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What’s Wrong With This Picture: James Bond Edition

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As David Codrea points out at the pop-up-tastic, Bond actor Daniel Craig once declared that “I hate handguns. Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.” Yeah, well, Craig’s not the first anti-gun Bond actor nor is he the only Hollywood “action hero” who rejects Americans’ natural, civil and Constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms. What’s interesting here: no one in the Bond biz saw anything wrong with this poster. Or if they did, they didn’t care. And yet they dismiss gun owners as irresponsible oafs. Go figure.

94 thoughts on “What’s Wrong With This Picture: James Bond Edition”

      • I don’t see any issue with it. Anyone who’s shot a PPK knows that the double action trigger pull is like 20 damn pounds on it haha. I’d say ol’ 007 has the right idea, which is to start pulling that trigger nice and early to make sure a shot can be fired while the bad guy is still visible.

        • Personally I’m a revolver guy but my GP100s both have reduced power hammer and trigger return springs, so the DA pull is probably more like 7 lbs. I would agree that a stiff DA pull makes rule #3 more of an option than a necessity, but I’d still highly recommend it’s adherence.

        • Frankly it comes down to the Bond legacy. Connery and Moore had tad bit more respect and class regarding the PPK than Craig. Shots were made from necessity and SD. Now? Not so much. I ponied almost $600 bucks for mine back in the day. But I have one. It is the most accurate between my Kel-Tec and Colt Mustang. Period. Sure it’s heavier (I have the SS Houlton Maine , S&W version) but it is solid reliable and accurate. Sorry Daniel you don’t have the refinement of previous Bond’s and your comments are useless. Like that other a Foreign actor.

        • Its a good thing because a .380 can’t be good for the big toe or foot when he Grebners himself.

        • You have a point, we did learn a couple of movies ago how he scratches his balls.

        • You know until you have had chiggers from going out to the ranch without bug spray or long pants, you laugh because Its a funny joke, but honestly there was one time where if the antihistamine didn’t kick in when it did, my options were the chainsaw of the shotgun.

        • Ah yes, chiggers! I once had the misfortune of sitting in the chigger infested grass with shorts on. You don’t know your mistake until it’s too late. Never thought about shooting my wanger off, but it wasn’t fun.

    • I’m inclined to give this instance of trigger discipline to Bond, as it could be argued he’s about to engage in a gunfight. That’s just the character, though; not excusing Craig for being a hypocritical oaf who profits gleefully from the objects he claims to detest.

  1. Whoops, hit enter too fast..
    Trigger finger on the trigger, and I don’t care that they are hypocrites. But they should acknowledge it at least..

    • What’s the big deal???? He was probably shooting into the ground. That’s all anybody thinks about these days, safe gun handling . . . good grief! 🙄

      The real issue is that he is firing the gun into the ground with what appears to be an activated safety! Now that is just silly!

      • And we wonder why he hates guns… He doesn’t understand how they work. I’m afraid of black holes, not because it’s rational but because I don’t understand them. I guess the difference is that firearms are around us every day and black holes not so much. Bond thinks guns just go off, I think it’s retards like him that claim :it just went off” when they obviously pulled the trigger.

  2. “Well, James — you seem to have developed something of a limp, my boy. Whatever happened?”

  3. Here is the circular logic they use to defend this; “…it’s a movie. He’s James Bond. So, what, you think you’re James Bond now? Maybe you should turn in your guns until you can tell the difference…”

    Because of course the vile, soul destroying smut hollywood shovels down our throat is sacrosanct.

    • “Because of course the vile, soul destroying smut hollywood shovels down our throat is sacrosanct.”

      That very Hollywood shows Bond as a good guy with a gun.

      Hollywood is doing just fine. Guns are not shown as paranormal objects oozing evil.

      Good guys, with guns, are dispatching the BAD GUYS!

      Now, is that poster showing crap gun safety? YES. Then we call them on it.

      Hollywood and the first person shooter video games ARE FRIENDS OF THE 2A!

      They portray guns as tools, used for good and evil. In the end, they are just tools.

      The Left is losing, and we are winning. Hollywood is one of the reasons WHY we are winning.

      • Bond isn’t a good guy with a gun, he is a government agent with a license to kill. The left has no problems with government being armed.

  4. Damn. Yet another studly movie star who’s a gun grabber.

    If I could just get some time alone with him, I could probably change his mind.

  5. I, too, thought “trigger finger” when I first saw this poster on another website, but who’s to say that it doesn’t depict 007 a fraction of a second from having blown away the bad guy? Is something else suppose to be wrong with this pic?

  6. Daniel Craig actually likes guns alot radio host anthony cumia took him to a range on long Island where the 2 had a blast shooting In my opinion he is probably alot less anti gun in his personal life and he does this to appease the Uber liberals in Hollywood

  7. I don’t empower grabbers by patronizing their business. I believe the more financially successful they become the more they believe their opinions are shared by the public and thereby validated.

    • You can consume the product without necessarily giving your money to antis like the above.

      • +1,000
        And it’s infinitely easier to do so when many of your friends are computer science nerds with, ahem, particularly honed skill sets that may or may not be related to procuring various goodies from the interwebz.

        • I work in IT and I love it when my coworkers brag about the hundreds of dollars they dropped on multi-Terabyte HDDs and server systems, all set up so they can watch their ‘acquired’ TV shows and movies. I tell them I just plugged a $4 HDMI cord from my TV to my laptop and stream everything. No muss no fuss.

    • Considering the entire entertainment business is anti-gun, you must be a real ball of fun.

  8. Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.

    So we should take away all the handguns so that way people will use knives to cut people. Then we’ll take away those so people will use sticks to beat people. Then we’ll take away those and people will use fists to beat people. The infirm, weak, and elderly will just have to deal with it. For their own good, after all.

    I love the 007 franchise and I like Craig’s version, but I could not care less about what they have to say about politics. Just stick to keeping us entertained.

    • Yeah thats what I’m saying. I could care less what your political views are as you have no bearing in the political theater not being a member of any of the three branches of government and all. Not to mention being a citizen of another nation so not even being able to become a member of the legislature.

      So in short, I’m surprised that there aren’t publicists or whoever they have just telling these guys to keep their mouths shut. They are businessmen after all and the brand of the producer, franchise, and all those that intend to make money off of your portrayal of a character would be best served if there wasn’t controversy surrounding their lead actor.

      Maybe I’m just young and naive but to me, if I’m an actor or an agent for an actor, taking sides on controversial issues sounds like a great way to alienate a sizable portion of my target market thus reducing revenue. Better to just dodge questions about race, guns, abortion, or anything political or controversial in nature and have your private views. Meanwhile you can just laugh your way to the bank as people keep paying to see your movies or partake in your product/service. No reason to make people hate you. Be an actor, its what you are good at.

    • Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.
      Nothing wrong with shooting as long as the right people getting shot.

    • I’m surprised the Brits can’t get behind that. Shooting one another is sooooo much more civilized than clubbing each other to death. One should turn one’s nose up at that messy, neanderthal behavior and use a modern, classy implement like an H&K P7, which is a modern weapon for a more civilized era.

  9. I don’t care about the stars at all. I just wish James Bond movies weren’t too stupid to enjoy.

  10. Even if he didn’t have his finger on the trigger it looks like he’s pointing the gun at his leg or foot.

  11. I think what’s wrong with this picture is the fact that he only has his shoulder holster half on, and it would fall down his arm as soon as he moved.

    Trigger finger? For all we know, he’s getting ready to shoot at Oddjob who’s about to bite him in the ankle.

  12. The only man that can do safely what JB is doing wrong would be Chuck Norris. The gun would be too a afraid to fire until Chuck said it was ok.

  13. Finger on the trigger? GASP! OMG!

    Articles like this are why I visit this site less and less.

  14. Actors provide entertainment by lying, albeit very convincingly. I rely on folks who know things for actual information.
    Last year in Chicago I happened to run into the actor who pretends to be a tough Chicago cop on TV. Puss in real life. Shocking.

  15. Hell, he’s not the first Bond to be a firearms hypocrite. In Roger Moores’ memoir “My Word is My Bond”, he repeatedly states how he hates firearms but on the cover he is posing with a Smith & Wesson draped over the back of a chair. Yep, His finger is on the trigger.

    Even Connery has made similar remarks.

    • I knew before clicking the link that it would be the red nappy from “Zardoz.” Which, by the way, isn’t as bad as you remember… assuming you’ve actually seen it.

  16. A blonde Bond — that’s what’s wrong with the picture. What’s next? Jackie Chan as James Bond? Angelina Jolie as James Bond? Kevin James as James Bond?

    • Pajama Boy as James Bond…

      Hot Cocoa stirred, not shaken…

      It hurt to type that…


  17. I’m sick of this action movie gun toting actor/actress stating to the public how much they dislike guns? How about some values, ethics, and morals get set straight, no money making using guns if you don’t like them. Oops, my bad to suggest the film-artist industry has much in the way of values, ethics, and morals. Apologies to the three of you who do.

  18. The actor being coherent with his former words, he would not have accepted to pose for the poster with a handgun.
    But money wins over everything, “don’t it”.

  19. “Handguns are used to shoot people and as long as they are around, people will shoot each other.”

    True that. The key is the hope that the right person gets shot vs. the wrong person which isn’t going to happen with gun control laws hindering the good guys.

  20. Archer goes live action!

    Seriously, he looks like Stirling Archer from the animated TV series.

    Now, if we could have Lana Kane as well (her voice actor looks very much like her animated character) we could have something interesting.

  21. There is nothing wrong with the photo, aside from the anti-gun actor.

    It’s not real. It’s not loaded. It’s not a danger to anyone. It’s a freakin’ poster photo. Just like real guns don’t shoot themselves, fake guns don’t shoot at all.

  22. What’s wrong is they’re still keeping Daniel Craig as James Bond. Don’t get me wrong; the guy would do well in some other spy movie, but he just doesn’t fit the James Bond persona very well.

  23. Finger on the trigger, weapon off safe… Followed shortly by a round in his foot with the way he’s standing.

  24. Daniel Craig reminds me of a circus poodle. Except the dog has the good sense to get back down on all four legs when the show is over.

    The Bond franchise went down off the cliff when Sean Connery was done.

    BTW, I just passed on watching the latest LIam Neeson gun flick in a big screen theater, and didnt even consider subsidizing that cumstain Sean Penn’s comeback…yep, I am voting with my wallet.

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