Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot
Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

Chicago’s famously inept Mayor Lori Lightfoot, an advocate of defunding the police and a critic of law enforcement and gun rights for law-abiding civilians, sure likes to feel safe and secure. She has presidential-level security detail of 90 police officers to protecting her and her family. That’s almost 1% of the total number of sworn officers in the city…dedicated to protecting her.

Is it any wonder that crime and gang violence have spiraled out of control under her so-called “leadership”?

In her efforts to reimagine policing, Mayor Lightfoot oversaw the defunding of the Chicago PD to the tune of about $59 million in 2020 (she wanted to cut $80 million, but couldn’t get through the city council). She also left hundreds of vacant CPD positions unfilled after resignations and retirements.

At the same time, she advised locals not to use guns to defend themselves, but instead dial 911…and wait. And then wait some more. All the while, Her Honor blamed guns, not gangs, for the rampant crime that perpetually afflicts Murder City, USA.

Chicago’s well endowed mayor also has recently advocated “suing the hell” out of gun makers in an attempt to shift blame for the gang violence that she’s enabled with her failed policies. And why not? The State of Illinois, after all, pays violent gang members to act as “violence interrupters.” Some of them occasionally shoot other people while they’re free on “affordable” bail for previous felony gun arrests. With crime control measures like that, is it any wonder why there’s blood everywhere in Chicago?

How much blood, you ask? Chicago has had 128 homicides so far in 2022 (as of this writing…keep refreshing). That’s more than 18 entire states totaled in all of 2020. In fact, that’s more than six states had in 2020, combined.

The UK’s Daily Mail has the details that legacy media outlets in America don’t want to cover . . .

One-time Defund the Police advocate Mayor Lori Lightfoot has a secret group of Chicago cops known as Unit 544 protecting her alongside her bodyguards, it has been revealed.

The unit of 65 officers, five sergeants and a lieutenant are provide round-the-clock protection for the city’s mayor, together with her bodyguard detail of about 20 men, The Chicago Sun Times has revealed, citing city records.

The revelation comes as crime in the Windy City has surged to frightening new rates not seen in half a decade, and after Lightfoot proposed slashing a whopping $80 million from the Chicago Police Department budget in 2020 during the Defund the Police protests.

The proposal was later scaled back and 3.33 percent of the budget – or $59 million – was cut. 

It also comes amid news 660 cops retired in 2021 – almost twice as many as in 2018. The mass retirements came in the same year Lightfoot announced a Covid-19 vaccine mandate for city employees.

Lightfoot would also like Chicagoans to forget about the 2800 officers she tried to put on unpaid suspension a couple of weeks ago because they refused to take Covid vaccine.

Given her record, it’s a miracle that the official violent crime numbers are “only” up 34% so far this year. How many additional crimes could be prevented and criminals taken off Chicago’s streets if, say, 80 of Lightfoot’s 90-cop detail were doing something productive? How many lives would those arrests save? Maybe someone in the local media could ask her, but don’t hold your breath waiting for that to happen.




    • If she wasn’t such a self serving lowlife paranoid democRat she wouldn’t need so much security. On the other hand she’d make the perfect soul mate for putin.

    • We NEED Universal background checks, I’m talking about government registries. Yes. I know. You can’t have a universal background check, period, unless we have a list of all you people, selling and trading guns to each other, otherwise it’s unenforceable. We need lists of you people. It’s very important we identify all the cisgendered heteronormative white male patriarch owning guns. The reason? Because these people are the problem in the america, and are a real issue. It is the “The MAGA question” of our time. These people are insurrectionists, and I am clutching my pearls so hard, my sack is going to explode if we don’t get some gun control passed immediately.

      And once the gun control is passed. I will feel better about everything. When the government controls me, tells me what to do, and regulates my activities and manages my life, I feel fulfilled as a democrat. We need to get rid of state’s rights, and rule the total of the US as an imperialistic leftist utopia. Safety will be supreme, we can get rid of individual rights, and freeeeeeeeedumb, and usher in a new world of happiness, progress, and good feelings, and a government taking care of us.

        • I’ve always thought dacian & Gollum would make a nice couple…….to watch fall off a low cliff.

          Too bad Gollum is already ‘taken’.

        • Didn’t Gollum take a dive in the same fires that the ‘One Ring’ was consumed by when Frodo tossed it?

      • “…I am clutching my pearls so hard, my sack is going to explode if we don’t get some gun control passed immediately.”

        Lie, since you have nothing in your ‘sack’ to explode.

        Agree with JWM, fake dacian…

    • “love to meet her.”

      For God’s sake, *why*??? 🙁

      • Why, Because shes? so purdie she needs a kiss. Theres just something about that woman? that turns me on.
        Why dont we do it in the road
        No one will be watching us.
        Well except a 90 team security detail.

    • With Illinois’ record of electing failures, likely long enough to get elected to the Governor’s office, or the US Senate. Heck, she just might get to be the first Black Lesbian woman elected as President. After all, she checks off all the requirements as a Dementiacrat.

    • She will retire offshore to a place that has no extradition treaty with the USA and live the high life with the embezzled money.

  1. Blamed guns not the gangs. So if there were no guns we all know they would just go back to chucking spears at each other right? I guess you go after the spear manufacturers then. That should solve it.

    • When they finally get rid of the guns and legalize drugs, the gangbangers will become respectable business men and give back to their community.

  2. Actually even the info T Tag admitted to recently showed that under a former White New York Mayor , New York had a higher crime rate than Chicago.

    Both New York and Chicago get thousands of second hand guns shipped in via the “Iron Pipe Line” as verified not only by two Chicago Studies but by also many Law Enforcement tracings which include tracings by both Chicago and New York Police proving both have an identical out of control gun running problem. No vetting of second hand guns lets any crook or criminal buy all the firepower they want. They can actually walk out of prison , cross the street to the nearest, bar, flea market, gun show or buy a newspaper or log on to an internet chat room and buy all the firepower the want no questions asked. Capitalvana has become Lunavania.

    All politicians have body guards and its been proven that the most attacks or thwarted assassinations come largely from Far Right nut case groups that the F.B.I. has studied and declared the biggest threat to U.S. freedom and democracy.

    The most horrifying attempt at a U.S. dictatorship came on Jan. 6th when the Putin elected Herr Drumpf and his Trumpite jackbooted storm troopers attempted to overthrow a legitimately elected U.S. government to establish a one party right wing Autocrat Government with Herr Drumpf appointed as life time Dictator mimicking what Putin has done in Belarus by establishing a dictatorship by Alexander Lukashenko, also friendly to Russia like Herr Drumpf was.

    The Far Right refuse to admit to the real causes of crime and that is that wages of stagnated in the last 50 years because of the Republicans destroying Unions and workers rights and refusing to fund job retraining while the super rich have increased their wealth by 320% and created a new U.S. 3rd world class of worker troglodyte slaves who work for no benefits and at part time low paying jobs. When people cannot pay their bills in desperation they often resort to crime.

    Republicans have lowered taxes on Corporations to zero like Amazon who made 2 billion profit in one year and shared zero with the worker.

    Republicans have given away stolen billions in workers tax dollars that were given by the truck load to Corporations in the form of Corporate Subsidies (Corporate Welfare) while at the same time screaming they cannot afford a National Health Care Plan and also cutting benefits to truly needy people who desperately need Federal tax dollar help.

    A recent Harvard study proved that if you are in the lower working class or a newly arrived immigrant in Canada you have a higher chance of rising out of poverty in Canada which has better funded education for working class people than ruthless uncivilized Capitalvania does, so good that immigrant children are often integrated in less than two years. Many Latino’s that are “in the know about Canada” are bypassing the hell hole of U.S. Capitalvania with its out of control gun crime and who let people die in the streets like dogs because of a lack of affordable health care, are instead immigrating to Canada both legally and illegally.

    • Look guys. Crime rates, and safety, or perceived safety, are vastly more important than freedom. Now now. I know your forefathers died, gruesomely, with blades, and 75 caliber lead balls, which was really unsafe, to secure their progeny’s freedom. But they were wrong. They were all wrong. All those people fighting for freedom? They should have been fighting for safety. They should have embraced the government nanny, embraced whatever micromangining law the government provided, and secured their safety. Because safety is supreme, our top axiom, our ideological sacrosanct goddess, and freedom is just an obstacle in our way to get there.

      Further, all you serfs that need to be eating lentils to embrace Biden’s new world order of climate protectionism, should stop buying guns second hand through the iron pipes, and maybe the brass and lead pipes too. Your freedom (freeeeedumb) is directly causing deaths in states that desire common sense gun violence lockdowns. I used to say, life is cheap in the US – with “Losses can never be too high” – but I have truly embraced the reality: “freedom can never be too low.”</b

    • So I have fully embraced “freedom can never be too low.” as some other TTAG put it, that I found humorous, but certainly honest. If there is a government solution to a problem, that should be sought before any other solutions. Because government knows best, and I have a alter in my home of capitol hill that I worship.

      Now, the right (especially whitey) is causing all the problems, which it what CNN/NBC/ABC/MSNBC and the like have informed me. And I hate rich people. These media companies have convinced me, that they are keeping all the profits by investing them in their companies instead of dispersing them to the workers. And that makes me furious! So government needs to get involved and step in between the agreement between worker, employer, customer, and seller, and smash some heads, because equity!

      • quote—————-And that makes me furious! So government needs to get involved and step in between the agreement between worker, employer, customer, and seller, and smash some heads, because equity!——–quote

        In your ignorance you finally got something right. It is the workers who make money for a company and they have a right to make a decent wage and live above the poverty line and share in the profits of the company. This is why governments of all civilized countries have stepped in an protected workers from abuse and economic rape by the companies who exploit them and force them to become troglodyte worker slaves with no benefits, unsafe working conditions and starvation wages.

        • In your ignorance you finally got something right. It is the workers who make money for a company and they have a right to make a decent wage and live above the poverty line and share in the profits of the company.

          They have zero right to share in the profits of the company, unless agreed upon at their hiring. The workers are selling something. Labor. And companies are their customers. And the customer is always right. Because the customer can shop around and select who they want, the market determines the price. When the customer engages in a voluntary transaction with this worker, the conditions of the work and the compensation for the work is agreed upon. At any time, either the employer or the employee can terminate this arrangement, or seek a new arrangement with them or another employer/employee. They have zero rights to the profits of a company, unless agreed upon at their hiring. A worker “contributes” to the profit of the company. They don’t make all the money, just like home builder that subcontracts out to a dozen different companies – those subcontractors don’t “build the home.” It is the direct efforts of the builder to bring everyone together towards a common goal, take all the risk, and arrange for compensation of all parties that builds the home with all subcontractors contributing. In other words, its a group effort, that is VOLUNTARY among the parties.

          This is why governments of all civilized countries have stepped in an protected workers from abuse and economic rape by the companies who exploit them and force them to become troglodyte worker slaves with no benefits, unsafe working conditions and starvation wages.

          What isn’t VOLUNTARY, is the government stepping in (who has a monopoly on violence) to dictate the terms of the workers to the those seeking to hire the workers.

          Now, if there is an extreme abundance of laborers the market is saturated, and there will be idiots among them that would work towards a net loss agreeing upon a wage too low to survive upon. To help protect these idiots, the government created the minimum wage.

          Capitalism is the default of trade, for the human existence. Imagine it’s 450AD. A man in a loincloth spears a hog, and a different man in a loin cloth from another tribe catches a basket of fish. On their way to their homes, they intersect each other, and a trade occurs. The trade is voluntary. Capitalism is good, and preferable, because “trade” benefits all. Instead of just hog to eat or fish to eat, both tribes can now enjoy hog and fish. During the trade, X amount of hog is requested for X amount of fish. If either party doesn’t agree – the trade doesn’t happen. This is the glory of capitalism. Both have to be voluntary for the trade to occur, then both have to be acceptable to both parties – or the trade doesn’t occur. Now, competition makes the trade “unfair” which is desirable to society. Suppose the man with the hog wants 4 fish for every pound of hog but the other man doesn’t agree. So hog man says, “I can go to this person in this village nearby and get 4 fish for every pound of hog, why should I trade with you, 1 fish for every pound of hog?” And so the man in the other village, is supremely competent in fishing. As a result of his competence, everyone benefits, because he offers more fish at a lower cost. And more fish is beneficial to all the surrounding villages, except for the one incompetent man selling 1 fish per pound of hog that no one wants to trade with. As a result, he is forced to leave that trade and go into another trade in which he is more competent. THUS, capitalism promotes lower costs and higher competence!

          You’re welcome for this quick lesson. This one I voluntarily give to you for free, because it cost me little, next time I expect hog or fish from you.

    • “Actually even the info T Tag admitted to recently showed that under a former White New York Mayor , New York had a higher crime rate than Chicago.”

      The issue isn’t her race. The issue is policies. Nice try.

      “Both New York and Chicago get thousands of second hand guns shipped in via the “Iron Pipe Line” as verified not only by two Chicago Studies but by also many Law Enforcement tracings which include tracings by both Chicago and New York Police proving both have an identical out of control gun running problem. No vetting of second hand guns lets any crook or criminal buy all the firepower they want. They can actually walk out of prison , cross the street to the nearest, bar, flea market, gun show or buy a newspaper or log on to an internet chat room and buy all the firepower the want no questions asked. Capitalvana has become Lunavania”

      So we have so many fallacies here, the gun show, flea market, bar and internet loophole hysteria all in one sentence. You do know how contraband operations work? We made some drugs illegal, yet people still acquired and used them. Alcohol was prohibited, people still got inebriated. People will get what they want, when they want it no matter the cost. What did the above prohibitions accomplish? I’ll tell, incarceration of many people, some who were innocent. Is that where you want us to go as a society?

      “All politicians have body guards and its been proven that the most attacks or thwarted assassinations come largely from Far Right nut case groups that the F.B.I. has studied and declared the biggest threat to U.S. freedom and democracy.”

      Who are these Far Right nut cases you speak of? Do you have proof, real proof, that the political right are doing the most attacks?

      “The Far Right refuse to admit to the real causes of crime and that is that wages of stagnated in the last 50 years because of the Republicans destroying Unions and workers rights and refusing to fund job retraining while the super rich have increased their wealth by 320% and created a new U.S. 3rd world class of worker troglodyte slaves who work for no benefits and at part time low paying jobs. When people cannot pay their bills in desperation they often resort to crime.”

      Then it is not firearms, see, you told the truth. By accident, but you told it. However, poverty is not an excuse for crime. The Handbook of Crime Correlates (2009) completely disputes that poverty is a cause of crime.

      “Republicans have lowered taxes on Corporations to zero like Amazon who made 2 billion profit in one year and shared zero with the worker.

      Republicans have given away stolen billions in workers tax dollars that were given by the truck load to Corporations in the form of Corporate Subsidies (Corporate Welfare) while at the same time screaming they cannot afford a National Health Care Plan and also cutting benefits to truly needy people who desperately need Federal tax dollar help.”

      Delaware, a small State has sheltered more companies from taxes than any other State. Where is the outcry? Oh, Democratic run State comprising of 55% Democratic voters.

      The tax rate for Amazon and others is part of the IRS laws and regulations and statutes that both D and R’s have placed over the years. Big companies generally donate to Dems, and probably get a tax deduction for doing so.

      To blame the R’s for a tax code that has been written by both Parties is intellectually lazy.

      “A recent Harvard study proved that if you are in the lower working class or a newly arrived immigrant in Canada you have a higher chance of rising out of poverty in Canada which has better funded education for working class people than ruthless uncivilized Capitalvania does, so good that immigrant children are often integrated in less than two years. Many Latino’s that are “in the know about Canada” are bypassing the hell hole of U.S. Capitalvania with its out of control gun crime and who let people die in the streets like dogs because of a lack of affordable health care, are instead immigrating to Canada both legally and illegally.”

      Where is this study? I looked and the studies about Canada and immigration shows that immigrants are more likely to live in poverty than Canadian citizens. That seems to be the case for most Countries who have a large influx of immigration.

    • All politicians have body guards and its been proven that the most attacks or thwarted assassinations come largely from Far Right nut case groups that the F.B.I. has studied and declared the biggest threat to U.S. freedom and democracy.

      Now – does this increase the body guard suicide rates as you indicated in the other article? You said gun ownership increases suicide rates… so?

    • Republicans have lowered taxes on Corporations to zero like Amazon who made 2 billion profit in one year and shared zero with the worker.

      Uh what???

      I guess you have never owned a business. If you take the profit and re-invest it in company infrastructure, there is no profit. Thus no taxes.

      And why should corporations have to pay taxes at all???? Every person within that corporation is already paying taxes individually. Why should they be taxed again, simply because they got together to make a product or service?

      And what do you mean “shared zero with the worker?” All these workers are getting paid no?

      And republicans didn’t “lower taxes to zero.” My God, everything you said was wrong. I wish they would lower taxes to zero! LOL That would be a good thing! More money for the people’s pocket. Less money for the king.

      • to anonymouse

        quote————-And why should corporations have to pay taxes at all???? Every person within that corporation is already paying taxes individually. Why should they be taxed again, simply because they got together to make a product or service?———-quote

        Wrong as usual, the Trump Tax Rape bill also gave more rape benefits to the upper 1% as well.

        quote—————-And what do you mean “shared zero with the worker?” All these workers are getting paid no?————quote

        Don’t insult the intelligence of educated people. The last 50 years have shown a stagnation of workers wages and a rape of retirement and health benefits while C.E.O.’s wages and perks and benefits increased 320% and the corporations 900%

        • Wrong as usual, the Trump Tax Rape bill also gave more rape benefits to the upper 1% as well.

          If true, good. The less tax everyone has to pay, the better.

          Don’t insult the intelligence of educated people. The last 50 years have shown a stagnation of workers wages and a rape of retirement and health benefits while C.E.O.’s wages and perks and benefits increased 320% and the corporations 900%

          Supply and demand. The market sets the price. Stagnation of wages in a particular field, is a direct result of an overabundance of workers in that field available to work. For example. I hired an uneducated mexican guy that just came over from mexico to do some “labor.” He barely spoken english, but could lift heavy stuff, so we agreed upon a price for the total of the work, rather than a “wage – price/unit time.” The price was much cheaper than hiring a contractor here with a legitimate business. Congratulations, that “ohhh” moment that you are experiencing right now, is your brain clicking into place on these ideas. Demand was low for that worker, because cheaper workers were available, thus stagnation of wages. Why would wages increase if such cheap worker were available? Hint: They wouldn’t.

          Your complaints about CEO’s having money is just nonsense and envy. They’re value really isn’t increasing anyways. The dollar amount of their value appears to be decreasing due to the massive inflation occurring right now. The reality is, the value of the dollar is dropping, and because their dollars are tied to a tangible or value outside the dollar, it appears their dollars are increasing. They are not. The reality is, the value of the dollars is dropping.

          Lastly, if you are upset that someone other than you has it better than you (such as CEOs or the Jones’s next door) seek ways to improve your situation, rather than seeking ways to diminish theirs.

          Now, i’m getting tired of teaching you ECON101, maybe we should get back to your hoplophobia and extreme fuddness.

      • “And why should corporations have to pay taxes at all?”

        All new taxes are tied to an excuse to spend, excuse me, waste more money. Our debt is a national security risk. The propagandists aren’t talking about it because that would hinder the uniparty’s ability to waste our money on special interest and expanding the government.

    • Republicans have given away stolen billions in workers tax dollars that were given by the truck load to Corporations in the form of Corporate Subsidies (Corporate Welfare)

      Not taking taxes is not the same as paying corporations money. It is the states and community that cut them a tax break, to move to that location to bring in jobs. It was an agreement, not a subsidy. The government is not “entitled” to them moving there and taking their money. A tax break ≠ corporate subsidies. No Siree.

    • A recent Harvard study proved that if you are in the lower working class or a newly arrived immigrant in Canada you have a higher chance of rising out of poverty in Canada which has better funded education for working class people than ruthless uncivilized Capitalvania does…

      Perfect! Pack your shit. Go to Canada.

      I would like to note, Canada doesn’t have hordes of uneducated laborers walking across their southern border ready to accept $6/hr under the table in cash. So yeah. Obviously their wages will be higher, because there is less uneducated laborer competition.

      Many Latino’s that are “in the know about Canada” are bypassing the hell hole of U.S. Capitalvania with its out of control gun crime and who let people die in the streets like dogs because of a lack of affordable health care, are instead immigrating to Canada both legally and illegally.

      Perfect. If its so bad here, then why are they trying so hard to get in? LOL. If Canada is so great, I recommend they go there. 100% for that. The US has an overabundance of uneducated laborers as it is. I recommend they go to Canada and start reaping all the amazing benefits there, immediately.

      • quote————-Perfect. If its so bad here, then why are they trying so hard to get in? LOL. If Canada is so great, I recommend they go there. 100% for that. The US has an overabundance of uneducated laborers as it is. I recommend they go to Canada and start reaping all the amazing benefits there, immediately.———–quote

        Don’t make me laugh many laborers have done exactly that and left for Canada. Also the U.S. is experienced a brain drain and an also an exodus of educated people emigrating not only to Western Europe for a better life but even Asia as well. Many Asian Americans have left for good to the Far East for a better life with more benefits and even some White People have went with them. I know the Far Right are too terrified to watch foreign news programs but plenty of them have done specials on such American immigrants now living in the Far East and even the Near East also and of course Western Europe.

        • dacian I’ve still got my bags packed. Are you ever going to show up?
          I thought me and you was leaving?
          Wasn’t the $20 for gas and a promise to sit on your lap for the whole ride good enough?
          I’ve gotta get out of this sht hole America picture you’ve painted and your my only hope dacian. Please dont tell me all those love letters you’ve sent were a lie.
          Gilted by dacian, I’ve hit a new low.

        • Remember when the America hating left wing celebrities vowed to move to Canada? It turns out they were FOS. By the way, why weren’t those racists vowing to move to Mexico or Haiti?

        • Don’t make me laugh many laborers have done exactly that and left for Canada.

          Good. Because there are too many uneducated laborers here already, and they are resulting in stagnation of wages. Why should I hire a white guy for $15/hr when I can hire a spanish speaking illegal for $6 under the table.

          Also the U.S. is experienced a brain drain and an also an exodus of educated people emigrating not only to Western Europe for a better life but even Asia as well.

          Excellent. I hope they find what they are looking for. The market is obviously saturated with their area of specialty, that they must go elsewhere to seek higher wages.

          Many Asian Americans have left for good to the Far East for a better life with more benefits and even some White People have went with them.

          Ok. Great. That’s fine. The more that move there, the higher the wages will get here (supply and demand).

          I know the Far Right are too terrified to watch foreign news programs but plenty of them have done specials on such American immigrants now living in the Far East and even the Near East also and of course Western Europe.

          Uh – Great! Totally fine with that.

  3. The way I see it is that there are two groups of people who are shot or otherwise harmed. Group A consists of criminals who are shot by other criminals or by cops or by the criminals’ victims. Group B consists of innocent victims who are attacked by criminals or are caught in the crossfire. Chicago’s crime rate might not look so bad if we ignored group A and focused on group B.

  4. 90 is an enormous security detail. Sounds like it is more about intimidation than personal safety.

  5. “it’s a miracle that the official violent crime numbers are ‘only’ up 34% so far this year”

    perhaps it was largely already maxed-out.

  6. Just goes to show you how some people will sell their souls for a fast buck…the Mayors officers should be held in the same esteem as internal affairs or some woke admin white shirts….I would rather work any crap detail than to put myself and reputation on the line protecting that pond scum…those officers are pariahs because they did not rebel…contractors should have been her only option…

  7. She is just another sexually liberated person, s0ci@list progressive in her p0litic@l orient@ti0n, with no children, letting children be killed and their parents not allowed to have guns to protect them.

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