 99.9999999% police do NOT lie in their reports, or testimony. I know for certain that I never did nor do I know of any police officer who did. The wording of the MIRANDA Warnings is plain easy to understand English. If you don’t understand the MIRANDA Warning, shame on you.
          And NO, it does not happen all the time. Your anti-police propaganda is the real major problem.

    • And… principal is the head of a school. What you are referring to is principle, of which you obviously have none.

    • “As a matter of principal”

      And what school is it that you “learned” English in?? I don’t normally comment on other people’s spelling or grammar – God knows my own won’t stand careful scrutiny – but you are SUCH a complete, self-important tw*t that I just couldn’t resist.

    • Agreed. It’s legalised murder, among other things. Still, most guys on death row worked to get there..

      • It’s intended to act as a deterrent to those who would also consider murdering innocents within our society. The message is “if you choose to take an innocent life, you will lose your own life”.

        How many of us have said here at TTAG that our current problem with crime is due to the reduction of deterrent punitive measures against those criminals?

        • It’s intended to act as a deterrent

          May not deter future incidents BUT it will deter the executed from ever reoffending…

        • The death penalty only deters the individual offender. Most criminals do not plan on getting caught, so the consequence is meaningless.

        • @MAXX and Mark,

          That’s because the system has Leftist monkeys pulling levers and mucking up the works. There is no reason why a convicted murderer should enjoy the many perks of today’s modern prison system. Fast track the case, get the conviction, allow for the ethical and necessary appeal, get thru that quickly and efficiently, and then mete out the penalty. Should never take more than one year, if not less in most cases where there’s a preponderance of evidence.

          And make it public. Seeing gallows in use in the town square would certainly deter some future would-be murderers.

        • Saudi Arabia has public executions where people are rounded up and told to watch.
          A clearing circled with people.
          The accused is marched out to the center of the circle with hands tied behind his back. The charges and execution order was read.

          A guard behind him pokes him in the low back with a spear which causes the accused to arch his back and raise his chin.

          The executioner then swings his heavy sword and beheads him standing there. The head falls away and rolls around a little.

          The body being surprised stands with blood pumping from the neck for a few second before collapsing to lay twitching on the ground.

          Everyone stands well away so they don’t get splattered with blood.

          The trial was earlier that day.

          Been there, saw that. I tried to avoid the area (published ahead of time) but got caught in the roundup that one time.
          I had seen bodies and people get killed before (Marine Corps) but an execution like that was different. You don’t forget it.
          There are few repeat criminals.

        • Mark N. the death penalty is MEANT at a PUNISHMENT. For you or anyone to claim there is no deterrence is ludicrous.

        • I’m not opposed to people executing their assailants during a crime. I am opposed tot he same people who are about to define a bunch of as criminals in June deciding who lives or dies and then carrying out the executions.

      • DoneWaitin Nope. Executing a murderer is justified. If you kill someone, you should forfeit your right to live on this earth.

    • Incorrect. A just state has no choice but to do so. “We” should be executing a couple hundred people a week. Murderers, Child-molesters, rapists, arsonists, and repeat violent criminals of any stripe- 3 strikes and you are OUT.

      the process should be fair, humane and quick, automatic appeal to confirm no gross injustice then kill em within 90 days max, preferably 30 days.

      • Since the development of DNA technology we have seen an uncountable number of wrongly convicted innocent people released from prison. How many of the executed could have established their own innocence if only they were still alive?

        It is better to let 1000 guilty men go free than to imprison one innocent man.

        • It is better to let 1000 guilty men go free than to imprison one innocent man.

          Then you must also ascribe to the “If it saves just one life” mantra of the gun-control crowd? And don’t use the but-but-but that’s different line… It’s absolutely the same thing… I think “better that ten innocent men hang, than one guilty man go free” sounds a lot better…

        • The Crimson Pirate, for your edification, DNA is used in a miniscule number of cases. But I digress.
          The DNA evidence you are referring to is normally in Rape cases. Good try with the anti-police propaganda.

    • “The State. Should not be allowed.To kill. It’s citizens. As a matter of principal.”

      As much as I despise little jsled, he’s right.

      Jon Taylor convinced me it’s a line the state should never cross. Throw them in general population for them to think about what they did for the rest of their lives.

      I am in favor of one thing – If a life sentence prisoner ever wants to check out early, the state should honor the request, provided the state cuts a check to the victim’s family based on how much a year the state was spending to house them, times how many years it is estimated the prisoner would live…

    • @jsled
      Uh yeah whatever. Idaho did this because of the killer in Moscow, Idaho that slashed and stabbed four University of Idaho students to death. His name is Bryan Kohberger.
      Even though I don’t live there, I live close and my brother lives even closer in Pullman. My mother graduated from the University of Idaho in Moscow.

      Although difficult for some to comprehend the need for an execution, at times it is highly appropriate and society demands it. Even with a few bleeding heart detractors in the shadows shedding tears, executions are going to continue and a river of tears won’t alter societal demands.

        • The state being the USA. He was executed federally. It also went somewhat quickly as McVeigh stopped all appeals as he didn’t want to live in prison.

    • The founding fathers which are so worshipped here were A OK with the death penalty. They straight up hanged people. Which is how it should be. A short drop and sudden stop, and no 30-40 year long appeal process. One appeal.

    • “The State. Should not be allowed.To kill. It’s citizens. As a matter of principal.“

      I see this argument here all the time.

      It’s a complete fallacy.

      No matter what, wether the death penalty exists or not, the state will always, ALWAYS be “allowed” to kill its citizens.

      To say otherwise is to deny reality.

      The state has the military and police, both of which are allowed to kill citizens. So, to make this argument you MUST argue for the total disbandment of said military and police, which the state will NEVER do, because that means the end of the state, period.

      So, to argue this you must be in favor of anarchy, or a stateless society. This is also a fallacy, because it cannot exist in reality.

      To ban the death penalty but allow the state to simply exist means you’re fine with the state using violence on its citizens.

      And a state which has banned the death penalty is still quite capable of mass murder anyway. Example: Russia. Little known, but the death penalty has been banned in Russia for decades. But no one notices. Because they just do it anyway and commit mass murder anyway.

      It’s like you expect the state to obey the law or something.

    • I see your point. But… justice must prevail and violent crime must have a swift and terminal response. If the state is not authorized to execute citizens, that duty should fall to the citizens.

  1. “Agency Director Jeff Tewalt has said he would be reluctant to ask his staffers to participate in a firing squad.”

    Get Idaho Game and Fish involved. They could sell execution permits. Hold a lottery.

    • Tongue,

      I like it!! Staff your execution squad, and raise money at the same time!

      Now THAT’S ‘thinking outside the box’!

    • A friend of mine who lives in Idaho says: “They wouldn’t have to pay me to do it. I would do it for free. In fact I would PAY TO DO IT!”

    • Along those lines:

      “They would traumatize the executioners, the witnesses and the people who clean up afterward, he said.”

      Only if they can’t handle the sight of blood. For Pete’s sake, all the rest is the same. Someone has to set up equipment, someone has to actuate a switch, the perp meets his maker, and then someone cleans up, regardless of the method. Red herring.

  2. For a group that is so anti-government, many will be pro allowing said government to kill it’s citizens.

    I’m anti-death penalty because I don’t trust the government, or prosecutors, or judges to be impartial. With the death penalty, mistakes will be forever hidden.

    • 🤔
      Yes, Epstein comes to mind. Marilyn Monroe too. I’m wondering what is getting hidden in Ukraine as well.

      • Don’t leave out JFK….. two weeks after telling the nation he’d found commie subverts in our Gov. , he was assassinated. Coincidence? I don’t think so.

      • The Bible is irrelevant because we don’t follow the rules of evidence and procedure as laid out in the Bible. If we did, there would be very little capital punishment, if any.

        • DoneWaitin, there is NOTHING wrong with him. But you might want to do some self examination.

    • .gov should not have the right to kill its citizens. It cannot be trusted with that power.

      • The power isn’t with the government, it’s with the jury of “citizens” that decides yes or no.

        • The jury which can be manipulated by the government…

          Furthermore, mistakes can and have been made (by both the jury and law enforcement). There are plenty of examples of this. Just because something is lawful, doesn’t mean it’s right.

        • And the alternative is what, life in prison? These days there really is no such thing, especially in states with leftist governors, like Illannoy, who could very well release the murderer for whatever reason. There are currently some tards in the Illannoy Genital Assembly who want people in prison for life to be able to earn parole. No concern of course for the law abiding citizens who might reap the reward of criminals released from prison who should not be.
          I don’t doubt that there could have been some innocents put to death. If so, they have been few and far between. If it’s a choice between that and further truly innocent people dying from a murdered who ends up getting released, I’ll take the former.
          There are plenty of murderers for which there is zero doubt that they have committed murder. The school shooter from Florida is one of them. There is NO reason to not put them to death.

        • Dude, both sides in a criminal or for that matter a civil try to get the jurors to accept their version of events. The allegation that there have been “plenty of mistakes” is pure unadulterated horse pucky and anti-death penalty propaganda.

        • Yes. Life without the possibility of parole would be the alternative. And no, I don’t trust the Lefties to keep them there for life. I don’t trust them to do anything right. (no pun intended)

        • “plenty of mistakes”
          Did the OJ Simpson jury get it right?

          A few people being wrongfully executed is fine with plenty of people as long as it isn’t them in the hot seat. (again, no pun intended)

        • Dude, Seems you proved that a jury freed a man you think is “guilty?” Fact is that the prosecution in that case was screwed up for the get go. Evidence was sloppily handled.
          Again, with the “A few people being wrongfully executed is fine with plenty of people as long as it isn’t them in the hot seat. (again, no pun intended)’ PROPAGANDA?

        • “Fact is that the prosecution in that case was screwed up for the get go. Evidence was sloppily handled.”

          Tell me more. I think you’re onto something.

        • Dude, Have you ever heard of “cross contamination”? This occurs when an Evidence Tech at the same Evidence Lab opens two different packaged pieces of evidence. Proper procedure requires that each piece of evidence be processed on the basis of one piece being examined at a time.
          In the OJ case the LA Evidence Tech admitted on the stand that she had multiple pieces of evidence being processed on different cases at the same time. This opens the problem of “cross contamination.” I.E.: Two pieces of evidence coming in indirect contract with each other through the air. The rule of thumb in Evidence is that you may ONLY process and examine ONE PIECE OF EVIDENCE at a time.
          By the way, this LA Evidence Tech was terminated.

        • Dude, Just HOW does that prove your point? the damn Evidence Tech screwed up. That provided the defense with plenty of reasonable doubt to convict OJ. Do I believe he was “guilty” Yes! But the evidence presented at the trial was faulty at best. Remember a juror has to RELY on the evidence presented at trial ONLY. Not his/her personal beliefs.

      • But YOU want that power, A jury of 12 citizens makes the decision on guilt AND most (if not all) states require a unanimous vote for the death penalty, the govt is just the instrument that carries out that decision… Most everyone here wants the right to take the life of an individual for simply entering their home uninvited, yet you DON’T agree that it’s okay to take the life of someone who has perpetrated monstrous acts on another human being AND/OR taken their life?

        • “Most everyone here wants the right to take the life of an individual for simply entering their home uninvited, yet you DON’T agree that it’s okay to take the life of someone who has perpetrated monstrous acts on another human being AND/OR taken their life?”

          MaddMaxx, I hear you, but some of us are talking about different things.

          1) Making the personal decision to kill an intruder is completely different from trusting the government and a jury to get something right.

          2) I’m not personally saying justice wouldn’t be served by executing a monster. That would be justice. I don’t trust the system to get it right. Our own FBI decided to target pro-life groups as terrorist threats to SCOTUS when a pro-abortion activist traveled across the country to assassinate Kavanaugh.

          3) I was going to avoid getting into this, but personally, I would like everyone to have the opportunity to ask for forgiveness, and save their soul. It’s like quitting smoking or getting into shape; it may take some time to finally do what you know you should do. That does not mean they get to avoid responsibility for what they did. You reap what you sow.

      • Fine then let the family do it to the SOB who it’s conclusively proven killed their loved one.

        • remember those televised executions in Cuba after Castro took over…also that shot to the head in ‘Nam…looked to be over pretty quick…people OD every day…maybe they ought to look elsewhere for their drugs?……

    • AR “LIbertarian” Horse pucky! it is a hell of a lot cheaper to use a firing squad than to use lethal injection. If you don’t trust the government, you have only yourself and your fellow citizens to blame for voting these people into office.

      • Funny, I don’t recall voting Joe Biden into office. Hence many polis have figured out how to cheat themselves into office. How can I trust polis like that? I cannot. Wake up your current gov. is tyrannical.

        • Country Boy, not so funny. Somehow sleepy Joe took office. I also believe the election was stolen. However, I blame the people who allowed themselves to be lied to and did nothing but whine now.

    • Between 2% and 10% of those convicted of a crime in the U.S. at any given time are innocent (wrongfully convicted)
      69% of wrongful conviction cases happen due to eyewitness misidentification.
      False confessions account for 29% of wrongful convictions.
      Official misconduct plays a part in 31% of murder exonerations.
      False accusations are present in 70% of wrongful convictions.


      Only when the number of wrongful convictions reaches 0% should we even be considering talking about capital punishment. And even then, as other’s have said, I do not trust the State to perform anything efficiently, accurately or humanely–let alone executions.

      But getting clinical on the subject of euthanasia, pure nitrogen gas is cheap and readily available and probably the most humane way to euthanize any oxygen-breathing creature (in an enclosed space, it displaces oxygen, but in itself is not toxic–70% of Earth’s atmosphere is Nitrogen). No pain, discomfort or drawn-out processes, just rapid loss of consciousness and death.

  3. nationwide shortage of lethal-injection drugs.

    The feds have 40 tons of confiscated fentanyl that I’m sure they would be glad to find a use for… How about Brandons 9mm, if it will blow out a lung surely it can do the same for the heart…

    • LOL, I was scrolling down for an appropriate place to insert a reply and say exactly this. As soon as I read “in case the necessary drugs aren’t available” in the article, I thought “umm…we seem to have ample supply of fentanyl that Biden’s allowing to pour across the border”.

  4. As of now I don’t believe in the death penalty as the states history of implementation is too flawed in a lot of cases. It’s something I don’t feel them to be entrusted with except in the most absurdly obvious cases; it’s hard to unkill a person. Then again that speaks of reforms needed around false and malicious prosecution as well.

    Morally though, it’s absolutely a good thing to remove certain elements from society permanently and I question if liberals in time will be stupid enough to release lifers on to the streets again in the name of “reform.”

    That out of the way, the answer is simple; Get the drugs used for partial birth abortions. Make the pharma companies who deal in those drugs squirm a little and explain themselves. Make liberal groups call them cruel to use.

    In terms of rifle based execution, a non-moving target at short distance? Basically anything that’s got 350 ft-lbs of energy or more.

  5. “Pharmaceutical companies increasingly have barred executioners from using their drugs, saying they were meant to save lives…….”

    Unborn babies don’t count I guess. Hypocrites.

    • It’s an ironic statement of theirs. Their drugs kill thousands of lives every year, from which they make billions. The latest is the covid jab. We’ll never know the exact number of people who have dropped dead from that garbage.

  6. to get all the anti death penalty “people”
    all spooled up
    lets choose an already existing caliber
    something .30 caliber
    because “three hundred” just sounds really cool
    and rename it to something like
    “.300 see you in hell”
    or “.300 you should have obeyed the law”
    or “.300 this is what you get”
    or my personal favorite:
    “.300 whirlwind”

  7. “What Rifle and Ammunition for Idaho Firing Squads?”

    Well, the anti-gun democrats have already provided the answer. They have claimed that a single 5.56 round from an AR-15 so completely and instantly vaporizes the human body such that not even DNA or any trace of a body exists and the body simply ceases to exist.

    So the answer is, thanks to the anti-gun democrats, Idaho needs one AR-15 and one 5.56 round. Heck, they can just shoot the prisoner in the foot or make it a grazing wound and the prisoner will cease to exist. And the added advantage is no cost in disposing of a body.

  8. in fact
    every caliber i own
    will now be known
    by the bullet diameter
    to 3 didgets to the right of the decimal
    followed by “whirlwind”
    .40 s&w becomes “.400 whirlwind”
    6.8 spc becomes “.277 whirlwind”
    and so on

  9. Representatives of the state called police officers kill the innocent and the guilty all the time. I have previously here on TTAG called for the police to be disarmed. Issued nightsticks and the training to use them. And yet the cry babies who are against the death penalty never call for the police to be disarmed. They are insincere and intellectually dishonest.

    The cops are almost never prosecuted when they shoot the wrong person. In fact in many cases they’re allowed to keep their job. Or they’re able to retire with full benefits.

    A society that is not willing to kill the worst among them, who have been justly adjudicated, is a society that will die. And it is very telling that many people who are against death penalty. Are those that live comfortably in the safest most secure areas of the country. They live far away from the violent neighborhoods where innocent people have been disarmed by the state.

    They live comfortably away from the Criminal infested world, and they are also against the law-abiding killing criminals dead on sight. When they rob, rape, Steal, break into or vandalize private property.

    But they are quite comfortable with the state killing to prevent to protect State Property.

    And most don’t believe the United States should have National Borders? And they are quite comfortable allowing child molesters to enter the United States. Because they don’t believe in any kind of filter system that weeds out non-productive people and outright criminals.

    • Chris T in KY, Seems you might need a little KY. If a police officer kills someone without justification, he faces the same court and trial that any of your criminal buds do. I guess you think it’s perfectly OK to kill a police officer? Time for you to grow up, and maybe grow a pair.

      • For everyone cop who was prosecuted for an unjustified use of deadly force. Dozens or hundreds are still walking around to this day. Who are living quite well on their police retirement checks.

        You are a government slave. You don’t believe in the concept of private property rights. And you are quite comfortable with the state killing to protect State Property. But not the law-abiding to protect what is theirs.

        • Chris T in KY. Seems you don’t understand the concept of justified use of force. Any police officer who is “waling around” after having to kill someone is doing so because what he did was JUSTIFIED. No, sonny, you are a slave to stupidity. Yes, I am very comfortable with a police officer having to kill someone who is trying to kill him, or others. For your edification, you are justified to kill someone who is trying to use deadly physical force to take your property.

      • Walter,

        Not quite. “Public officials” have the benefit of the ‘qualified immunity’ doctrine, and you don’t. And they are held to a different standard in criminal cases, too. And, except in the most publicized cases, they are “tried” by a jury of . . . their fellow cops. And just TRY to get a cop to testify against another cop. Good luck with that.

        • It’s not just the police. District attorneys who are representatives of the state, have immunity from being prosecuted for lying under oath. Many have been found to have hidden evidence that would exonerate the accused. And these people are still walking around to this day. Sending people to jail.

          Mike Nifong hid evidence that would have exonerated three accused white college students of raping a black woman. Those innocent young men could have spent the next 30 or 40 years in prison. And yet Nifong only served a 24-hour period in jail. Including the loss of his license to practice law. He is the only district attorney I’m aware of, to get even this light sentence for the “crime of hiding evidence” in a felony case.

        • Lamp, true, up to a point. A government official only can have access to “qualified immunity” IF he is acting within the scope of his/her duties.
          I disagree with your evaluation of police being judged by their fellow police officers. Many police have been prosecuted in a court of law for unjustified use of force.

        • Chris T in KY, Again? A Prosecutor is NOT under oath when he/she is presenting a case in court. If a prosecutor conceals evidence that exonerates a defendant, he is not doing so under oath. For your edification this is rare. There are a number of ADA’s who have lost their law license and more for this type of misconduct.

        • to Walter E Beverly III

          “A Prosecutor is NOT under oath when he/she is presenting a case in court.”

          You sir are stupid on purpose.

        • Lamp, sorry but that is not even close to correct. Every time a police officer discharges his firearm where a civilian is injured or killed, that matter if reviewed by a Grand Jury.

        • Chris T in KY. You are the one who is ignorant as well as stupid. Clearly you have no clue about a court hearing, trial, etc.
          Ignorance is reported to be bliss and you must be an extremely happy guy (term used advisedly)

        • Massad Ayoob has acted as an expert witness in many court cases. He has been very clear in his stance that prosecutors are not under oath or compulsion to speak truthfully when addressing a witness on the stand. He has gone so far as to advise a witness to mention this when on the stand, so the jury can be reminded of it.

  10. Stop aiming for the heart and aim for the brain. There’ll be no taking 10 seconds to die and no pain, just “lights out”. Cleanup will take a bit longer, but that’s what water hoses are for.

  11. Guillotine on Pay Per View. Sell tickets,concessions, and souvenirs. Make it an all day affair with multiple executions. Use the revenue for more positive societal needs. Like helping the families of the victims.

  12. The state purposely and directly kills people all the time. And everyone is quite comfortable when it happens.
    “VIDEO: Florida City Official Shoots, Kills Alleged Shoplifter”

    “Panama City Looter Shot And Killed While Trying to Steal a Police Car”

    But the law abiding are not allowed to use deadly force when they believe it is necessary to protect what is theirs. They are even arrested for even threatening to use violence to protect their property.

    • Chris T in KY. In instance #1, it was not a city official in the performance of his duties.
      In instance #2, so frickin’ what? A thief tried to get away in a police car. I guess you think again that the police are fair game?
      Get a grip!

      • As I said before representatives of the state kill people all the time. Regardless of their position. The state has issued weapons to the Department of education. So they can form their own SWAT teams.
        And you are quite comfortable with that.

        • Chris T in KY, Again, with your stupid remarks? So what if the State issues guns to the “Department of Education?” Are you one of those fools who believes that guns have no place in a school?

      • seen some cases like that…one perp even managed to squeeze into the front seat then drove away while cuffed from behind…at speeds up to 100 mph…but when finally caught, they didn’t shoot HER….true story

    • “VIDEO: Florida City Official Shoots, Kills Alleged Shoplifter”

      Happened here where I live, in Lakeland.

      He pleaded guilty a few months back…

  13. A rope and a scaffold cost a pittance. Done right, death is pretty quick. And if it isn’t, too bad. It’s likely that very few of the victims of these people died quickly.

  14. How about a plastic bag, garden hose and any car in the prison parking lot. Or as Chris Rock once said “how bout a stabbin’ chair since it ain’t cost nothin to stab nobody”. In reference to the average $100k cost of using the electric chair each time.

  15. One of the few good things that communist China does is that they broadcast the execution of convicted criminals.

    There should be public executions in the United States, which is what we used to have here. Instead we have fake death scenes in movies and television. Produced by some of the most Anti-death penalty liberals in hollywood. As I remember the Fictional “Saw” films are very popular.

  16. “The Idaho Department of Correction estimates it will cost around $750,000 to build or retrofit a death chamber for firing squad executions.”
    How in the name of all that’s possible. do you need 3/4 of a million dollars to shoot someone?
    God Almighty people – did we have to call in OSHA to make sure the criminal is being treated safely while being shot?

    • It’s the government way. They take every available opportunity to spend your money so their buddies can profit. Said buddies will then donate some of your money back to the politicians. There’s no way to end that type of corruption. The best you could do is limit their spending. It seems like no one got that memo.

      • My friend, there is a way to end that type of corruption. As long as we have the free largess of the corrupt governments “bread and circuses” I guess we just haven’t reached that point yet.

        “The Republic will stand until the people discover that they can vote themselves money!”

    • How in the name of all that’s possible. do you need 3/4 of a million dollars to shoot someone?

      Because it’s the Governors brother-in-law doing the renovation…

    • “…treated safely while being shot…”

      Proper ventilation to capture heavy metal and propellant vapors, along with a proper backstop, are expensive, just ask any owner of an indoor range. Unnecessary though, because all you really need is a dirt bank and a bit of breeze, and buzzards for cleanup as a bonus, all of which are readily available, being Idaho and all…

  17. I’d volunteer to be in the group of shooters, and would also be willing to supply all of the shooters the necessary 22LR ammunition to be utilized.

  18. Why not just give the condemned an overdose of Fentanyl? if the legitimate drug companies object there is plenty of illegal stuff coming from Mexico that could be used instead.

  19. The U.S is the only uncivilized industrialized nation on earth that still executes people. Capital punishment’s DOES NOT prevent criminals from committing murder and 5,000 years of civilization prove it beyond all doubt. Too bad the vicious, uneducated far right hill jacks never studied history.

    There have been hundreds of executions’ of the wrong people for murder and you cannot undo that mistake but the depraved far right say “Who the fk cares, it was not me or my family”. The Far Right use the same excuse for promoting zero gun control which is again “Who the fk cares how many people get killed”.

    Some day in the future when science (which the far right loath and hate) becomes more advanced they will look back at the executions in the U.S. in the same light as when the U.S. executed women for being witches.

    The Far Right blood thirsty Neanderthals of Idaho easily came up with 3/4 of a million dollars to kill people but they could have spent it on job retraining or aid to dependent mothers or working mothers or after school activities for kids who have two working parents, to name just a few of such programs that help people instead of slaughtering them.

    And I might add killing people is like locking up the barn door after the horse escapes. Killing criminals does not bring back to life the dead victims. Rather than solve the REASONS for poverty, joblessness, drug addiction and mental illness and the high divorce rates the idiot Far Right always want just to kill everyone. They figure it’s cheaper that way but when you factor in the long incarceration waits, expensive trials and appeals and the horde of storm trooper cops on the payroll who spend most of their time at late night donut shops or screwing delinquent teenage girls in their cruzers the cost is very high in tax dollars spent.

    Executions have never put a dent in the amount of crime and murder, rather solving societal problems has reduced it and Europe has proven that long ago by decriminalizing drugs and putting money into social programs for job training and education and child care for working mothers. Just a few of the SOCIALIST PROGRAMS that work far better than our primitive total lack of such social programs.

    The Far Right are always their own worst enemies, they spend millions on increased welfare and incarceration and the building of super prisons and the hiring of legions of goon cops rather than spend less money to solve societal problems. You could not find more ignorant, stingy and vicious people on the planet.

      • Rule of thumb: if Dacian’s face is seen and the word salad below it is more than two paragraphs, it automatically becomes a TL;DR and eligible to be skipped entirely.

        I always find Fake Dacian’s comments to be refreshing for their brevity.

        • That’s pretty much my approach, especially if the FIRST sentence is a blatant lie… (99.9% of its posts)…

      • “capital punishment does not prevent criminals from committing murder”????……hard to kill someone when you’re dead….

        • “capital punishment does not prevent criminals from committing murder”
          It stops all who are the recipients of ‘capital punishment’.

        • Capital Punishment is meant to PUNISH! Do you know of any executed murderer who came back to do it again?

    • The left has been throwing money at social problems for decades yet they seem to be growing worse rather than better. There is considerable argument that this has only encouraged self destructive behavior such as men conceiving boys and abandoning them so that they grow up without the influence of a father.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, if the US is so “uncivilized” when are you leaving? If you don’t like the way this country is run you are perfectly free to leave. The sooner the better.


    • “The U.S is the only uncivilized industrialized nation on earth that still executes people.”

      China executes prisoners…

      • And then harvests the organs. Waste not want not. If you are lucky they will kill you before the harvesting. Falun Gong members are usually not that lucky.

        The locals even refer to themselves as “huminerals”, a resource to be exploited and consumed by the CCP. The term became an unword in s0cial media.

    • MADDMAXX March 27, 2023 At 13:03
      Your comment is awaiting moderation
      Top 10 Countries that Conducted the Most Executions in 2021 (Amnesty International)
      China — 1000+
      Iran — 314+
      Egypt — 83+
      Saudi Arabia — 65
      Syria — 24+
      Somalia — 21+
      Iraq — 17+
      Yemen — 14+
      United States — 11
      South Sudan — 9+

      And once again the US is NOT near the top of the list…

      There are countries that execute for BLASPHEMY and HOMOSEXUALITY and in most instances WITHOUT benefit of trial… In China you can be executed for “embarrassing” the party usually by being unceremoniously SHOT and left in a ditch…

      You people and your stupid algorithm make NO fukking sense…

      • to the Mad Man

        Those are not advanced industrialized countries. Your reading comprehension is at the 4th grade level.

        • Fukking CHINA is NOT an industrialized nation (90% of the crap sold in the US is stamped “Made in CHINA”)? Saudi Arabia is one of the largest suppliers of Crude Oil in the world (you think they dig that shit up with shovels) Iran, Egypt? You are a walking contradiction… “The U.S is the only uncivilized industrialized nation on earth that still executes people.” (your FIRST sentence SPECIFICALLY says “UNCIVILIZED”…) At least I can read…

        • The second biggest economy is not an advanced and industrialized country? Well China has been rorting the IMF and UN to keep the perks of their “developing nation” status.

        • ….China not an advanced, industrialized country????…..tell it to our war planners who seem to have a different opinion….

    • And I thought you would recommend a .25 or .32, just like your idol Vasily Blokhin.

      Your formal executions will be done by you personally at a rate of one every few minutes. The informal executions will be done by you and your antifa troop, with the assistance of willing volunteers, en masse at the edge of the pre dug pit.

    • What a freaking moronic windbag.

      Hari-kari would solve all your problems and would be a relief for all here.

  20. While I believe that certain crimes “deserve” the death penalty, I do not trust other humans to carry out that solemn responsibility . . . and CERTAINLY not our government. A wrongly-convicted criminal can be released, and even compensated for their suffering. Hard to revive a dead person.

    • OK – what would you suggest if “other humans” can’t be trusted. Oh I know – Poodles are of the most intelligent of the other species. Let’s have a “Poodle Court”! Left paw guilty – right paw innocent. There will be arguments about which canines are the most intelligent. Food for thought – Have we ever had a jury where all the members are the “most intelligent”? Your lamp is pretty damn dim. If I remember correctly, Diogenes carried the lamp in search of an honest man. We have innumerable instances of “wrongly convicted” people being released only to murder other people. Be “honest” – compare the rate of wrongly convicted people to the rate of those who got what they deserved. Occasionally mistakes are made. I seriously doubt that the rate of judicial mistakes matches the rate of recidivism among criminals.

      • Poodles are of the most intelligent of the other species.

        Actually, it could be any number of animals that are more intelligent than poodles, PIGS (aka bacon on the hoof) would be most appropriate…

  21. How about doing to the criminal the same thing they did to their victim.. Rape, torture and burn your victim alive? Ooooops, guess what Sparky?…

  22. I am opposed to the death penalty at this point in history. Too many innocent people are wrongly convicted and we have the means to safely hold convicts safely separated from society.
    That said, if the state is to resume execution by firing squad, I think the most appropriate tool would be the one with the closest association with the state: US Rifle, Caliber .30, M1.

  23. Against the death penalty for many reasons since I became old enuff to be aware of such things. That said, how about 240 gr 44 magnum hollow-points at say 50 ft?? That should git ‘er dun pretty quick…

  24. Why is this so complicated? Fire a light, fast bullet (think varmint round) into the brain and death is instantaneous. That said, the risk of executing an innocent person makes me want to limit the death penalty to cases where the defendant is guilty beyond any doubt.

    • beyond a shadow of a doubt. it’s why o.j.’s out.
      drew peterson should not be executed, circumstantial.

  25. We speak of only limited crimes that enable a dirtbag to be sentenced to death.
    I read Dacian’s post and my head is spinning. So many words… He says we are awash in Social Justice programs that haven’t fixed squat in 5,000 years. We need to double down on that, to make things work. Reading between the lines, it all becomes so clear. Uh, I’m kinda pretty sure what Dacian is saying is this:
    “If you practice Psychology or Psychiatry without a license, and the unwilling patient commits suicide, we are a Progressive and Fair Industrialized Nation, so we Kill You. TODAY”.
    I’m somewhat fairly sure that I cleared that one up for all y’all…

  26. Officers were called to a private Nashville-area elementary school after a school shooter opened fire Monday morning.
    Three students were transported to Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt with gunshot wounds. All three children were pronounced dead after arrival.
    Police say officers engaged with and killed the shooter.
    According to its website, Covenant School is a private Christian institution for students up to 6th grade

    • Police: Nashville shooter was a 28-year-old woman w/2 “assault style” rifles and a handgun..

    • sounds like the door didn’t present much of a barrier….Sandy Hook all over again…glass won’t stop a bullet…[unless it’s the bulletproof variety]…….

      • Turns out SHE was a wanna-be HE, move along folks, nothing to see here… Marker on its grave “Here lies was/were… RIP…

  27. Shortage of lethal injection drugs?
    They are coming across our southern boarders by the pound.
    Idaho needs some better connections

  28. Saudi Arabia has public executions where people are rounded up and told to watch.
    A clearing circled with people.
    The accused is marched out to the center of the circle with hands tied behind his back. The charges and execution order was read.

    A guard behind him pokes him in the low back with a spear which causes the accused to arch his back and raise his chin.

    The executioner then swings his heavy sword and beheads him standing there. The head falls away and rolls around a little.

    The body being surprised stands with blood pumping from the neck for a few second before collapsing to lay twitching on the ground.

    Everyone stands well away so they don’t get splattered with blood.

    The trial was earlier that day.

    Been there, saw that. I tried to avoid the area (published ahead of time) but got caught in the roundup that one time.
    I had seen bodies and people get killed before (Marine Corps) but an execution like that was different. You don’t forget it.
    There are few repeat criminals.

    Quick, Efficient and Cheap.

  29. Any state that was actually trustworthy enough to carry out a death penalty justly would be 10x trustworthy to conduct universal background checks on firearms transfers.
    if you don’t trust a government to check firearms transfers, you’d be ten-times as stupid to let that same government have the death penalty.

  30. States say they can not find the chemicles needed to execute a prisoner. Why don’t the state representative go to his or her local veterinarian? They have the “juice” that efficiently and painlessly is used to put down animals all the time. Since these animals are mammals, just like humans are mammals, the vet’s juice should be very humane and effective.
    If my state used firing squad execution, I would volunteer.

    • Oh I wouldn’t.
      I’m not as in executioner.
      I like the idea of putting the accused in an oven though, you could have rare, medium, or well done, just dont over jew it.

  31. “Rifle”? A confiscated Jennings or Heritage .22 pistol and a single round behind the right ear should suffice and will save the taxpayers any further expense.

  32. “What Rifle and Ammunition for Idaho Firing Squads?”

    Semiauto rifle with “high capacity” magazine of .22Mag HP for each shooter. 1rd/sec until twitching stops.

  33. Computer controlled. .45 cal. One round to precise spot behind head. Repeat if needed, not likely. Save time money and ammo. No other human involvement other than to verify computer program.
    (Because everybody needs to point everything out. Yes, there will be humans involved as witnesses, programmers, prisoner escorts and strapping him/her in etc. The death chamber will have to be able to catch the round if needed and be easily cleaned by pressure washers and drained and disinfected.) Killers should not get life in prison waiting to be executed. One year and a day from sentencing carry out the sentence. As is, killers get life, their victims get death. Automate and accelerate the process of eliminating the killers.

  34. Shortage of LETHAL DRUGS-BOLLOCKS I could name a dozen all easily available. Firing Squad? Yoiu know what that means do you not? . $US 100,000 to be a member of the Firing Squad’ Ifsome Dick_Head will pay that to shoot a bloody Semi Domesticated LION they would willingly cough up to ‘POP A CRIM’ and fullfill a life ambition! You heard it here first!

    • Shortage of LETHAL DRUGS-BOLLOCKS I could name a dozen all easily available

      You know absolutely Jack shit about the availability of the “required” drugs used to execute a person in the US…

  35. I always thought lethal injection was too humane. Even so, if you can’t use human drugs, veterinarians use pentobarbital drug called “Lethal Blue” (dyed blue so there is no mistaking it) to put down animals. Simply buy that.

    As for firing squads, any military rifle caliber will do the trick.

  36. Too many Mike Nifong prosecutors out there that have a political agenda and zero accountability.

  37. First I thought this article might actually discuss what ammunition considerations might a firing squad entail.

    Second. Bible. Life for a life. There have to be consequences.

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