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Win a Kel-Tec KSG

KSG Giveaway TTAG

You know you want one. You’ve been intrigued since Kel-Tec announced the KSG. But like most new Kel-Tecs, you figured you’d be old and grey before you actually ran across one in the wild. And that may still be the case. But here’s your chance. Click here to enter from your laptop or here from your mobile device, and you could be taking home your very own desert tan KSG. How cool is that?

64 thoughts on “Win a Kel-Tec KSG”

  1. Honestly, I’ve never seen the appeal of these. Since I live in CA I probably wouldn’t be able to own it anyway.

    • Yes they are CA legal, but good luck in getting one ordered!
      I asked and my LGS said they won’t even bother ordering, big wait times.

  2. I have heard very negative things about the quality and reliability of these… Have I been mislead? On paper it looks like a kick-butt HD shotgun. But not if it’s not 100% reliable.

    • Most of the reliability reports stem from improper training. Most of the issue is that people don;t rack the slide far enough. That said, it does require some range time to get comfortable with it. It was hard for me especially as it was my first pump action shotgun.

    • My understanding is works fine until the gun warms up from heavy use. I heard they were going to give it a design change but not sure of the status.

    • I think I have a second-gen one, where the majority of jams were worked out.

      I’m about 500 shells into mine, and twice now, I’ve had the bolt for the magazine selector start walking out to where a hard racking pops it into neutral. Hence, you come up empty when you’re trying to chamber the next round.

      It’s a fun gun, and there’s something to be said for the capacity and being able to come around tight corners with the gun aimed. I just think it has a number of creative ways to get one killed by letting you down if you use it and put wear on it regularly.

  3. The mobile site needs some scaling.

    I was a little confused .. Do I or do I not need to enter via Facebook? It didn’t seem so at first, but after I hit enter I got a message that a fb login was required…?

    • It worked better when I rotated the screen sideways. To answer your question no but if people sign up using your link you get up to 5 additional entries for each person.

  4. Awesome! Another gun contest we’re going to get spammed to death by! And it’s Krap-Tec to boot!

  5. So how about, instead of spamming us to death with this post, have it permanently stickied so that it is the top article on the site. That way, if we have already seen it, we can just click down to the second one.

  6. I actually have always been interested in this shotgun, but have not purchased one because the price seems ridiculously high, and because of the numerous negative reviews I’ve read about it.

    But….I’ll definitely take one for free!

      • Right. Even if you don’t want it at all and plan to sell it. It may as well be a giveaway that says, “win $950*.”

        * cash payout version requires 30 minutes of your time to sell the KSG.

  7. I can feel TTAG’s readership declining… please don’t tell me this is what this site is degenerating into.

    • It’s not the number of readers that’s declining — it’s the intelligence of some of the whiners.

      If you don’t want to enter a contest, don’t enter. If you don’t want to read an ad, DON’T FREAKIN’ READ IT.

      How hard is that?

      • It’s not the number of readers that’s declining — it’s the intelligence of some of the whiners.

        The page views are steadily on the rise. As with any population, the ratio of people that can actually read to those just randomly dropping by is steadily decreasing…

  8. Click here to enter from your laptop or here from your mobile device,

    So I can’t enter from my desktop? SHENANIGANS!

  9. Unlike most people, I don’t have a huge problem with you trying to give me a free gun and will gladly take their entries. My only request is that you at least write a new paragraph each time you re-post it. Acknowledge the awkwardness/(mild) annoyance and embrace it!

  10. Unlike the last contest I’m delighted to enter this particular contest as I just happened to get a Ruger MkIII Competition from KY Gun Co., and was very satisfied with their service, even though I’ve not had an opportunity to take it to the range yet.

    And the KSG may well be a piece of crap, or the best thing since sliced bread, or most likely…some where in between. No matter how you look at it, it is a much more desirable prize than the P22 ever was.

    With that in mind, I can live with one spam post a day. Maybe even two :p


  11. My buddy has one but I’ve never shot it. I’m thinking of trying to borrow it for a trap shoot.

  12. Just make sure you to use a secondary email address.

    I made the mistake in the past of using my primary email address to sign up for this stuff. Took me forever to get off the mailing list of the companies spamming me…

    • Ive signed up for literally dozens of KYGunCo giveaways and have NEVER gotten spam email. *Maybe* a Kygunco ad once every month but even then I havent seen one in forever

      • I guess let me clarify. I’m not specifically saying KYGUNCO would do this, I’m just saying I signed up for ‘give aways’ based on advertisements from this website (not TTAG’s fault) in the past and it completely spammed the crap out of my primary email address.

        I’m sure KYGUNCO can understand my precautions by using a secondary email just for such events.

  13. We don’t send SPAM, we don’t sell your information, we don’t trade your information. We do use your email to send you one to two emails per month on specials. We hate reading spam email ourselves, and would not waste your time with SPAM. Simply put, if you see an email from KYGUNCO, it is worth a look.

    Patrick Hayden, Owner

  14. Though individual results may vary, I’ve tried to enter this 3 separate times, and quit after 5 minutes each time. The entry never seems to go through.

  15. I ran across one at the gun show last weekend. It was priced at $1200.00. I giggled hysterically.

  16. no workee from the PC side… just a rotating thingee on the page after entering name and email.

    oh, well. Like the 870 just fine anyway.

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