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48 thoughts on “What’s Wrong With This Picture: DeSantis Rail Ryder Edition”

  1. That looks like a whole lot of fail, and a bunch of liability suits, all in one convenient package. Didn’t they run this product by their legal staff?

    • You seem to be implying that its this company’s fault for making something that is not safe, why not blame whoever decides to buy and use this? This is the same nanny-ism that leads to limiting the size of drinks. People can’t think for themselves so blame the company that made the product rather than the idiot who hurts themself with it. It’s be different if there was something wrong that puts you at risk, like a gun that isn’t drop safe. This is all on the consumer, not the company.

      • Missed the edit window but the idea of a capitistic economy is that we can punish companies that sell products that are bad for a number of reasons by not buying the product. It’s that simple. It’s different if it is a hidden danger such as a gun that isn’t drop safe or a car whose brakes give out at some random point. There is no hidden danger with this product, what you see is what you get.

        • I don’t disagree with you. I wouldn’t say it should be illegal for them to make this, but I do think it’s stupid to make this. A designer of gun holsters should know better. Also there will be stupid people that buy this, and stupid people + rabid lawyers = world of hurt for said company.

          I would never ban the right to make such a product, but I will say they are dumb to do so. They deserve what they get. Low sales or lawsuits. That being said, someone stupid enough to buy this also deserves what they get.

    • This was designed for the guys who put a three pound scope on their rifles cause they don’t like recoil.

  2. I’ve got a similar style holster for one of my pistols, but that gun is a double action with a manual safety.

    I would NOT be carrying a glock in a holster like that!

  3. I’m wondering about if you carry without a round in the chamber… Might be a good product. You could maybe figure out a technique to push down to chamber, then draw in one quick motion. Would need a little experimentation with dummy rounds.

  4. You might be able to carry an XD that way since it has a grip safety, but i still wouldn’t. Certainly wouldn’t carry a Glock that way. Bad design.

  5. The Versacarry is a much better design. It does cover the trigger guard, and it doesn’t stay attached to the gun. I’ve heard that Versacarry is coming out with a redesign that will allow one-handed reholstering, the lack of which is its only real drawback. With luck, I’ll have a review later this year.

    • Chris, it stays attached when you draw? Would this interfere with firing or reliability to the gun or do you have to shuck the holster off the gun before firing?

      • Does the Versa Carry cover both sides of the trigger?

        Any gun without a frame- or slide-mounted safety is NOT safe to carry unless both sides of the trigger guard are covered. Your clothing can easily slip inside the trigger guard and activate the trigger even with a trigger safety.

  6. There are so many options for safe, comfortable, and low profile holsters, there is no reason to substitute safety for comfort/concealability.

  7. I’ve been carrying everyday for the past six years with a clip similar to this. The jentra klip. I carry a Glock, round chambered, and yet to experience a neg dis. The safe trigger design allows for safe carry this manner. So I see nothing wrong with this picture. Trigger finger discipline is the key here.

    • Sorry, but any gun without a frame- or slide-mounted safety is NOT safe to carry unless both sides of the trigger guard are covered. Your clothing can easily slip inside the trigger guard and activate the trigger even with a trigger safety.

  8. I’ve been carrying everyday for the past six years with a clip similar to this. The jentra klip. I carry a Glock, round chambered, and yet to experience a neg dis. The safe trigger design allows for safe carry this manner. So I see nothing wrong with this picture. Trigger finger discipline is the key here. If Plaxico was using such a product he would still be known as an athlete and not as a dumb ass.

    • “The safe trigger design allows for safe carry this manner.”

      How? If anything snags that trigger and pulls it back, the safeties will disengage just the same way they would if you were pulling it.

      • Sorry, but any gun without a frame- or slide-mounted safety is NOT safe to carry unless both sides of the trigger guard are covered. Your clothing can easily slip inside the trigger guard and activate the trigger even with a trigger safety.

  9. My Crossbreed Super Tuck also allows me to tuck my shirt in, not to mention it covers the trigger and I can reholster. I wouldn’t use anything that doesn’t cover the trigger, especially on my G30.

  10. what is this supposed to fit?

    does not fit a glock 19 rail – strike one
    does not fit a full size M&P 9mm rail – strike two

    they need several species of this design, apparently, to have a useful product – mine is getting returned, because if it does not fit on the two primary generic weapons systems then I dont know what its useful for.

    To be fair, I think it could potentially fit a full size glock 17, however I would not hold my breath given that it cant fit the rail on a full size smith and wesson M&P.

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