Nikki Fried weed marijuana
(Image courtesy Nikki Fried)

By Lee Williams 

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives issued a stern warning last week after Minnesota became the 23rd state to legalize recreational marijuana. 

The author, apparently Jeff Reed, ATF’s Acting Special Agent in Charge of the St. Paul Field Division, sought to provide “clarification for gun owners and potential gun owners who may be considering using marijuana given Minnesota’s recent ease on marijuana restrictions.” 

“Regardless of the recent changes in Minnesota law related to the legalization of marijuana, an individual who is a current user of marijuana is still federally defined as an ‘unlawful user’ of a controlled substance and therefore is prohibited from shipping, transporting, receiving, or possessing firearms or ammunition,” Reed said in the letter.

“Until marijuana is legalized federally, firearms owners and possessors should be mindful that it remains federally illegal to mix marijuana with firearms and ammunition. As regulators of the firearms industry and enforcers of firearms laws, we felt it was important to remind Minnesotans of this distinction as the marijuana laws adjust here in the State of Minnesota.”

The letter shows once again how the ATF will threaten and bully law-abiding Americans, while ignoring high-profile Democrats who are committing the very same offenses. No one – other than perhaps Hunter Biden – personifies ATF’s dual standard of justice better than former marijuana lobbyist, Florida’s former Agriculture Commissioner, failed gubernatorial candidate and the current chair of Florida’s Democratic Party, Nikki Fried. 

In 2019, just days before she was sworn in as Agriculture Commissioner – who oversees Florida’s Concealed Weapon or Firearm License (CWFL) program – Fried appeared on “The Marijuana Solution’s” podcast. She told listeners that according to state law, Floridians could possess both a CWFL and a state-issued medical marijuana card, despite federal prohibitions. 

Nikki Fried 4473 guns marijuana weed lawsuit atf
Former Florida Agriculture Commissioner Nikki Fried (AP Photo/Wilfredo Lee)

“I have both,” Fried said on the podcast, which was sponsored by a marijuana vendor. “So, I want to make that very clear, that I will not be taking anybody’s concealed weapons permit or not renewing them. I see no conflict between the two.”

The podcast’s website has since been taken down, but other evidence still exists. 

While running for governor in 2021, Fried posted a picture on her campaign’s Facebook page of her medical marijuana card. The photo was captioned: “I’m a proud medical marijuana card-holder and I’ll fight like hell to stop Republicans in the Florida Legislature from restricting patient access.”

Image courtesy Nikki Fried

In a 2018 Tweet, Fried admitted she owned at least one firearm. 

“The NRA says I’ll take your guns—that’s a lie. I own a gun, I’m not anti-gun, I’m pro-public safety. The gun lobby feels threatened, they just spent $1 million on ads to maintain control of our government. I’m running to restore accountability and ensure full background checks,” she said in the Tweet.

While overseeing Florida’s CWFL program, Fried closed the online application portal during the height of the pandemic, suspended the CWFLs of dozens of Floridians who attended the Jan. 6 protest before they were convicted of any crime, and bragged that she had “kicked the NRA out of Florida’s gun licensing office.”

Fried did not respond to requests seeking her comments for this story. 

Two standards of justice

It’s not as though ATF is unaware that Fried is flaunting the law. In 2019, a daily newspaper in Florida even published a story titled: “Will the feds bust Nikki Fried?” But so far, the ATF has given Fried a complete pass, even though she admitted she possesses firearms, has a valid CWFL and is what ATF’s acting-SAC in St. Paul called an “unlawful user of a controlled substance.” 

To date, there have been no late-night “knock-and-talks” at the front door of Fried’s home, even though ATF agents across the country are unconstitutionally intruding on law-abiding gun owners who may have purchased after-market triggers, solvent traps or other firearm accessories. 

And don’t forget Hunter Biden. The ATF and federal prosecutors have been investigating the false statements he made when he purchased a handgun in Delaware for more than five years, while others who are not the president’s son have been sentenced to federal prison for the same offenses. 

Hunter Biden
Image courtesy Hunter Biden’s laptop

Perhaps the ATF is ignoring the crimes of high-profile Democrats because they’re too busy trying to turn 40 million law-abiding Americans into felons after they purchased a plastic firearm accessory that the agency twice said was perfectly legal. 

This obvious double standard of justice at work is just one of a long list of atrocities the ATF has been allowed to commit for decades, completely unhindered. Now, the question we should be asking isn’t what they are going to do about Nikki or Hunter, but how long can we as a free society allow such a corrupt and politically biased federal law enforcement agency to exist. 


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.


  1. People balk at balkanization but we’re already living in a fractured system of two, three maybe even four versions of America operating simultaneously with varying levels of hostility toward each other.

    Heading it off and splitting as amicably as possible sooner would be better for everyone rather than keep pretending things are not as they seem and wait for the inevitable eruption of horrible violence.

    • Ultimately it will end in unimaginable violence no matter what is done if the commies (insert whatever the current accurate description is here) have enough power to impose on any segment of America and it will not stop until they are rendered powerless. At best with a national divorce we would have a cold war standoff with the predictable infiltration of free America by operatives and institutional corruption by those seeking control just as we saw in the last century.

      • we don’t need a divorce. What we NEED is to restore the national covenent that this nation is bound by, but largely ignores.

        WHERE in that document do FedGov have ANY say in what anyone puts into their bodies? The same government agency that was mandating we all submit to having dangerous chemicals injected into our bodies, without adequate testing, is also the one that prohibits anyone putting a certain weed into our bodies, one proven to not be addictive and dangerous, as they claim it to be. (no I do not use the stuff, but my points stand).
        Further, by WHAT constitutional authority do FedGov use the issue of whether one EVER uses this weed at any time also triggers a blanket loss of one’s right to arms, even when one is NOT using the green stuff? I can have a doctor’s prescription fir heavy narcotic drugs and still possess firearms. On what basis can they remove my right to arms if I have the exact same pills but the doctor’s scrip is outdated? Or if I never had a doc’s scribbles on a pice of paper?
        This whole concept is simply using my RIGHT to arms as a trinket they can take away if I do something else they don’t like.

        Bogus. How different is this from General Gage’s decree that everyone had to surrender their arms because they were meeting weekly to drill and practice their marksmanship? (he waited too long, they got too good before he actually tried to steal their weapons… and kicked him and his Brit army all the way across the Puddle back to Merrie Auld……..

    • Six months prior I misplaced my work and after that I was blessed sufficient to falter upon a extraordinary site which truly spared me. I begun working for them online and in a brief time after I’ve begun averaging 15k a month… The finest thing was that cause I am not that computer smart all I required was a few essential writing aptitudes and web get to to begin.
      ) AND Great Luckiness.:

  2. I’ve seen crowds of potheads at music festivals that exhibit much more intellect than atf’s doodlebug did in a congressional hearing about braces. It’s not a brace or anything else that makes a person a criminal…It’s what’s between their ears that makes them a criminal…Unfortunately the atf doesn’t see it that way because the heads of those at the top reside in their behinds.

  3. Cliche time !!!
    “Do as I say, not as I do.”
    “What is good for me is not for thee.”

    And I reply,
    “The King (& queen) has (have) no clothes.”

  4. Fried is a liar, she worked tirelessly to slow down the process, deprive lawful gun owners of their constitutional rights and push the Lefts agenda for bans on “Assault Rifles”… That’s one of the reasons she’s moved back down on the family farm and is no longer in public office after losing her primary challenge against Charlie fucking Crist?… Now chairs the Florida Democrat Party (Meh)…

    • Nikki Fried is a gun owning fascist pothead. She is a very compliant pothead. Like all pot heads she is a very compliant fascist/Communist.

  5. Anti-gun people are given a free pass by the BATF, as well as by state police in anti-gun states.
    I remember a few years ago, an anti-gun TV reporter (I know, that’s redundant) did a story on guns in which he displayed, in New York, a 30-round mag that was illegal in the state. When gun-rights supporters pointed out that the reporter had broken the NY SAFE Act by displaying a 30-round mag, so why didn’t NY arrest him for the same crime that they arrested gun owners, the reaction of the anti-gun NY governor was in effect, “That’s OK, that reporter is anti-gun, so he’s allowed to break gun laws. He gets a free pass to break gun laws because he’s on our side, the anti-gun side.”

    But if an ordinary citizen is caught with an 11-round magazine, they get arrested.

    • F-Troop knows not to bite the hand that feeds them. They will not act against their patrons.

    • Another case of “the law for thee, but not for me”. Had to be said… Now do they have red flag BS in FL? Take the Alinsky rules and use them back on them. Not that I approve of that crap, but we should play by the same rules and not try to take the high ground… Also, I’ve been known to crotch punch mofo’s when it was called for.

  6. I have no idea who Lee Williams is, but sounds like just one more whining pothead. They co-opted “Libertarian” many years ago with their rationalization BS (there is NOTHING the potheads won’t say/claim for their religion de pot). So ignorable.

    Does someone what to advance a theory that Nikki Fried is something other than a despicable t urd? Is ATF as despicable? Certainly.

    • Lee Williams is a good guy. He has been writing about gun rights for quite a while now.

  7. Do not mix guns and weed. So does that mean I should not put my guns and bullets in a bag of dope and leave it laying about?

  8. Her boyfriend owns a HUGE Cannabis farm. The same one who caused an accident with injuries while under the influence, and Nikki got him away from the Scene, and all charges were dropped. Funny how shit works.

  9. The fact is, during the Obama/Biden administration, Congress defunded the federal government’s efforts to enforce marijuana laws. But Donald Trump turned that around and intentionally appointed a United States Attorney General that would rescind the Obama/Biden’s administration liberal policies regarding medical cannabis.

    “Congress has barred the Department of Justice from spending any funds to prosecute those who grow, sell and use medical cannabis since 2014.

    However, Trump’s attorney general, Jeff Sessions, is an outspoken critic of marijuana. Sessions rescinded the Obama-era policy of not butting heads with the states over marijuana laws. Now, federal prosecutors in states that allow drug sales must decide how or whether they will enforce national marijuana regulations.“

    • Odd still going on years after trump is out of office…….. almost like it is an irrelevant detail from an obsessed political activist.

      • I have a friend who still calls the China tariffs “Trump’s tariffs”. Every time I respond with the question “Is Trump still President?”.

      • Yep, the Trump administration in 2018 rescinded the Obama/Biden administration’s liberal policy regarding cannabis use by American citizens.

        For a party that claims to be all about ‘states rights’ and stopping ‘federal government overreach’, the Republicans in this case took power away from the states.

        “Odd still going on years after trump is out of office…….. “

        You know it can take years to overcome the Conservatives’ bureaucratic inertia once set in motion, but the Biden administration has moved forward to allow American citizens the freedom to make their own decisions about their healthcare choices by pardoning all federal simple possession cases:

        “Biden pardons all federal offenses of simple marijuana possession in first major steps toward decriminalization

        By Kevin Liptak, CNN
        Updated 5:39 PM EDT, Thu October 6, 2022“

      • He point is he is going to continue to feed he un-healthly adverse mental health condition of obsession with Trump because he has nothing else.

  10. “…how long can we as a free society allow such a corrupt and politically biased federal law enforcement agency to exist.”

    Free society? That train left the station long ago — talk about your “high-speed rail.”

    Americans will tolerate (or cheer on) stolen elections and government-imposed restrictions on freedom over a virus. You think a little thing such as a “corrupt and politically-biased agency” moves the needle on their freedom dial?

  11. “It’s not as though ATF is unaware that Fried is flaunting the law. In 2019, a daily newspaper in Florida even published a story titled: “Will the feds bust Nikki Fried?” But so far, the ATF has given Fried a complete pass“


    Wasn’t Donald Trump the head of the administration for two more years?

    So the Trump administration’s United States Attorney General, Director of the FBI and Director of the ATF, all appointed by Donald Trump and confirmed by a Republican majority in Congress, chose not to investigate or charge her?

    Looks like your beef is with the Republicans and not the Democrats.

    • But Johnson wanted the GCA and created the 4473 so hurr durrr

      But, but, but, Lee Harvey Oswald who shot JFK and set this whole thing off was a commie so it’s Russias fault!!!!!

      But, but, but, but, but, Darwin’s theories spurned on the creation of communism so it’s his fault!!!!

      But, but, but, but, but, but……

      The buck only ever stops when it benefits whoever passed it.

      • Oswald was a duped patsy and had LOTS of help.. including at least two other shooters in other places. Ol’ EllBeeJay really wanted Kennedy out of his way.

    • First of all, Minerva, you seem to be the ONLY one that actually gives a fuk… Second of all, refer to first of all… OR, keep on beating that dead horse, nobody cares…

    • @Miner49er


      Wasn’t Donald Trump the head of the administration for two more years?

      So the Trump administration’s United States Attorney General, Director of the FBI and Director of the ATF, all appointed by Donald Trump and confirmed by a Republican majority in Congress, chose not to investigate or charge her?

      Looks like your beef is with the Republicans and not the Democrats.”

      Looks like Miner49er doesn’t recognize hypocrisy and political party favoritism and tyranny either.

      To stay in context with firearms (‘context’, that thing you don’t seem to know about): The difference is that Trump wasn’t trying to ban guns, and Trump didn’t put Everytown into the ATF as a ‘consultant’ to create unconstitutional law, and Trump didn’t weaponize the ATF against law abiding citizens, and Trump didn’t go on the war path to prosecute any gun owner with his weaponized ATF, and Trump didn’t try to usurp the authority of congress to create law by ruling by decree (e.g. executive order), and Trump didn’t attempt a power grab at controlling and doing away with the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 14th amendments. Biden on the other hand has done all these things, in other words, as our founders rightly recognized the type and warned against them, Biden is acting as a tyrant and although Trump may not have been everyone’s favorite he did not fit the definition of tyrant.

      The beef is with the democrats and Biden, not with Trump and the republicans.

      • All ended up being big fat “RHINO’s”!!!!!

        Therefore allies of the Marxist/Communist/Socialist of the DEMOCAT party!!!

      • All ended up being big fat “RHINO’s”!!!!!

        Therefore allies of the Marxist/Communist/S o c i a l i s t of the DEMOCAT party!!!

        First post was awaiting moderation due to the Marxist who run the word police don’t like the word “S O C I A L I S T”!!!!

      • “Trump didn’t try to usurp the authority of congress to create law by ruling by decree”

        How soon they forget… Or sometimes they’re just lying to support their delusional narrative…

        “WASHINGTON (AP) — The Trump administration Tuesday banned bump stocks, the firearm attachments that allow semi-automatic weapons to fire like machine guns and were used during the worst mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

        The regulation gives gun owners until late March to turn in or destroy the devices. After that, it will be illegal to possess them under the same federal laws that prohibit machine guns.“

        • I have news for you, the “gun commuinty” supported that. The “gun community” has never supported the ownership of machine guns in the general population. Go watch the CNN town Hall where President Trump was asked the bumpstock question.

          And show me the over 200 well written opinion pieces in the gun/2A publications, supporting machine gun ownership. Despite the criminals who use them in Chiraq in 2023.

        • More FAKE NEWS from Minerva, are you and dacyboy in a competition for the Bullshit of the day award? Actually Congress never “approved” bump stocks AND Trump did not issue an Executive Order banning bump stocks, THAT was an ATF rule…

          ATF, Department of Justice Final Rule, Dec. 18, 2018: The Department of Justice is amending the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) to clarify that bump-stock-type devices — meaning “bump fire” stocks, slide-fire devices, and devices with certain similar characteristics — are “machineguns” as defined by the National Firearms Act of 1934 and the Gun Control Act of 1968 because such devices allow a shooter of a semiautomatic firearm to initiate a continuous firing cycle with a single pull of the trigger.

          NOT AN EXECUTIVE ORDER: How can you be SO wrong So often with the truth at your fingertips (not to mention everyone else’s)… Almost like it’s intentional, habitual? perhaps pathological? congenital? You just can’t help yourself??…

        • “ATF, Department of Justice Final Rule, Dec. 18, 2018: The Department of Justice is amending the regulations of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF)”

          So you’re saying Donald Trump was not in control of his administration?

          Didn’t Donald Trump personally nominate United States Attorney General William Barr?

          “Lombardo served as Acting Deputy Director of ATF from March 2018 until she was formally nominated to serve as Acting Director by the Attorney General, William Barr, on April 24, 2019. Lombardo took office on May 1, 2019, succeeding Thomas Brandon, who was retiring“

          It’s the old Republican double standard, Donald Trump isn’t responsible for what his ATF does but Joe Biden is.


          “President Trump made marijuana legal”

          Chris, you really gotta quit the hard stuff.

        • It’s the old Republican double standard, Donald Trump isn’t responsible for what his ATF does

          I didn’t say that don’t try to rewrite MY post… YOU said “How soon they forget… Or sometimes they’re just lying to support their delusional narrative” in response to Booger’s statement Trump didn’t try to usurp the authority of congress to create law by ruling by decree”… YOUR inference that the ATF rule was somehow “TRUMP” usurping congressional authority by Executive Order was blatantly inaccurate… You can’t hide from your own fuck ups when they are in print a few paragraphs above… That’s the problem with a lie, you have to constantly work to remember it, the truth is what it is…

          I never liked RINO Barr… I had hoped he would appoint Matthew Whitaker, would have done a much better job…

    • “Looks like your beef is with the Republicans and not the Democrats.”

      No actually it is the democrats who are the problem. And they always have been the problem.

      “Rand Paul Complains That Democrats Squandered Their Opportunity To Enact Marijuana Reforms”

      President Trump made marijuana legal. The problem is you have to move to a free state in order to do business. Free from excessive taxes and state government regulations.

    • Well, there is that old saying: “the only good democrat is 6 feet down and decomposing”.
      And it’s still true.

  12. DOJ Prosecuting P o t -Using Gun Owners Despite State Legalization

    The Department of Justice under President Joe Biden has begun to target legal gun owners who also use marijuana in the many states that have legalized medicinal or recreational marijuana. …

    The DOJ’s decision to file charges against such individuals has raised eyebrows. Biden pardoned federal convictions for marijuana possession last year. The strict enforcement in states where marijuana is legal has led critics to conclude that the administration is attempting to nullify the Second Amendment through a loophole. — National Review, June 6, 2023

    • This is actually something I’ve commented on many times over the years. People get into to this because it’s legal. But it isn’t. All it ever needed was someone in Washington willing to pursue it. Right or wrong, that’s all it would take.

    • So the Democrat Party is really not Pot friendly at all. How about that?!?!?

      • Democrat Party is really not Pot friendly at all

        Yeah, unfortunately they don’t give two fuks about Pete the pothead, unless he also happens to own a gun AND is not a prominent Democrat… So “Bribem” Jr and Nikita are safe…

      • You’re right. I was thinking maybe she’s just smoking herself silly on her farm and shooting at the chickens because they’re always possessed, those evil chickens…and leaving the rest of us alone. But you’re right. Liberal democrats never leave us alone.

        • She’s filed several frivolous complaints and lawsuits (as head of the Florida Democrat Party) against DeSantis since the election… She’s not going away…

  13. Nikki Fried is wrong. It isn’t the NRA that wants to take her guns ,it’s the BATFE. I don’t see her fighting the ATF either.

  14. As for potheads, do what you want, but stay TF away from me. I will not rent to or hire potheads, no matter the law.

    • I hear you. It would be just my luck to hire one and they end up maiming or killing one of the best employees by way of some dumb4uckery. It’s bad enough dealing with that one alcoholic who’s daily sh1t impacts everybody else in some bad way or another. Twice in my career, we had an alcoholic who would sometimes be drunk on the job. Once when I was doing a summer job, one of the old guys told me whenever somebody called in sick, the other guys would always call me first because I would show up on time, be ready to work, and not be high or drunk.

      It doesn’t take much to be successful. But what it DOES take is sometimes a bridge too far for some folks.

  15. Owning a firearm does not automatically mean someone is pro2A, won’t take them from others, or is not anti-gun.

    Too many people are falling for this ridiculousness.

    • Yes, Prndll it seems often we hear, “I have guns and I support the 2nd Amendment….BUT!

    • Yes, I know a fellow, Thomas A. Kennedy of Chesapeake VA, that believes only well-educated people should be able to own guns and is virulently anti 2A. He also believes lying is a virtue. He works in the Military Industrial Complex and is pro-socialist.

  16. quote———-This obvious double standard of justice at work is just one of a long list of atrocities the ATF has been allowed to commit for decades,——–quote

    When you are a high ranking official in Capitalvania you are above the laws that govern the peasants and worker troglodyte slaves. Herr Drumpf should be in prison for the next 100 years for all the crimes he has been caught committing.

    Nikki’s support for universal background checks is commendable though.

    If the ATF were not all retarded Neanderthals they would want everyone high on marijuana because you are far less likely to comment a violent crime when on marijuana than when all
    drunked up on alcohol.

    • Yep…
      The Biden’s, the Clintons, Obama, Gore, and others in DC sure seem to be above the law and untouchable.

    • AHHHH, the other half of the daily CLOWN show… Herr Drumpf should be in prison for the next 100 years for all the crimes he has been caught committing

      Please do itemize ALL of the CRIMES he’s been CAUGHT… CHARGED with… AND CONVICTED of…. I’ll wait….

      Oh and please be specific… Crimes/dates, charges filed/dates, convictions/dates…. If those fucking people had ANYTHING solid to charge Trump with it would have already been done AND he would be serving the maximum penalty under the law and YOU know it…

    • “When you are a high ranking official in Capitalvania you are above the laws that govern the peasants and worker troglodyte slaves.”

      Aha! Asshole, you just explained why Nikki Fried won’t face charges from Zhou BaiDeng’s Department of Injustice. It’s good to see you acknowledge reality once in a great while.

      • If they go after her they’d have to charge “Bribem” Jr… THAT ain’t gonna happen…

    • The same ATF that are also loyal party enforcers. Or do they lack sufficient p0litical indoctrination?

      Are you hoping for your s0cial-justice police to be on the same pedestal as the other lettered agencies? More likely they’ll replace the TSA as the inbred butt monkeys of law enforcement.

    • Today’s Marijuana is not your father’s type of Marijuana!!!

      Didn’t realize you was a BRITISH POTHEAD also, besides being a BRITISH SUBJECT not a FREE MAN!!!!

  17. A fudd is a fudd is a fudd. I’d rather 20,000 Nikki Frieds go to prison for 100 years than one Mathew Hoover.

    There is no Justice in the USSA any more.

  18. President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.
    President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.
    President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.
    President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.
    President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.
    President Biden is the greatest president America has or ever will have.

      • Nobody falls up stairs like our President Biden.
        And he’s an MX Champion too, 82 years old and still crashing bicycles. Hah even JFK couldn’t do that.

      Is STILL TRUE.

      • I was permanently banned from MeWe for the same comment, MeWe has become as bad as FaceBook.

  19. Here in Oregon, a jury just confirmed that if you have your Oregon Medical Marijuana Program patient card, you can do whatever the Hell you want. Dillon Cashman was just acquitted of all attempted murder charges from an incident last July. Mister Cashman allegedly opened fire as MacMinniville police responded to a domestic disturbance call. Mister Cashman allegedly fired 243 rounds from various weapons, ventilating the entire neighborhood. My own drive by inspection confirmed that many houses were riddled with bullet holes.

    Although Cashman was convicted for illegal possession of firearms, the fact that he utilizes marijuana to alleviate his mental health issues enabled him to be acquitted of the most serious charges of attempted murder.

    • The gun community will always demand accountability from gun owners.

      The pot head community will always avoid accountability for their fellow potheads.

      • Chris T, this is like 3rd or 4th comment from you I’ve read that makes me believe I wouldn’t like you very much.

        …that said…your not wrong.

        • To be honest I’m not here for a popularity contest. But I’m glad we can agree on some things.

          And on the machine gun issue.

          How long will it take for the general ownership of machine guns, to equal in number, all of the thousands of machine guns that president Obama sent, for free to police departments all across the country???

          And does anyone believe the police will be “wasting ammo” with police machine guns???

        • “the thousands of machine guns that president Obama sent, for free to police departments all across the country???“

          Chris, of course you’re upset with Obama for providing local police departments with the weapons they need to match the firepower of your gangster buddies.

          So much for that bullshit story about conservatives supporting ‘law and order’.


        • providing local police departments with the weapons they need to match the firepower of your gangster buddies

          What does a “machine gun” have to do with law and order? Cops don’t NEED machine guns any more than I do (nor do I want one), and most cops are already a danger to the general population with semi-auto weapons never mind turning them loose with full auto stuff… By the way, when was the last time YOU heard of cops being involved in an ACTUAL shootout with a bunch of “bangers” using full auto firepower? Surely you can dig up something from the 1920s, I’ll wait… All Obama did was attempt to create his own private army by militarizing a bunch of mostly untrained cops… They don’t teach tactics and guerrilla warfare in cop school, they mostly focus on the proper way to fill out a traffic ticket, most cops are more about revenue gathering than actual law enforcement and lifesaving, gotta get that “quota”…

  20. I’m really glad they wrote this article. I’m positive that this time pointing out the hypocrisy and double standards will cause many to rethink their positions and real change will come.

    Finally we got the right amount of ink spilled to do the trick.

  21. The BATF should be disbanded and marijuana should be legalized at the federal level.
    But you should never mix marijuana or alcohol while using any firearm.

      • I use the barrel of my gunm to stir my mixed drink.
        I call it the Hoppes HeadBlaster
        1 part Kentucky Delux
        2 parts Everclear, with a sprig of Marijuana.
        Mix well

  22. Just curious, unless the federal government is standing at your door with a gun drawn, are we still caring about what the feds say on the issue of guns? They’ve proven themselves an untrustworthy, nearly criminal, agency that only prosecutes by political affiliation and not by the law. They change legal interpretation based on who’s in the white house, or even more sadly, by whim.

    I get it, its the law, and should they show up with agents and guns drawn, they can make your life a living hell, but they’ve more or less proven themselves to be a corrupt institution only worthy of massive defunding.

  23. Vocabulary advisory: Nikki Fried is not flaunting the law; she is flouting the law. What she flaunts is her obvious immunity from attention by the Democratic-controlled ATF.

    • I was called a “grammar Nazi” for correcting someone a few days ago.

      The proper term is “linguistic authoritarian.”

      • In my extended family, I’m known as a second-generation SAGEL: Self-Appointed Guardian of the English Lauguage. “Linguistic Authoritarian” also has a certain cachet to it.

  24. Unfortunately I’ve known a number of people who would spend their money on Pot and then come to me for groceries. And would be physically ill if they didn’t have their pot. So, I say yes, pot is addictive.
    When I was either a business owner or manager I would make it very clear from day 1, if you’re wired, you’re fired. No second chances nor would I allow alcohol on the job. A shift drink after you clocked out, or go smoke up after work, off premises, I don’t care. Your ass if you get caught driving drunk/stoned/high.
    Never cared for the effects of pot, so after trying a couple times in my much younger days, I just wasn’t interested. And getting caught on a whizz quizz was not a good thing then.
    Just my opinion on this. Want to use whatever drug? Have at it. Just don’t drive or do anything that could put others at risk. And understand that drug or alcohol use/abuse is not an acceptable excuse for any criminal activities.
    So, should pot or drug users be allowed their right to keep and bear? Unless and until they commit some crime, why not?
    It’s been proven time and again prohibitions do not work. Including banning people from owning guns. How many times every week do we read or see on the local news someone was arrested for a felony crime with a gun they couldn’t legally own?
    Now, we know Fried will not be charged with anything. Simply because she plays for the same team as the administrative/bureaucratic state.

    • And would be physically ill if they didn’t have their pot. So, I say yes, pot is addictive

      Yes, pot is addictive in the way that cigarettes are addictive more mental addiction than physical, way easier to overcome…

  25. I used to believe Secession or a National Divorce was still possible, but now I don’t think it’s possible anymore. The States are more interconnected now than they were in 1861, largely due to the Interstate System, Rail System and Air Travel. The Federalizing of the State’s National Guard is problematic.
    Even if the Federal Government combines Local, State and Federal Las Enforcement,and the military against us, we still outnumber them by nearly 1,000:1. Biden threatened Nukes, but such an action against the Citizenry by a Presidenf, makes the Executive Fair Game. Most of the Legislative and Judicial branches as well.

    I think Secession would set off a Civil War again. I also strongly believe we’re heading towards one anyway. The country is now more divided than our Forefathers were in 1860, and over a great many more issues than Slavery and State’s Rights. I don’t believe the Federal Government will/can’t give up the loss of Revenue a Divorce would cause.
    I’ve also come to accept that No Election(s) will correct the Rot and Corruption in our Governmemt. It’s gone far past our ability to effect Change by Voting, because the entrenched Bureaucracy won’t permit any limitations on to their accrued power. The Bureaucratic State would turn to Assassinations without fear of retribution.

    I’m just an auld fart, and don’t claim to be an expert on or in any area, but I don’t see any way out of this mess, but by Rebellion or Civil War. We have the most corrupt and Totalitarian Administration in the Biden/Harris Caliphate in living memory. There is nothing Joe Biden wouldn’t do to hold on to power.
    The “Long Train of Abuses and Ursurpations” will continue and only worsen. until We the People exercise our Right and fulfill our Duty.

    • Actually, I believe the second civil war started about 14 years ago. So far, only the one side actively fighting. The rest of us are still standing around wondering, WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THOSE PEOPLE.

      • Which leads me to ask of those you still standing around, “What the fuck is wrong with you people?” Conservatives have proven themselves to be cowards.

  26. In my opinion, marijuana in its simplest form (buds) is less dangerous, for most adults, than alcohol(spirits). Neither alcohol or weed should be combined with the handling or shooting of guns. This is not difficult. I have found people high on weed are more reasonable than those people high on alcohol. Your experience may be different. Nikki Fried is a known liar and a fraud. I wouldn’t give any credence to any of her words.

    • No drug is harmless. IF you were a cop, this should be obvious to you. IMO, alcohol is far more intoxicating then the natural form of weed. IMO, People that have a pre-disposition to Schizophrenia should avoid both.

    • Oh yeah, Hillsdale College is the actual center of Christian nationalist hypocrisy, their history is full of hidden sin and corruption:

      “Mr. Roche’s son, George Roche IV, told the conservative magazine National Review last week that his wife of 21 years, Lissa Roche, 41, killed herself after telling him that she had been having an affair with his father for 19 years. Neither George Roche III nor George Roche IV returned phone calls seeking comment. The magazine reported that the older Mr. Roche denied the affair to the college’s board of trustees.

      In his resignation statement, Mr. Roche said, ”We have proved that integrity, values and courage can still triumph in a corrupt world.” College officials have refused to say why Mr. Roche stepped down.“

      • So, you can only come up with ONE instance of sin and depravity in the entire 180 years of this institution’s existence? I’m truly disappointed… She was also fucking the pool boy…

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