COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Police say a woman whose live-in boyfriend struck her in the head with a gun at an Ohio hotel fatally shot him when she got control of the weapon. Columbus police have identified the man killed Thursday night at In-Towne Suites Extended Stay Hotel as 29-year-old Porfilio Salvador Hernandez. Homicide detectives say no charges will be filed for now against 27-year-old Raven Lynn Torres for a shooting that they say appears to be self-defense. Detectives say officers found Hernandez in a hotel hallway after Torres got control of the gun and shot him. Hernandez was pronounced dead at the scene.

Yet another incident that demonstrates quite clearly why a firearm can be a woman’s best friend should she find herself in an abusive relationship, this one in Columbus, Ohio. In this case, the victim had to wrest the gun away from her attacker in order to stop him.

Police say a woman whose live-in boyfriend struck her in the head with a gun at an Ohio hotel fatally shot him when she got control of the weapon.

Columbus police have identified the man killed Thursday night at In-Towne Suites Extended Stay Hotel as 29-year-old Porfilio Salvador Hernandez.

Of course, Shannon Watts, the doyenne of disarmament, doesn’t believe that a good guy (or girl) with a gun has ever stopped a bad guy with a gun. So why would any civilian possibly need to own one? This, despite the fact that she used a chunk of Daddy Bloombucks’ cash to produce this perfect illustration of why a woman might want to have armed self defense as an option.

Homicide detectives say no charges will be filed for now against 27-year-old Raven Lynn Torres for a shooting that they say appears to be self-defense.

Maybe Ms. Torres could explain to Shannon and her fellow civilian disarmament advocates how it is that she’s alive today thanks to the use of a firearm. She’d already been pistol whipped by Hernandez. Who knows what else he would have done to her had she not been able to disarm him and use the gun to stop the attack? And this is hardly an isolated incident. More women successfully defend themselves with firearms every day.

Not that Shannon’s likely to listen. She tends to filter out any inconvenient dissenting opinions that don’t confirm her carefully crafted anti-gun message.

Shannon Watts doesn't want to hear dissenting opinions



  1. Technically she didn’t get the gun for personal defense, she just used her (abusive) boyfriend’s weapon against him in the struggle. So not the ideal example, since she should have left his ass and purchased her own firearm for defense in case he went after her.

    • True but something tells me that she was abused even without the gun… and getting it for five seconds eliminated that problem.

      • Plus it kills the “he’ll just use your gun against you” objection, since she (the victim, a.k.a. the good guy) took the gun away from the abusive male and used it against him.

    • +1. It’s how she pays the bills. You get in to Michael’s limo and he makes it rain Benjamins, then you’re going to do anything he wants…. any-ting. And for Shannon, Michael ain’t too bu-coo.

  2. Who needs a gun? Just take and use your attackers gun! If you use your own gun, your attacker will take it away from you and use it on you! Clearly no one should own a gun (including criminals) – it will only be used against them!


    • No, we should give all the criminals guns. That way their attackers can take the guns away and shoot the criminals.

  3. Stupid people, stupid places etc applies.

    Girls (and guys) quit shacking up. Quit shacking up with crazy. Keep it in your pants.

    If you want a gun get one but it is not a talisman to overcome stupid.

    • Having a kid with a crazy woman would be a nightmare and should be, but obviously isn’t, reason enough for people to keep it in their pants.

  4. Come on, guys. This is a serious reach, and it sends the exact opposite message that you want it to. The girl used a firearm that she wrestled away from her abuser. The thug was your ‘good guy with a gun’, not the girl who turned it on him.

    • How in God’s name did you reach that conclusion?

      This guy was an abusive piece of crap whose actions prove conclusively that he was never a good guy with a gun. You said it yourself: he was a thug. By definition, thugs aren’t the good guys.

      By the same token, when this guy’s abused girlfriend reacted to the threat of death by taking his gun away and defending herself with it she instantly became, by definition, a good guy with a gun.

  5. Does Shannon even know who the father of her child is ?
    For certain ?
    Warbucks maybe ???

    It doesn’t take much in the way of brains to get knocked up.

  6. That’s cute that Shannon’s self described “fan page” has 35 followers. Its also kind of funny she follows you.

  7. I am a little concerned that Mr. Zimmerman would post this before any real details about this incident are verified. “no charges will be filed for now against 27-year-old Raven Lynn Torres” is not exactly the end of the investigation. TTAG is going to look silly if the girl ends up being charged with murder because her self-defense claim turns out shallow.

  8. This whole discussion is rather… stupid.

    Obviously, in the eyes of the hoplophobic left, the dude should never have acquired a gun in the first place, and “sensible gun laws” would have prevented that (because violent thugs always obey laws). And if he never got that gun, he would never have been a lethal threat (because no abused woman was ever killed with, you know, bats or knives or hands), and if we only had “common sense gun laws” then everyone would be living happily ever after.

    This is just another case for them to promote more stupid laws.

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