defensive gun use

“There are some characteristics of abusers that you sort of know, they’re probably going to violate that order,” says Amber Batchelor, who represents a domestic violence-related nonprofit called SafeNest. She’s right: protective orders are usually violated…between 70 and 80 percent of the time. This is likely what happened in Las Vegas on Thursday afternoon around 2:00 p.m.

The police already knew the victim, as they’d visited the home on domestic calls in the past. The woman had filed a restraining order against her husband, although it’s not clear whether it had been served yet.

The woman’s estranged husband arrived outside the house and called her over to a shed in the backyard, near an empty pool. Leaving her teenage daughter inside the house, the woman complied. That’s when her husband pulled a gun, and she responded by shooting him.

The woman called 9-1-1 immediately to report that she had wounded her husband, and although he made it to the hospital, he died there. The woman and daughter are both unharmed. The daughter didn’t witness the shooting and the police are now investigating the incident as probable self-defense.

“Any time a person is threatened or if they are threatened with a firearm, that person does have the right to defend themselves,” Lt. Ray Spencer said to reporters.

This is one of four domestic homicides that occurred within the same week in Nevada. In this case, the victim(s) survived because she had the means to defend herself.

In face our friends at Everytown for Gun Safety made a helpful little video that nicely illustrates how important it is for women with abusive spouses to be able to defend themselves.


  1. Will I stop this? Sure. I would’ve lent a firearm to that lady and let her shoot that psycho in the face when he broke the door in. She also should’ve taken the kid upstairs and made space. I wouldn’t expect “everytown for murder” to think logically though.

  2. The purpose of the restraining order is to establish self defense, or at least reasonable doubt, when he comes over and threatens you in spite of the RO.

    It’s not to physically protect you, unless you’re a fool who believes a court order has magical powers that criminal law does not. “darn it, that judge just ordered me not to murder the bitch, so I can’t kill her now”

    • Get the paperwork. Call 911. Lay a trail for the system to follow that you were the victim.

      If you don’t already have a revolver pick one up on the way to or from the office for the restraining order.

      • …after waiting through the mandatory waiting period of 3, 5, or 10 days (in some states), or forever if you live in New Jersey or D.C. (where you will be long dead before you can get the required training and police approval to purchase a gun).

        • Those waiting periods are exactly why every responsible adult should acquire at least one decent self-defense firearm at the first practical opportunity.

          And I would argue that a decent .38 Special revolver (with a four inch barrel) would be a great choice for someone whose only reason for purchasing a self-defense firearm is “just in case something happens 15 years from now”. That revolver can sit on a shelf or in a safe for decades with a full cylinder and will work swimmingly if the need arises.

      • They stop bullets as well as the paper targets that I shoot at the range. I’m covered by an order of protection, and also managed to secure court permission to move across state lines with four children who were minors at the time of the move (they will all be 18+ when the current one expires). I know the ex is “counting the days” because he already did time for violating a prior order, so I kind of expect him to show up within a week of the expiration .. but he’s managed to stay in the lines so I can’t get a new one (not that it matters, see above reference to the stopping power of a paper target as compared to the stopping power of an order of protection).

        But while he’s a convicted felon who can’t *legally* get a gun, I know that doesn’t mean he *can’t* get a gun. My advantage as a legal owner of a gun is that I can practice regularly and take classes to improve my skills. I’ve already got a lot of practice in “head on swivel”.

        • @Good Gal with Gun, so you married him why?

          I’m not being a smart ass. I really want to know, because we read so many stories of people with idiot or crazy ex-spouses.

    • Not sure why there’s no reply (nested too deeply, I guess?) above, so answering you here @Danny L Griffin

      The thing is, “the abusive” doesn’t start out that way … he starts out being *so* nice, attentive, giving compliments–like a Prince Charming. Not until after one is well and truly hooked does it start, and even then it’s more like that old story about the frog in the pot of water. A little put down here, a little “oops, I didn’t mean to break that” (some object that only I cared about) there, all the while maintaining a persona to everyone outside that he’s still “the perfect catch”, so to speak. Then a little more honeymoon, then things are a little worse, except now there are children you know you’d be forced to let him spend time alone with, so you stay, thinking you can protect them.

      Thing is, abusers aren’t crazy. They know perfectly well how to behave around people with actual authority or things that they want. It starts soft and subtle, and then reaches a point where you fail to see the abnormality in a threat to hurt you if you do something he doesn’t want you to/fail to do something he did want you to. Then when the threats seem normal, you think it’s your fault (i.e, if I had just behaved the way he told me to).

      Getting out was really hard. But I’ve found myself again, and things are a lot better for me and my children.

      I do remember seeing a counterpoint ad–I think it might have been a Glock ad, it’s been awhile and I’m having a hard time finding it again, that took the beginning footage from the “everytown – will you stop this?” and then had a woman’s hand reaching into a quick-access gun safe, fade to black and you heard the door being broken in followed by several shots (implying, of course, that she shot him as soon as he breached the door). And that’s how you stop it–give the formerly abused party a gun, a range membership, and training.

  3. There is a horrible 911 audio where a woman was in her bedroom talking to the cops while her ex (or someone) was breaking into her house. She was unarmed. She was killed while on the phone with the police.

    Former water walker is probably familiar with it. It happened in Hammond, IN.

    • Not sure about that oneDanny…it’s pretty EZ to get a gat in Hammond. No FOID and no wait if you can pass a background check. BREAKING: Muslim named Hussain is Toronto shooter. They’re looking for a “MOTIVE”. Seriously😖😩😏

      • I have the story backward. As I was searching for the audio I came across a story where the woman shot her stalker. All other details were the same, including the part of Hammond it happened in (Hessville). I believe this is the audio. In fact I’m now positive. (It’s been ten years so my memory failed me a little bit). She killed him while her was trying to kill her. All caught on tape. It’s still a horrifying recording.

  4. Cheesy video…no solutions for protecting yourself or child…only hoplophobic fears. They (again) seem to portray that ONLY firearms are used in domestic abuse cases. A quick on-line search reveals that Financial Abuse is the leading domestic abuse inflicted (98%)…the emotional and physical bullying typically derive from control issues exacerbated by the financial abuse.

    …and the anti-firearm Everytown people want to deprive women or other domestic partners the ability to respond with commensurate force when threatened….remember, the poli are only minutes to hours away when those precious seconds count.

    (quite possibly an AR pistol chambered in 6.5 CM could have stopped the attack)

  5. If that’s what happened, at least it had the best ending reasonably possible.

    Whether the order was served has some importance to figuring out the facts of the case, though.

  6. Pro tip:

    When an aggressor comes to YOUR home, at a time of THEIR choosing, and tells YOU to come outside, DON’T GO OUTSIDE!

    Never, ever give up concealment or cover unless you absolutely must do so to defend/rescue other family members.

  7. Wait a minute…. I have been repeatedly assured by groups like Mothers Demand Something and Giffords Guns that women will be killed with their own firearms. They have told me many times that the man will simply overpower the woman, take her firearm, and then kill her with her own gun. Does this mean they have been lying to me all these years?

    do I really need to close this with a sarc tag?

  8. Unless and until the anti’s can keep the impulse to violence (not just guns) away from whack-jobs like this guy, maybe not so much disarming their potential victims.

    They seem to be pretty indifferent to women getting assaulted.

  9. She didn’t need a gun, all she had to do is pee herself or vomit in the general direction of the attacker. It works, just ask all of the rape victims in Eurabia.

  10. But, of course Everytown for Criminal Safety turned off comments and like/dislike on their video….

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