Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer. (AP Photo/Paul Sancya)

It’s been a long time coming, but the #GUNVOTE could very well be the deciding factor in pushing Republican challenger Tudor Dixon past antigun Democratic incumbent Gov. Gretchen Wilmer.

Gov. Whitmer was among the earliest and most adamant governors in the country to proudly shut down firearm retailers in 2020. This despite the fact that record numbers of law-abiding Michiganders have purchased firearms because they felt unsafe – more than 1.7 million according to NSSF-adjusted NICS verifications.

In a gubernatorial debate, she doubled down on her decisions and now as crime is among voters’ top concern as Election Day approaches, Gov. Whitmer is trying to dupe voters.

Republican Challenger Tudor Dixon, on the other hand, is unabashedly pro-Second Amendment and it was clear during a debate between the two as Michigan voters decide who to support at the ballot box.

Courtesy Real Clear Politics

Polling in the Wolverine State shows the race is neck-and-neck with momentum in the favor of Dixon’s upset of Gov. Whitmer.

A Record Not to Repeat

In the lead up to President Joe Biden’s election, Gov. Whitmer tried desperately to land the spot as his Number 2. During his gun control Veepstakes with Moms Demand Action’s Shannon Watts to make her case, she praised shutting down Michigan’s gun stores, putting 6,600 Michiganders in the firearm and ammunition industry out of work by deeming them “non-essential” during the coronavirus pandemic.

“I would do it again. I absolutely stand by the decision that I made,” Gov. Whitmer said. “I’m not going to apologize. And I’m not going to be bullied into doing things differently… It was very clear, the purchase of a gun does not fall in that [life-sustaining] criteria.”

Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer
Wretched Gretchen Whitmer (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

Fast forward and crime is surging. Gov. Whitmer still has no regrets. During the debate she made it known again. She reiterated her support for expanding restrictions on firearm sales to implement a universal background check, that isn’t possible without violating federal law to institute a national firearm registry. She  again pushed for mandatory gun storage laws in private homes that the Supreme Court in Heller said violates the Second Amendment.

NSSF and the entire firearm industry advocate for secure firearm storage through initiatives like Project ChildSafe and manufacturers providing locking devices with each new firearm. These efforts have had a positive impact on reducing firearm tragedies.

A Gun Rights Champion

The contrast in the debate and the lead up to Nov. 8, couldn’t be clearer. Dixon challenged the governor’s flawed “gun free” zone push, saying “Gov. Whitmer has made it pretty clear – she wants to make sure she takes away any protection you can have.”

Of the governor’s “gun-free zone” talk, she added, “The governor wants to make sure your kids are in a ‘sitting duck’ zone.” She’s right – criminals don’t follow the laws, or steer clear of “gun free zones.”

Michigan gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)

Tudor added, “The idea that she thinks, that having any type of weapon is too dangerous for the state of Michigan, she’ll take all of your guns away.”

Undecided Michigan voters have less than two weeks to consider who they’ll support to be their next governor – anti-Second Amendment Gov. Gretchen Witmer or the pro-Second Amendment Tudor Dixon. NSSF encourages all voters to #GUNVOTE on Nov. 8, so they don’t risk their rights.

Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.


  1. Most of Michigan is rural, with rural culture and traditions. How did this harpy get to be governor? Go home take care of your kids and your husband, leave governance to a woman with brains and courage.

    • Redneck.45lc,

      In terms of land surface area, sure, most of Michigan is rural. In terms of population, most of Michigan is urban and suburban. The greater Detroit Metro Area population is 4.4 million, the next largest metro area population is 1 million, and the third largest metro area population is about 500,000. Combined, those three metro areas are over 60% of the total population. And, like pretty much any other state, the combined urban/suburban population is round 75% of the total population.

    • She ran against a corrupt schmuck that was worse and the third party candidates were jokes. Like this year, but with no one screaming about Flint’s water. Dixon was pushed by the Democrats so she can’t be that bad.

    • Major metro areas are composed of longterm radical union stooges and the standard demtard serfs of color.

      Cruella deWhitmer is going to lose (if with the full support of the FBI thugs).

    • neiowa,

      Umm . . . perhaps because Detroit, Flint, Ann Arbor, Grosse Pointe, and Bloomfield Hills (all reliably Dimocrat) outnumber the rest of the state???? Kinda like LA, SF, Sacramento, Santa Barbara, and San Diego (constituting about 10% of California) have more people than the rest of the state combined??

      Demographics. Population distribution. Apportionment. I know math is hard, but . . . ignorance is harder.

    • if Brazil had an electoral college like the US, done by regions, the final result would have been
      Lula: 149 electoral votes
      Bolsonaro: 389 electoral votes pic.twitter.com/8AzboRJV4y

      Turns out that one small region of Brazil is allowed to impose Bolshevism on everyone else.
      Turns out that happens in state elections here in the US too.
      Maybe electoral-college type voting should be done in our state elections?

  2. So in her decision to “not be bullied into doing things differently” she will (it seems likely) bully herself into doing other things…. like something besides bullying about the people of Michigan.
    good she’s made her position crystal clear. At least she’s got a smidgeon of integrity. Most (like Dopey Joey, for example) would lie to the people to try and fool them.

    • LoL!

      That there was funny rant7!

      I am still laughing out loud–and pretty hardy laugh at that!

      Come to think of it, that is one of the best comedic lines in a long time!

      I tip my hat to you fine sir or ma’am.

  3. just like here in WA, one population center (here it’s King County) pretty much runs the show for the entire state.

      • Exactly.

        We’ll know if the election will be thrown if the count suddenly goes dark around 10 PM and an announcement is made that “It will take a few days to tally the vote”…

    • MrBob,

      In her fever dreams. Despite the (obviously) huge amount of “work” she has had done, Gretch the Wretch is NOT attractive (pro tip: IF you’re going to “get work done”, pay to get it done RIGHT – Gretch’s botox makes her look like a cheap department store mannequin).

      Stifler’s Mom at least had the benefit of actually being attractive.

      And when you add in the fact that Gretch is even uglier on the inside than she is on the outside (c.f., Malig-Nancy, Kamala “Heels Up” Harris, Hochul, Lieawatha, and last but not least, AOC), it makes her stunningly unattractive.

  4. about the same age.
    about the same height.
    about the same weight.
    about the same bra size.
    somehow Tudor Dixon is hot while Gretchen Whitmire’s not.

    beauty might be only skin deep, but ugly goes clear to the bone and the soul.

  5. Gretchen Whitmer in that pic at the top of the article looks a little like she tried to ‘transition’ and got stuck. Kinda a manly looking jaw line there.

    • She could look like a cartoon troll and I wouldn’t care as long as she worked for the people. The problem is the party system. They have to maintain the party line, even if they don’t believe it, in order to be allowed to run for office.

  6. One would think her horribe record with Covid “management” alone and resulting deaths wold scare voters away but we shall see. Many seem to want to live under government tyranny as long as it comes with a monthly benfits check/card.

    • “Many seem to want to live under government tyranny as long as it comes with a monthly benfits check/card.”

      beats workin’.

  7. The governor overreacted to COVID. In the early days, no one knew what was worth doing and what wasn’t. Here in Arizona, a high school kid was praised for wiping down outdoor playground equipment with disinfectant to make it safe to play on. We now know that he was wasting his time, money and effort. The outdoors is very safe because weather and ultraviolet from the sun rapidly cripple the virus. On the other hand, because COVID is spread person to person, it was worth shutting down crowded venues where people had no choice but to breathe each other’s exhalations. Masks helped but staying to yourself as much as possible was far more effective.

    • Unless you were in the right kind of crowd for the right reason – somehow that wily virus knows the difference between a bunch gaffers and gammers in church and a crowd of “peaceful” protesters burning down a convenience store – oops, I mean marching in unity down the street – in the name of justice…

      The fact that the Donkeys are spending big bucks in what were considered safe blue areas, trotting out Creepy Uncle Joe and his clean, well-spoken former boss as well means their internal polls are turning much redder than they thought just a couple weeks ago.

      Prepare yourselves for a slow-burn return of the Summer of Love lasting for the foreseeable future – the leftist/fascist/statist troops will be out in force fighting to “save” democracy from the will of the voters.

  8. ” Yes, I’d like to speak to Mrs. Dixon please.”
    To doors down, turn to the right.
    Getchin Whitmor,,,, no he said to the right, ahh there it is.

  9. I have my doubts whether Republicans can win the Governor’s race in Michigan. Historically, Michigan voters seem to like 8-years terms alternating between Democrats and Republicans in the Governor’s mansion. Sadly, that would mean Whitmer has another 4 years to go.

    Whatever you do, do not apply any sort of rational analysis to Michigan politics. It has to be the only state in the nation which effectively always elects Democrats for both U.S. Senators and effectively always elects a significant Republican majority in the Michigan state Legislature–and then flip-flops back-and-forth between Democrat and Republican Governors.

    • “the only state in the nation which effectively always elects Democrats for both U.S. Senators and effectively always elects a significant Republican majority in the Michigan state Legislature”

      makes good sense. democrat senators to bring home federal dollars, and republican legislators to keep things under control at home.

  10. She again pushed for mandatory gun storage laws in private homes that the Supreme Court in Heller said violates the Second Amendment.

    Falsehood: The Heller decision stated the courts have the right to “regulate firearms” giving them the authority to do just that.

    QUOTE———-She reiterated her support for expanding restrictions on firearm sales to implement a universal background check, that isn’t possible without violating federal law to institute a national firearm registry.———-quote

    COMPLETE 100% FALSEHOOD. Universal Background Checks would only be an extension of the 29 year old Brady Bill that never has registered firearms. Universal Background Checks would only now also include private sales while the original Brady Bill covered only new gun sales and in its original form would have covered private sales too before being gutted by the gangster criminals of the NRA.

    quote———–NSSF and the entire firearm industry advocate for secure firearm storage through initiatives like Project ChildSafe and manufacturers providing locking devices with each new firearm. These efforts have had a positive impact on reducing firearm tragedies.——-quote


    • It figures. The site communist defending a fascist. Please stop using QUOTE—. It is very annoying and makes you look like a failing college freshman. You are a bad American and a bad person. You should be ashamed.

    • @dacian

      “Falsehood: The Heller decision stated the courts have the right to “regulate firearms” giving them the authority to do just that.”

      On the face of plain simple minded ignorant and confirmation biased reading that’s true. But overall its false. The Heller decision did not give them the right to “regulate firearms” outside the intent and context and meaning of the second amendment. An intent and context and meaning clarified more with the Bruen decision that also builds upon the Heller decision by clarifying what the Heller decision really meant.

      “COMPLETE 100% FALSEHOOD. Universal Background Checks would only be an extension of the 29 year old Brady Bill that never has registered firearms. Universal Background Checks would only now also include private sales while the original Brady Bill covered only new gun sales and in its original form would have covered private sales too before being gutted by the gangster criminals of the NRA.”

      Once again, on the face of plain simple minded ignorant and confirmation biased reading that’s true. But overall its false. The Brady bill would never have covered a ‘universal background’ check that included personal sales – it couldn’t as such is unconstitutional because it ‘federally’ regulates the sale of personal private property which is unconstitutional. So ‘universal background checks’ would not be an extension of the Brady bill because no such ‘extension’ is possible constitutionally which is why, basically, it did not ,make it into the final Brady bill.


      100% false.

      What the firearms advocated for safe storage is ‘voluntary reasonable’ in safety nature to be codified in law. What “WITMER” advocated is government (state) regulation and infringement to be codified in law.

      • @dacian

        To explain something to your child like mind because obviously you are incapable of going beyond your own confirmation bias…

        when I wrote in my above…

        “What the firearms advocated for safe storage is ‘voluntary reasonable’ in safety nature to be codified in law.”

        what that ‘voluntary reasonable’ means is that a person could choose the safe storage method/’device’.

        The firearms industry and Whitmers view did not achieve the “SAME EXACT RESULT”. The firearms industry proposal achieved that the firearm is stored securely away from those who should not have access. Witmers version wants regulation and infringement and making it burdensome and felony criminal based and costly so as to have yet another way to take firearms from people even if there was no accident or theft.

        No, the two did not achieve the “SAME EXACT RESULT”.

        • to Booger Brain

          quote———–The Brady bill would never have covered a ‘universal background’ check that included personal sales – it couldn’t as such is unconstitutional because it ‘federally’ regulates the sale of personal private property which is unconstitutional.—————quote

          And you forgot about the NFA law which does exactly that in regards to machine guns and silencers. Try Again.

      • to Booger Brain

        quote—————- The Heller decision did not give them the right to “regulate firearms” outside the intent and context and meaning of the second amendment.————-quote

        Falsehood: The Supreme Court has constantly either ignored or overturned prior decisions. They have absolute power and can do anything that they please and history has proven it. Too bad you flunked American History Classes.

        quote—————-No, the two did not achieve the “SAME EXACT RESULT”.————–quote

        Falsehood: Both plans were meant to save children’s lives but you try and twist the true intent of both plans. Yes one would be mandatory and that is the better plan because it forces everyone to obey a common sense procedure. If you do not wish to follow this new law then you could put your children up for adoption because you refuse to be responsible parents and you are putting Childress lives at risk. The paranoia of the sick far right does not trump the safety of children period.

        quote—————–The Brady bill would never have covered a ‘universal background’ check that included personal sales – it couldn’t as such is unconstitutional because it ‘federally’ regulates the sale of personal private property which is unconstitutional.———–quote

        Universal background checks are not required by U.S. federal law, but at least 22 states and the District of Columbia currently require background checks for at least some private sales of firearms. And the Supreme Court HAS NOT RULED THIS IS UNCONSTITUTIONAL. Try again you failed.

        • @dacian

          I don’t need to try again, your reply verifies what I wrote and you don’t even see it. You’re and idiot.

        • .40 cal. Isn’t it amazing? He is so low iq and so uneducated that he does not realize he is proving you right.

    • That’s why I teach my grandchildren to shoot, so they don’t shoot themselves, instead they shoot Dacian when he shows up at pawpaw’s house.

  11. This does not look like a red wave to me. This looks more like a split down the middle as has been the case for the last decade.

  12. A lot of this depends on which polls you’re looking at. The most Dependable polls have the Republicans ahead in every single race around the country. Some of the margins are small but they’re still ahead. So go out and vote. I voted not Democrat.


    snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff…oh yes my dear….sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff….quite pungent indeed…is that….dare I say….sssssssnniff…eggs I smell?……sniff sniff….hmmm…yes…quite so my darling….sniff….quite pungent eggs yes very much so …..ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff….ah yes…and also….a hint of….sniff….cheese…..quite wet my dear….sniff…but of yes…this will do nicely….sniff…..please my dear….another if you please….nice a big now….


    Oh yes…very good!….very sloppy and wet my dear….hmmmmm…is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?…hmmmm…..let me…..let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling…….hmmmmm….hmm..yes….that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear….ah yes….let me guess…curry for dinner?….oh quite right I am….aren’t I?….ok….time for sniff…..sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff…..hmmm…hhhmmmmm I see…yes….yes indeed as well curry……hmmm….that fragrance is quite noticeable….yes…..onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?…..hmmmmm….yes quite…..

    BBBBBBRRRRRRRRPPPPPPFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFTTTTTTTTTTT Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes…. Thank you Governor Whitmer!

  14. I don’t like it, but I think Whitmer will win in Michigan because of Michigan’s 1931 anti-abortion law, which has now been reinstated by the recent Supreme Court decision throwing out Roe vs. Wade. Michigan women don’t like that, because the law (apparently) makes no provision for abortion in the event of a rape or of a deadly pregnancy-gone-wrong situation. And… Tudor Dixon supports that no-exceptions stance.
    How do I know this? I’m a Michigander, and I’ve been hearing it from both of my daughters incessantly, that’s how. And… there is an old adage (which I believe) that no older generation ever won an argument with a younger generation.

    • “there is an old adage (which I believe) that no older generation ever won an argument with a younger generation.”

      That’s the reason you begin your argument with “In my day…” – that way the older generation always wins because the younger generation knows nothing about living in the older generation ‘day’. Then you can walk away satisfied you were right and yell for those kids to “Get off my lawn!”.


  15. Whitmer will win unfortunately. Good portion of the voting is in areas that are deep blue and the people want nothing to change even if it would be better than what they have now.
    My state rep, the incredible Tim Ryan😂, keeps getting voted in and he has done nothing and continues to do nothing.
    Never underestimate the stupidity of the average American voter.

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