Home Defensive Gun Use of the Day Ride Share Driver Shoots Her Police Impersonating Attacker…Repeatedly

Ride Share Driver Shoots Her Police Impersonating Attacker…Repeatedly

Atlanta Buckhead Shooting Ride Share
Courtesy knopnews2.com
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What do you do if you think someone’s following you? How about if you know they are following you because they’re trying to play Dukes of Hazzard in order to trap you? For one Atlanta woman, the answer was apparently clear: get in a high-speed chase and then shoot the attacker.

A woman driving for a rail-hailing company in Atlanta’s Buckhead area had just dropped off a passenger. As she was trying to leave, a man in another car tried to trap her.

According to knopnews2.com . . .

According to investigators with Atlanta police, the woman was driving for a ride-hailing company around 11:30 p.m. She had just dropped off a passenger when a man, later identified as 21-year-old Tyriq Qwadere Wiggins-Younger, attempted to use his vehicle to block her from leaving the area.

The woman [then] fled, and Wiggins-Younger pursued her in his vehicle, forcing her to crash. Police say Wiggins-Younger then approached the woman, who shot him claiming that she feared for her safety.

She made the right choice. Wiggins-Younger was trying to impersonate a cop before the woman shot him multiple times.

Atlanta police told WGCL Wiggins-Younger claimed to be an off-duty officer attempting to make a traffic stop. He now faces charges of aggravated assault, impersonating a police officer, possession of cocaine, possession of marijuana and possession of drug-related objects.

Police said if you ever find yourself in a situation where you believe you are being followed, call 911 right away.

Indeed, call 911 if you are being followed, but be equipped and prepared to defend yourself. Don’t forget that your vehicle is also a weapon in a situation like this.

The woman isn’t facing charges (yet) as the shooting is still under investigation by police. Expect her to lose her job as most rade share companies prohibit their drivers from carrying a firearm to protect themselves. But that’s far better than what could have happened if she’d been unable to defend herself.

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  1. “Expect her to lose her job as most ride share companies prohibit their drivers from carrying a firearm to protect themselves.”

    If they fire her and she plays her cards right, another company will likely hire her.

    Someone with her grit and courage will make someone else not narrow-minded a good employee…

  2. Thankfully she is OK. Too bad the perp survived. Cop or no cop never stop for anyone in an area with no witnesses. Turn on your emergency flashers, call 911 and let the operator know the situation you are in and why you are not stopping. If a cop doesn’t understand you don’t know them and your safety matters just as much as theirs then take it to court and tell it to the judge.

  3. It’s the digital age.
    Please use spell check or enlist a proofreader.
    Good golly Molly, those are mostly middle school errors.
    Poorly written articles perpetuate the dumb OFWG stereotype of POTG.
    And by your picture you are about as far away from that stereotype as possible.
    And IMHO, this falls on the editor(s) not on the writer.

    And yes… very glad the young lady was prepared to defend her life.

    • Hey ‘Just’! Did you know that being an obsessive-compulsive grammar troll is one of the esoteric characteristics of sociopathic psychotic serial killers? Especially those who target women? They also like crossword puzzles.

  4. “Multiple people are dead, including several children, after an “active shooter” incident at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, law enforcement sources told ABC News.

    Multiple sources told ABC News the suspect is dead.

    Uvalde Memorial Hospital has confirmed to ABC News that two children died from presumed gunshot injuries in the incident.

    Additionally, 13 students were being treated in the hospital’s emergency department in the wake of the incident, the hospital said. Two patients were transferred to San Antonio for treatment, while a third was pending transfer, the hospital said. A 45-year-old was also hospitalized after getting grazed by a bullet, the hospital said.“

    • “Prior to his arrest the suspect exchanged gunfire with border patrol agents before barricading himself in the school.”

      Why exchange fire with border patrol agents? Perhaps he was an illegal??

      • Border patrol are all over Texas, not restricted to the border. All over the border states, actually. Border patrol have been first responders at many emergency situations, around the country, especially in the border states. If I recall correctly, that Jewish synagogue that was shot up in Cali, there was a Border Patrol on scene firstest, with the mostest. I think maybe Border Patrol was first on the scene at the church shooting in Texas, but I’m less sure about that one.

        Bad guys are generally happy to shoot at anyone in a uniform.

    • People like you made it against the law for trained teachers to shoot back at mentally ill attackers, who you refuse to force into medical treatment.

  5. Tyriq Qwadere Wiggins-Younger

    LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! I wonder what demographic this fine fellow hails from.

    • “The 18-year-old suspect, a student at Uvalde High School, is also dead, he said.

      “He shot and killed horrifically and incomprehensibly 14 students and killed a teacher,” Abbott said during an unrelated press briefing.

      The suspect also allegedly shot his grandmother before entering the school and again opening fire, Abbott said.“

  6. I believe it’s safe to assume where our young Tyriq hails from.

    most likely, the guy in texas was either a coyote or smuggler. if he lost his load, a shoot out with police would yield a more favorable result than a meeting with El Hefe.

    • “most likely, the guy in texas was either a coyote or smuggler“

      Interesting theory, but total bullshit.

      He’s an American citizen, who attended Uvalde high school.

      “The 18-year-old suspect, a student at Uvalde High School, is also dead, he said.“

      • I’m sure the FBI was watching him for weeks now. Just like Nichols Cruz and the others.

      • So, in your mind [sic] a teen cannot be a drug or human smuggler to earn some pocket change for the family business or a new X-Box? You repeatedly demonstrate your bias, ignorance and ineptitude.

        The most recent reports indicate that two people were killed not your sensationalistic trumpeting of 14…15…???

      • Don’t dismiss it yet. It hasn’t been 24hrs yet so all thoughts are speculation at this point.

        It is a horrible event and I am angry anytime someone hurts or kill a child. The individual who did this is soley responsible for what happened. No one of us here, not even ou are responsible for the act. However, we have failed in adequately allowing schools to have armed responders. I have and will continue to advocate for that.

        We will never rid the access of firearms to those who wish to do harm.

        Questions that are out there,

        Why was border control involved? It could have been coincidence they happened to witness to something he did or they were pursuing him for something related to their jurisdiction.

        He was 18 and reportedly had a handgun, where did it come from?

        Was ending up in the school random or planned?

        Why did he kill his grandmother?

        Was he prescribed SSIs?

        • Reposting my post above:

          Border patrol are all over Texas, not restricted to the border. All over the border states, actually. Border patrol have been first responders at many emergency situations, around the country, especially in the border states. If I recall correctly, that Jewish synagogue that was shot up in Cali, there was a Border Patrol on scene firstest, with the mostest. I think maybe Border Patrol was first on the scene at the church shooting in Texas, but I’m less sure about that one.

          Bad guys are generally happy to shoot at anyone in a uniform.

      • At the school district I retired from some of our schools were half illegals. And we were a lot further from the mexican border than Uvalde. Just because they’re in an American school doesn’t make them legal.

  7. “I’m sure the FBI was watching him for weeks now. Just like Nichols Cruz and the others.“

    The FBI was not watching the white supremacist shooter in Buffalo, New York.

    The FBI was not watching white supremacist shooter Dylan roof in Charleston, South Carolina.

    The FBI was not watching Steven paddock, the shooter in Las Vegas, Nevada.

    Seems you might have it wrong…

    • Dylan Roof got his gun because the FBI admitted THEY made a mistake. Or did???
      Perhaps the FBI wanted Roof to have a gun.

      And The FBI was told about Cruz from different sources. They knew him. And watched him do it from a distance.

      As far as the Vegas shooter goes the FBI refused to allow the ATF to do a forensic analysis of the guns used in the shooting. Which is standard procedure for the ATF that is their responsibility. Not the FBI.

    • Perhaps they were not ‘watching them’ because they were doing ‘something else’?

  8. “But that’s far better than what could have happened if she’d been unable to defend herself.”

    Sorry, not buying that. Sometimes a person must “take one for the team”, in service to society. The woman with a gun did nothing to reduce violent crime, or even gun crime….because she used a gun to save herself; a properly bad example for others.

    The woman with a gun bypassed the legal system that might have led to an arrest, trial and conviction, without gunfire. Instead, this woman became judge, jury and almost executioner.

    This is not the right way to teach children that violence settles nothing, and only results in more violence. The problem is more guns leads to more people owning guns, which leads to more people using guns, which leads to more people killed and injured by people using guns. See the core element here?

    When faced with personal attack, each of us owes it to society to bravely stand their ground, and either run away, or endure injury or death in order to avoid being part of the scourge of society – the defensive killer. Such a person’s sacrifice will be long celebrated as a hero of the righteous cause of banning firearms (ok, except for the real criminals who are too dangerous to attempt to disarm; got me on that one).

    A gun-free society is a society !!

  9. I keep waiting for someone to be fired from Uber or whatever, for having a weapon – then filing suit. Unless Uber is willing to provide an armed guard, they have zero authority to say how you might defend yourself in an emergency. I want them to fire her, then see her file suit, and win several millions. And, I want a judge to tell Uber that they have zero authority over non-employees when it comes to personal safety. Then, I’d really like to see Uber appeal, all the way to the Supreme Court, where they get slapped around like red-headed stepchildren.

  10. @Joel
    “I know more than a handful of people who would speak this way in sincerity…”

    I try always to throw in something even rabid idiots would not say. Something like, “A gun-free society is a society !!”

    There is other tom foolery in the comment for those who like easter egg hunts.

  11. What a load of absolute ballsocks.. The fact that an UBER driver shot a man ‘multiple times’. TTo mymind the sex of the shooter is immaterial. But ‘multiple time’?? Whatv bthe hell was she using here ?? A Short .22 Saturdat Night Special ? Either that or or the supposed Police impersonator was one very tough blogger because apparently he’s still waiting his day in court.
    In the mean time I would point out that he DID NOT assault the UBER driver or physically threaten them in any way. Is then perfectly OK to attempt to KILL somebody over a PERCEIVED threat??.
    I’d like to know just how this police impersonator caused the Uber driver to crash as well. Seems to me to be a panic reaction and that’s to be expected when bloody amateurs get their hands on firearms and have no nous about ‘defensive’ driving -which anybody engaged in trasporting the public under license should have at a basis level and especially so in places like the USA where gun crime is so rife.
    Nobody should be licensed to carry without attending, and PASSING, an Official Training Program. After this is a requirement for that other great Killing Machine It would also not be such a bad idea to also, once again the automobile, to have a mandatory indemnity insurance. Indeed I suspect responsible owners and carriers have exactly that!!.

    • Is then perfectly OK to attempt to KILL somebody over a PERCEIVED threat??.

      Uh… Yes! If someone is walking towards you with a knife what are you going to do? If someone is shooting at you, what are you going to do? If someone is trying to kill you with their car, what are you going to do? Yes – you get to shoot at threats. and YES, all threats are “perceived.” The court will decide if it is reasonable. Jesus Christ I wouldn’t want to live in the UK.

      He blocked her car, she ran away, there was a high speed chase, resulting in her crashing, and then the chaser approached her car. Yeah bullets. That is my expectation Albert.

      I’d like to know just how this police impersonator caused the Uber driver to crash as well.

      He blocked her car, then chased her, in the car.

      Seems to me to be a panic reaction and that’s to be expected when bloody amateurs get their hands on firearms and have no nous about ‘defensive’ driving

      It sounds like you are really upset that she defended herself against a person impersonating a police officer who was preying upon the public. Who blocked her car, chased her in his car, and resulted in her crash. Then tried to approach her car for who knows what.

      Further, you have no idea of her experience, and you can’t be sure she was an “amateur.”

      Defensive driving???? Did you read the article? He blocked her car. He chased her in his car. The chase resulted in her crash. Then he approached her vehicle afterward.

      …especially so in places like the USA where gun crime is so rife.

      Gun crime is not “rife” in the USA. Our stats are very low, Mr. 1000 deaths in London (a population of 10 million – your words). It’s just our media constantly broadcasts every single death, and that is all they focus on. And that is all you are soaking up Albert.

      Nobody should be licensed to carry without attending, and PASSING, an Official Training Program. After this is a requirement for that other great Killing Machine It would also not be such a bad idea to also, once again the automobile, to have a mandatory indemnity insurance. Indeed I suspect responsible owners and carriers have exactly that!!.

      Well. You can do that in your country. Your country. Not ours. Your country. We don’t give a rat’s ass about your opinion of our laws. You don’t live here. You know know the regions here. You don’t know the culture here. You don’t know the people here. You are not a citizen here. You don’t vote here. and that means you opinion means nothing to me. Nothing at all. I can go all day lecturing you about your shitty countries laws and what you “should” be doing.

      For all you know, she did get trained. Maybe she was trained. She shot the guy “multiple times.” So in my opinion, her training, whatever it was, appears adequate. And I’m sure her vehicle was insured. It is required by law here. Is there any other opinions you have, that we should be living by?

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