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This Week in Gun Rights is TTAG’s weekly roundup of legal, legislative and other news affecting guns, the gun business and gun owners’ rights. 

Keybase bans sharing 3D-printable gun plans

For the longest time, keybase was the go-to spot for those who wanted to squirt out their own guns. It was an aggressively pro-privacy and free speech platform. As a member myself, I can tell you we felt very welcome. That is, until Zoom bought it.

Shortly thereafter, members of the popular and all-too-important community Deterrence Dispensed were notified that, after 30 days, they would be removed from the platform.


Adding insult to injury, the DetDisp team were told they’d be able to leave a page up saying where the team had gone. Of course, once the day came, the entire team and its content were unceremoniously deleted.

It boggles the mind to try to figure out what the corporate purpose of all this animosity to free speech and legal activity is. Especially on an encrypted platform. What did they think people wanted to talk about with their encryption? The weather?

Remington Arms is back

The latest twitching limb of Remington’s long nearly-dead corpse, RemArms, has had its FFL approved by our federal overseers, clearing the way for the company to begin production on March 1st. The new firm owns the rights to produce all Remington firearms, save for the Marlin brand, which was sold to Ruger in the bankruptcy sale. Here’s hoping the latest incarnation can find a way to make Remington great again. 

New Zealand set for round two of confiscation

New Zealand Gun Buy back confiscation
Police Senior Sgt. Braydon Lenihan poses holding a banned gun that has been bent by a hydraulic machine outside a temporary gun collection venue in Porirua, near Wellington, New Zealand. New Zealand is six weeks into an ambitious program to buy tens of thousands of guns from owners across the country. (AP photo/Nick Perry)

Starting February 1st and lasting until May 1st 2021, the New Zealand government is once again giving amnesty for unlawful possession of newly prohibited items. They’ve published a price list for the arms they’re “buying back.” This is the second major run, as the first was a spectacular failure.

You might notice that their price lists seem rather high, but there are a lot of factors at play. For one, the market in New Zealand was always much smaller, leading to higher gun prices. But before you think “Hell, I’d sell my gun for that,” remember that the price also includes never being able to replace it. With that level of scarcity, almost no price makes sense.

Johns Hopkins wants clinicians to red flag patients

daniel webster bloomberg school
Courtesy Johns Hopkins

Johns Hopkins has put forward a new learning activity for clinicians about how they can petition the courts to remove their patients’ firearms. The Bloomberg-funded school seems to think that clinicians in states where they are empowered to petition courts for an Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) are generally unaware of the program. Thus, JH is taking it upon its shoulders to encourage doctors to red flag their patients.

The huge problem here is that it’s essential that you trust your own doctor. That’s why we have HIPPA and related laws. Patients should be able to freely discuss their problems, mental and otherwise, with their physicians. If patients fear that doctors may wind up siccing a SWAT team on them, do you think that increases or decreases the likelihood they’ll tell doctors about their bouts of depression?

In a country with a mental health crisis, policies that disincentivize people from sharing with their doctors are harmful, not helpful.

The Rittenhouse Saga: Unlawful Relocation?

Kyle Rittenhouse (AP Photo/Nam Y. Huh, Pool)

In a display of extreme technical sticklery, prosecutors are asking the Kenosha County Court to issue an arrest warrant for Kyle Rittenhouse because he didn’t update his address within 48 hours of moving. It makes one wonder how often this rule has previously enforced with such severity.

Of course there is a reason for the requirement, but this instance smacks more of politics than legitimacy. It’s an interesting situation to balance, though. While moving is one of the most stressful things an individual can do, and skipping deadlines might be understandable, with the level of scrutiny Rittenhouse was already under, it’s a wonder his legal team didn’t prevent this breach from occurring.

Ivan the Troll Breathing Life into Dead Hi-Powers

3d printed handgun frame
Courtesy Ivan the Troll

He’s been at it for a while, but some have just picked up on our friend Ivan’s fixation on Browning Hi-Powers. He’s been hard at work developing 3D-printable frames for the litany of Hi-Power derivatives that are out there.

This actually solves a very difficult problem for the Hi-Power that may keep the old girls talking far longer than might have otherwise been possible. You see, the Hi-Power depends on a hard steel wedge that’s hammered into the frame. When that wedge breaks, replacing it is a difficult proposition. Ivan came up with a simple solution for the locking wedge which might keep broken-frame Hi-Powers going for years to come.

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  1. Interesting day in history. On this day in 1936 the Reichstag passed a law giving the Gestapo absolute authority and making them exempt from any legal review. With this authority the Nazi’s used it take control of the Media in Germany and thus quelled any talk of dissent against the Hitler Regime. Once the ability of the people to speak of and communicate their dislike of distrust of a government is quelled. Total Control is soon to follow. Keep Your Powder Dry.

    • “It boggles the mind to try to figure out what the corporate purpose of all this animosity to free speech and legal activity is.”

      Control begets power, power begets money, money begets power, power begets control, ad infinitum.

      Once you stop trying to attribute benign motives where there are none, the mind no longer boggles. It all makes perfect sense.

  2. Y’know, it doesn’t help that those who support the 1st and 2nd do so out of principle, patriotism, and good faith. Three things that have been declining in America with each generation.

    Companies will drop any and all support if they think it’ll hurt their bottom line or send them to court. We’re also not as rabidly aggressive to dunk a companies reputation like our opponents so they’re more afraid of them than us.

    Also if a doctor asks me about firearms in the home, the answer is a flat no and I can’t wait to see the outcome for New Zealand Confiscation round 2.

  3. Bit by bit history is repeating itself in America. And the democRat Party is the source of it like the democRat Party is the source of slavery, segregation, Jim Crow, the KKK, lynching, Eugenics, Gun Control and other race based atrocities.
    The slander, libel and election fraud we have all witnessed over the past 4 years is exactly what the Jim Crow democRat Party did to Black Americans who ran for public office or were elected to public office. It is not new by any means and it must be stopped one way or another.
    I will never roll over and play dead for some stinking lowlife scumbag democRat. Hearing me Jim Crow Gun Control joe and the ho?

  4. This new format is still buggy. This (newest) article didn’t show up under What’s New. But there is one from 2016! (You have to hit ‘Load More’ a couple of times.)

    • I wonder if the one from 2016 is one of their resurrected/republished articles. They’ve done several of those in recent days. The newest of the new are at the very top…they don’t make it into “what’s new” until later in the day. Maybe it should be What’s New-ish?.

  5. Relative to the illegal New Zealand confiscations, I hope that Police Senior Sgt. Braydon Lenihan who’s pictured above with some poor Kiwi’s bent object that used to be a rifle feels safer now. After all, it’s “civil servants” like him who elect to enforce their government’s unjust policies to oppress their subjects. It’s also people like him who will pay the price when the armed citizens who remain decide enough is enough. We Americans need to wake up and see what oppressive governments have been capable of throughout history, with particular emphasis placed on recent examples such as this.

  6. “The huge problem here is that it’s essential that you trust your own doctor. That’s why we have HIPPA and related laws.”

    The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act is HIPAA, not HIPPA.

  7. I just don’t discuss guns with my(Muslim!)doctor. And I’m a great actor…there’s a lesson from New Zealand. Tiny population(lower than Cook co.IL)& everyone know’s who has guns. Good luck with that BS in America😏

  8. New business venture idea: Make a friend in New Zealand, buy a bunch of AR-15 mags, send them to him/her (it’s not ITAR restricted unless the mag holds more than 50 rounds; I don’t know if it would violate NZ import laws), he/she can turn them in for $75.82 USD apiece, negotiate a split (say, 70-30 split), and you take home $53.07 USD per mag. Say you purchase said mags for $10 USD apiece, and your total profit is $43.07 per mag, minus the costs of shipping (both the cost shipping to you and the cost from you to them). Bulk buy of 100 mags for $1000. Total take before costs and shipping is $4307 USD, minus $1000 for the mags is $3307. SWAG estimate of both shipping costs is approx $300 (I’m estimating on the high end). Final profit is $3000 USD.

    Disclaimer: This is completely hypothetical idea, which I have no intention of implementing. I am also not a lawyer and none of this constitutes legal advice. This was just a fun mental exercise for me and nothing more.

  9. Also, your NZ friend, who is not bearing any of the costs of purchase or shipping, would take home $2274.60 USD ($3150.15 NZD) simply for the act of turning them in.

      • …i feel like this new format would be appropriate on a website called The Truth About Pot 😉 Hope you guys get this sorted out soon – love the website and all you do!

  10. Well according to Libertarian thinking. Only the government can censor you. That is not how I think. But that is what they preach. Just like when newspapers stopped taking porn movie advertising. Or a store stops selling porn or drug magazines like “High Times”.

    There is no difference. Individual business owner freedom, to sell or not to sell. But it does make it much harder, when you have to deal with multi-billion dollar private media companies. And your trying to get your message out. They simply don’t have to allow you space on their property.

    But when private churches supported burning private collections of Elvis, the Beatles, or other rock music records. Now all of a sudden its wrong for people to burn their own private property. As a protest. As I remember there is this book. Written a very long time ago. Where the protagonist architect, blew up and burned down his own building. As a protest. I don’t recall the name of that book. But I did see the 1950s movie. It was a very good movie.

    But in 2020 when people burned down the private property of other people, that was a protest supported by the three L’s and the government. Because they called the cops, “Trumps Secret Police”. And the local government ordered the cops to stand down. Because now in 2020 you have no right to protect your private property. In fact you just can’t do what you want to do, with your own private property.

    Burn it or keep it.

    • I forgot about flag burning and cross burning. You can burn private property under the correct political view. In 2020.

    • It is absolutely important that the 3D printed firearm movement have a parallel on the Internet promoting their Libertarian brand of freedom. As Gab has proven that can be quite an uphill battle.

      I just did a quick search for a Hi-Power kit. I really want a Hi-Power but every gun part didn’t have one. Guess I’ll start looking elsewhere. Probably have to play the long game. Just got a Sigma Kit on order that should help keep me busy for a while though. I will probably use that one to make a Glock Mag compatible frame and coupled with my other pistol’s barrel I will have 9mm/40 S&W capabilities.

      I’ve done a 10/22 and a Hi-Point 45 that I need to test. Working towards an original design but am really far off from that as of now. I think the tech is there but there’s going to be teeth cutting and growing pains. You don’t just hit “print” and it spits a gun out magically you have to do a lot of tuning in my experience to get a quality print.

  11. “The huge problem here is that it’s essential that you trust your own doctor. That’s why we have HIPAA and related laws.”

    In California (and presumably other states such as Colorado, for one), a psychiatrist has an affirmative obligation to notify police if a patient express an intent to commit a violent act against an identifiable individual or individuals. In Aurora, the shrink reported whatshisface to campus police after he expressed an intent to go postal, but unfortunately not soon or forcefully enough to trigger action. In fact, and it is likely true in all states in one form or another, a psychiatrist has the authority to certify an individual patient for involuntary detention for evaluation and treatment at a psychiatric facility if the patient expresses an intent to hurt him/herself or others. Red flag laws are just another avenue to the same result: if a patient is involuntarily admitted, the right to possess firearms is lost for life under federal law.

  12. Congrats on hiring the most retarded web designers on earth….i guess they are working for free their so stupid!!

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