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Search: Publishes Database of Gun Permit Holders is a misleading url. The site doesn’t publish a list of The Empire State’s concealed carry permit holders. It’s offers a database of all New York residents who have a permit to own a gun. Why? Just ’cause it can. Here’s the bit at the top of their home page justifying their love. (Whatever love is.)

5. Filing of approved applications. The application for any license, if granted, shall be filed by the licensing officer with the clerk of the county of issuance, except that in the city of New York and, in the counties of Nassau and Suffolk, the licensing officer shall designate the place of filing in the appropriate division, bureau or unit of the police department thereof, and in the county of Suffolk the county clerk is hereby authorized to transfer all records or applications relating to firearms to the licensing authority of that county. The name and address of any person to whom an application for any license has been granted shall be a public record.

The site recommends that anyone who’s unhappy at this public display of ballistic affection should contact their legislators and change the statute. Hard to argue with that one. Or the hysterical (in a good way) response by safeinohio over at . . .

Seems everyone would want to be on this list. The crooks would be afraid to break in an armed home. One does not have to own a gun to have a CCW. I’ve seen people take the course with a rented gun. Like wise, there is no guarantee that some one on the Brady list does not own a gun. There is no serious potential. Most break-in artist do little to no background checks. That is most, not all. 99% of criminals are not criminals because of their high intellectual status. Just visit your local jail and you’ll find this out.

Then there are the presses rights according to the First Amendment. That would make public records fair game.

I’ve seen a case where a criminal gang broke into expensive home in the country that had fake deer targets in the yard because they figured they had guns and bows. That is easy. Cross checking data bases is time consuming and would be unlikely.

Looking for a NRA bumper sticker on the truck would be so much easier. Then you’d have to figure out weather a gun in the home is an invitation to a crime, or a deterrence. That’d be a toss up.

18 thoughts on “ Publishes Database of Gun Permit Holders”

  1. New York State is a strange place. The true "Concealed Carry Weapons" holders in New York would be few and far between. Over 90% of pistol license holders just have their license stamped "Target." This gets them to and from the range. The next level up is Business that only allows you to carry during business activities. Finally full-blown concealed carry needs the decree of a judge.

    SO, that list holds an awful lot of people who can have a pistol in the home and can only tote it to the range. Moreover, checking it out with some buddies it is far from accurate (addresses were wrong). BUT, it ain't cool to out those who do not want to be outed. Just ask Newsday when they printed the list years ago and caught flack for it. As Robert says, the element of surprise can be the decisive factor in a robbery.

    • Why would someone want to publish a list of permit holders? Just another provocative political move by a bored jerk who wants to get something going. Probably to make his life more exciting.

      Whether I own a gun or not is no one's business. I was not aware of a public listing of gun owners, and I will contact my state legislator to try to get that changed. It's no one's business. If or when I carry for personal protection is never known by anyone around me. Nor should they know. It's a form of protection from personal attack by someone who means to do harm to myself or someone I love. Or even someone I don't know who is being threatened with imminent harm.

      There is the God Given Right of Self Protection sealed by the 2nd Amendment in our USA and people who have any common sense should leave this stuff alone. Almost without exception, the only people who cause problems with guns are those who have them ILLEGALLY – that is felons, gang members, drug dealers, etc who use them for self gain and crime. That's why I join Charleston Heston in saying they'll have to pry my guns out of my cold dead fingers.

  2. Brett is a little off on his facts about a license. Everyone is issued a license under PL400 Section 2F and they are all "Concealed Carry" licenses. Each county is different and some counties issue all "unrestricted" license, some counties issue almost all "restricted" licenses and many counties are somewhere in between. Judges have to approve all licenses in almost all counties, (except NYC and Long Island by law.) What each county does is determined by the local Judge or Judges. In Orange County we have 6 Judges who issue licenses.

    • george is correct! in nys (outside nyc) all guns permits are concealed! there is no open carry in nys. however, your permit is either restricted in, business, premises..or it can be unrestriced..meaning full carry! i somehow dont agree with the earlier statement from brett soloman above that 90 percent are restricted…that doesnt make sense to me at all? i am also so infuriated about the idea of the permit lists being published..that defeats the whole purpose of concealed carrying! it also opens up the temptations for the thieves as we have already seen in white plains! …now we have just screwed with the legal law abiding gun owners! what this has done has INCREASED the likeliness of shooting incidences not DECREASED them! by entering homes in search of guns and putting owners or their families in imminent danger….more people will be asking to be harmed!! wow!! only in AMERICA are the criminals rights more protected!!

    • george is correct! in nys (outside nyc) all guns permits are concealed! there is no open carry in nys. however, your permit is either restricted in, business, premises..or it can be unrestriced..meaning full carry! i somehow dont agree with the earlier statement from brett soloman above regarding the percent that are restricted…that doesnt make sense to me at all? i am also so infuriated about the idea of the permit lists being published..that defeats the whole purpose of concealed carrying! it also opens up the temptations for the thieves as we have already seen in white plains! …now we have just screwed with the legal law abiding gun owners! what this has done has INCREASED the likeliness of shooting incidences not DECREASED them! by entering homes in search of guns and putting owners or their families in imminent danger….more people will be asking to be harmed!! wow!! only in AMERICA are the criminals rights more protected!!

  3. Publish a list of addresses for LEO's, jewelers, armed guards and bodyguards then hope that no one gets hurt for irresponsible IDIOT that put up the website. Yet the ass that put up the website chooses to be unknown. LOL I guess so he or she could protect themselves and their privacy!!!! LOL Another do as I say not as I do arrogant anti-gun moron. Preaching his/her first amendment rights while trampling all over the rights of others. THE RIGHT TO PRIVACY. YEAH, YEAH its public record but then how many criminals know how to get these records? OR will go to the police dept to get them? Well you just made it a whole lot easier for criminals. When someone on the list is ambushed ,shot and killed. The moron that published this list should be sent to prison. This is like yelling fire in a crowed movie theater.

  4. Go ahead and publish my info, gives them fair warning before they come a knocking…….

  5. "Then you’d have to figure out weather a gun in the home is an invitation to a crime, or a deterrence."

    The word 'weather' is spelled wrong in your sentence The correct spelling of the word used that way in that sentence is: whether. Get your spelling correct and facts.

  6. why when i go to the site it takes me to something about donating to Pakistan relief fund? I cant find the list.I am a permit holder and i;m outraged.Please clarify this.

  7. The only reason to publish the names and addresses of pistol licenses holders is to help criminals and terrorists get handguns, via burglary. They can wait till you go out and break in and get your guns. This type of info MUST be protected by Homeland Security and anyone who publishes the info should be put on a terrorist watch list. It’s amazing how people in this country help terrorists.

  8. As of January 2012 there are approximately 500,000 unrestricted pistol permits that were issued in approximately 25 counties in N. Y. S. as stated in the FIREARMS AND WEAPONS LAWS manual by Thomas and Chamberlain. Research shows that there are approximately 1/2 of the N.Y.S. Counties that ISSUE UNRESTRICTED PERMITS.


  9. So the effort I made to make sure my name would not be on a list of gun (pistol) owners was a joke. I do not have the same mindset of Joe or Jeremy who posted their comments on July 22nd, I’m not anxious to shoot an intruder. I’d rather not experience a situation such as that ever in my lifetime. The funny truth is, if I was confronted by an intruder, they would more likely find themselves looking down the barrel of a 20 gauge shotgun, which is always ready to go, rather than my handguns which are locked securely in my safe.
    So the list has been taken down……..BIG DEAL…the damage is already done, but fair warnings to any and all intruders……..we are NOW on high alert and will be ready to protect our lives and our homes.

  10. I’m one of those “lucky 10%” in New York State that actually has an unrestricted permit and I most certainly “Opted Out” for having my name publicly published so that any P.O.S. can case out my house, wait until nobody is home and then break in and look for one or all of my firearms. I only buy the best because I learned with guns (as with many things) you get what you pay for. I’m all “pre-fuggly lock” S&W, Kimber Custom Shop, Beretta, Springfield Armory and Colt. As someone with no criminal record I had to go through all the hoops, stairs and flaming loops just to get this crappy piece of paper that on the bottom was typed “Target-Hunting”. I reapplied after a few years as I was suggested to do and I listed all the various encounters I’ve had with unsavory people just on my way to work, or at work, and within 2 months I was lucky enough to get an an Unrestricted Permit. All work related I had been shot at with an AR, had a shotgun flashed in my face while stuck in snowstorm traffic, and was almost carjacked twice.
    My biggest problem with this “public need to know” is ANY neighbor who maybe doesn’t like you, ANY ex of your’s that may have animosity against you, ANYONE who knows that you have a permit can call 911 or Crisis Services, paint a little ANNONYMOUS picture as to you being a little off lately maybe saying something fabricated like “you were cleaning your guns on the porch today talking to yourself”…. and WHAMO!!! Kendra’s Law, Baby, and you can say goodbye to your firearms for a year to 18 months (if you’re lucky to get them back at all). We’re made to carry concealed so nobody can tell that we’re carrying, right? Well then why would a list be made available to anyone (especially those who may have an issue with you) where they can have your gun collection and reputation ruined with one malicious phone call?

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