Andrew Pollack Parkland parent school security safety
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โ€œItโ€™s something Iโ€™m never going to forget,” he said. โ€œHe said, โ€˜When youโ€™re at work and you see someone coming into that school and theyโ€™re ready to hurt or kill one of our kids or teachers, I want you to shoot them graveyard dead. And if you canโ€™t shoot them graveyard dead, then we donโ€™t want you in this program and the doorโ€™s over there, and this job is not for you.โ€™โ€ – Parkland parent Andrew Pollack quoting Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd inย 5 months after Parkland: What are activists doing to protect students? [via]

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  1. Yeah, Polk County Sheriff Grady “Because they ran out of bullets” Judd doesn’t pull many punches…

  2. Well….my wife said that the teacher training they had for active shooters was to gather the children and the teacher in the middle of the classroom and then everyone huddles together.
    Gee..wonder why the ratio of shots fired to children killed is so low?

    • Who the f*ck thought that was a good idea!?!?!? Huge human mass in the center of the room??? No mention of cover or concealment? Sure maybe MAYBE it shields them from shots coming through the door and windows but once that room is breached that little ball of humanity is gonna be slaughtered! It sucks that the only option they allow for most schools is to shelter in place and huddle together in a corner, one would think that people, by now, would realize that those policies help the shooter rack up a higher body count and they would seek to change said policy and perhaps either better protect the building or start placing an armed responder (or 5) in the building at all times during school hours. This is not the case however as we have allowed politics to take over education. God forbid Mrs. Suzy Schoolmarm or little Johnny caps an active shooter as they enter the school that may make the school look bad.

      • and huddle together in a corner,
        No, they huddle together in the middle of the room.
        Yes, this is really mind blowing.

  3. Periodically we have some poster go on about having two vaults in a classroom with one having a single shot shotgun and the other having one shotgun shell. Two keys would be issued with one to the teacher and one to a student. In case of an active shooter, the two vaults would be unlocked and opened allowing the teacher to load the single shell into the shotgun and engage the assailant.
    I just can never get this unforgettable concept out of my mind.

    • That strikes me as an idea that looks good until you start poking at it.

      What do you do if that student happens to be out that day? Or you have a substitute teacher? Or one of the “regulars” forgets and takes the key home at night, and then leaves it at home the next day?

      Or if you have a teacher who uses his/her position of authority to convince a student to open the vault? (I was thinking mainly of grade schoolers here, but in retrospect it applies equally to middle- and high-schoolers.)

      And … what happens if the teacher misses with that one shot that’s available?

      I’m not by any means arguing against armed teachers. I am arguing against making the means of accessing that defense be on par launching an ICBM, complexity-wise, and with only one shot available once you’re ready to go.

      • I never could quite wrap my head around the idea that you would trust somebody with forming your child’s kind and character for 6 hours every day, but you wouldn’t trust that same person with a loaded firearm.

      • In an open, armed society, within a school building lacking the mechanisms to keep an armed active shooter out, why should we submit to such a bizarre arrangement in which one gun is heavily secured with 2 people needing to agree on its release while the other 350,000,000 to 400,000,000 guns in the country are free to be anywhere, including on the teachers belt? Don’t be sucked in by Tube Goldburgish solutions that only propose to solve imagined and chimeric problems, and likewise, don’t follow obviously flawed assumptions, such as some sort of sure regime is needed in gun storage where schools are concerned. The best place for a defensive gun is on a defender. Don’t bog down in the hysterical unreality that minder US schools are doing anything about securing the ‘other’ several hindred million guns…besides putting up a sign.

    • I don’t like that idea much at all. I’d say give them an AR15 with 5 mags in a bandoleer and mount it in a vault that unlocks when a panic button gets pressed either in the classroom or in the main office.

      • ^This^

        Once the “known monkey” they didn’t stop starts flinging rifled-poo, the competing non-risk, risks of having guns available are trumped. Arm them up.

        Give the kids and teachers willing to step up something more than their courage, a door, or a shot-control blanket to work with. What, we don’t trust people who stepped up and died to protect their friends?

    • Indiana Tom,

      I believe that I am the poster who listed a school shotgun storage system. Before I review the system that I proposed, let me state something right up front: I only proposed that system to:
      (1) Propose something that even Progressives should be able to tolerate.
      (2) Illustrate how Progressives would balk anyway even though that system addresses all of their alleged concerns — proving that Progressives will simply insist on being unarmed no matter what the cost.

      Anyhow, here is the simple system:
      Almost every classroom has a simple, secure, robust, and small steel box which stores a break-action single-shot shotgun. The door to the box has a key lock as well as a simple mechanical interlock (like a push lever) which is far enough away from the storage box to require another person to actuate. Every teacher has a key and any student (or adult for that matter) can push the interlock lever enabling the teacher to open the box in a few seconds as long as another person in the room is willing to push the lever.

      That is it. It is simple and secure and surprisingly good/effective.

      As for potential drawbacks:
      — Yes, a teacher could browbeat a student into compliance and defeat the system — and all he/she has is a single-shot shotgun which most certainly does NOT enable that teacher to go on a spree-killing rampage.
      — Yes, a teacher could be unable to open the box or miss with their single shot which is why most other classrooms would also have a shotgun and be able to incapacitate an attacker.

  4. Reasonable solution.
    1st end gun free zones in schools. That’s the stupidest thing ever passed as a law.
    Arm teachers or any permanent school personnel that wishes to be. Train them, and then wish they never need their training.
    Huddle in a ball?? What idiot thought that one up??

  5. Huddle in a ball…

    Might as well go with the shotgun box idea but have it dispense blindfolds and loose cigarettes.

    Jesus, even a decent knife and instruction on how a door works would be better. The current idea is just a bait ball [loads Simms bag into car].

  6. So you guys are telling me that putting a bucket full of rocks and posting GFZ signs in every classroom isnโ€™t going to prevent these tragedies?

    *sigh* Back to the drawing board.

  7. People complain that teachers are not police they shouldn’t have to carry a gun and get training. By that same token they get training on using an epi pen on students for peanut allergies but they are not doctors

    • Some also get “training” on diagnosing Austism, and collect fat salary bumps for it (that’s why suddenly everyone has that or Asperger’s or whatever), despite not being child psychologists.

      • “…๐˜ข๐˜ฏ๐˜ฅ ๐˜ค๐˜ฐ๐˜ญ๐˜ญ๐˜ฆ๐˜ค๐˜ต ๐˜ง๐˜ข๐˜ต ๐˜ด๐˜ข๐˜ญ๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜บ ๐˜ฃ๐˜ถ๐˜ฎ๐˜ฑ๐˜ด…”
        There isn’t a teacher in America, who ever died rich.

  8. I don’t have a problem with teachers choosing to carry. I have a problem with making a teacher get training, or “there’s the door.” My kids are out of Public School, now, but there were a few teachers along the way who had absolutely no business handling a gun. One was waiting on his second heart transplant. He seemed to be intelligent enough to know it, too.

    • Grady was clearly talking to his SROs, not teachers.

      He wants to make sure that the LEOs in his department who are SROs can do the one job they are absolutely required to do, unlike the SRO at Parkland.

    • The “there’s the door” policy refers to the carry and shooter response training itself, which teachers hade volunteered for, not the the job of being a teacher.

      NOBODY is arguing that every teacher should, let alone must, be tooled up and ready to repel armed attackers.

      He was saying that if you’re in his training program to carry at schools, then you need to be serious about and the potential consequences. Otherwise, there’s the door. Don’t waste time and don’t let us expect expect performance out of you that you know you cant deliver.

  9. why not just refuse to hire teachers unwilling to defend students? That’s all these retarded rock-throwing ball-huddling ideas are.

  10. If events like Parkland have taught us anything, it is what percentage of Americans, given the choice between living on their knees and dying on their feet, choose instead to die on their knees.

  11. What should a teacher do? Yell,,”Free dope,and sex in the library”, the perpetrator would be stampeded and crushed in the rush.

  12. My little ones practice the same thing. They tell them it is because of training for high winds or whatever. How anyone can think about sandy hook where the kids all hid together and train them to do the same is beyond me

  13. Florida now requires that all schools have at least one armed person on campus at all times.
    They can be a police officer, private security, volunteer โ€œarmed guardianโ€ or school staff that is not a full time in the classroom teacher.
    The concept of huddling is ridiculous!
    How about having all the boys attack with pens, stabbing at the eyes and groin, while all girls throw laptops at a shooter?
    Even someone with an AR can be overwhelmed by numbers.
    Run, hide, FIGHT!

  14. I asked my kids how they would feel if they knew their teachers were armed (middle and high school). Their response was in principle they are ok with the idea, but it made them nervous to know that particular teachers might be more likely to go postal than the students.

    Aside from prompting the home schooling conversation, again… it is clear some kind of screening procedure for armed teachers would be a good idea.

    • You mean like the normal background check for a concealed carry permit.
      As I usually say just get the government out of the way and let the teachers carry what they normally carry off duty.

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