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What’s On YOUR Toyota?

“The 2A28 Grom is a 73mm, smoothbore, semi-auto gun that fires the same RPG-style ammunition used in the Soviet-built SPG-9 recoilless gun,” explains. “While its rounds can pierce armor up to 11 inches thick, it’s not very accurate. Its max effective range is about 700 meters. However, its got only a 70-percent chance of hitting a target at a range of 500 meters. That goes down to a 50-percent hit rate at 800 meters when the gun is firing from a still position with no wind. I’m not even sure what the unstabilized gun’s accuracy is when it’s fired from a moving vehicle.”

16 thoughts on “What’s On YOUR Toyota?”

    • Why are you there in the first place?

      Oh, I forgot. Oil, and Occupation.

      I meant bringing democrocy.

      • That’s why the Iraqi oil is nationalized and the Iraqi government is running surpluses.

        Sorry stupid, but there is no benefit and shipping oil from Iraq to America.

      • “The Arab says:

        June 14, 2011 at 12:06 AM

        Why are you there in the first place?

        Oh, I forgot. Oil, and Occupation.

        I meant bringing democrocy.”

        I am not there at all, Dude. This war wasn’t started by me nor any living right now. A hotspot gets cooled by war all through history. I am against all war, unless it directly involves me or the ones I love.

  1. Does yelling Allah Akbar raise the accuracy rate?
    I’m beginning to see that phrase is a lot like Aloha. You say it when you’re getting shot at and when your shooting.

  2. some of those accuracy issues might be helped by getting rid of that wood frame this turret is sitting on, but what do i know

    • I agree. They need to get some iron and a welder. Also this is one of those weapons platforms that you shoot and scoot. Don’t wait to see if you hit the target. These guys were practicing the D.I.P defense (Die in Place).

  3. Atleast they abide the arab rules of gun handling!!
    1: always point weapon in unsafe direction, you never know what you might hit.
    2: always be aware of whats behind your target,so you can hit them to.
    3:eye and ear pro,close eyes and shout allah akbar really loud will save your hearing.(and dont worry about shooting with eyes closed,if allah wants you to hit, you will!!)
    4:never use safety,Allah is your safety!!(and if allah is unavailable,use Achmed.

  4. Considering I literally finished watching The Road Warrior before seeing this post, that is pretty cool. Admittedly in a terrifying way.

  5. I had a Russian friend who described the BMP1 as metal coffin with a gun which put the round “approximately where it was aimed”. He said the gun was designed for urban combat (Short sight lines) but the vehicle’s armor was not. When they upgraded to the BMP2 it was replaced with a 30mm auto-cannon with better than twice the range, which was almost useless against real armor.

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