Wondering What You Can Do About the ATF’s Proposed New Regulations? Watch This

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Last Friday, the ATF finally published its proposed rule redefining what a “frame” or “receiver is and updating its definition of what constitutes a firearm they can regulate under current law. The rule would greatly expand the ATF’s reach, virtually destroy the 80% lower business, and allow the agency to get involved in what you build for your own use, all part of cracking down on so-called ghost guns.

Now that the rule has been published in the federal register, the 90-day comment period clock has started. That means you get to tell them what you think of their regulatory overreach and why it violates your right to keep and bear arms. And it’s important that you do.

Why? Because the ATF is obligated to respond to every comment they get during the 90-day period, with a couple of exceptions. If you stray from the topic at hand and go off on a tangent — maybe you rant about “high capacity” magazine laws or the cost of an NFA tax stamp — the ATF can disregard your comment completely.

They can also ignore it if it’s abusive. For instance, if you call them a bunch of jack-booted, dog-shooting, swill-sucking, overweening fascist bastard thugs, your comment is going to be tossed. So don’t do that.

Instead, keep your comment on-topic…and unique. If you see someone else’s comment that looked good and copy and paste it, that really doesn’t help. The ATF can bundle all similar or duplicate comments and respond to them together.

The more well thought-out, clearly written, unique comments they receive, the longer it will take them to reply. And they can’t put their proposed new rule in place until they do. That can take months, or even years.

Got it? Good. So start writing. What else are you doing this weekend that’s more important that this?

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  1. As of a few minutes ago, they have received 38,601 comments so far, but only 9,559 have been posted to the website.

    • Censorship? Then I’ll get my firearms news elsewhere.

      Can anyone recommend a method to turn off the e-mail feed from TTAG?

      If so, I’ll use it in a heartbeat.

      Thanks to anyone who can assist me. My personal e-mail is [email protected].

      Hell, Russia and China, both communist countries, censor public discourse.



  2. I’m a former Marine Infantry and Armory Officer, post Vietnam era. I know, intimately, the architecture of a functional and safe M-16, the cousin to the AR-15 which seems to be the focus of the “build at home” zeal for rifles.

    There’s absolutely no way I would ever build or buy a “build / built at home” AR-15. Building a firearm like the AR-15 needs to be left to highly qualified armorers employed by major gun manufacturers, period.

    • DW, do you suffer from low self esteem?

      What woulda happened if the pioneer farmer said what you said (in the same vein) when it came to farming equipment? “Aw shucks, looks like we’re all go hungry.”
      DW, can you use a hammer? A wrench or pair of pliers?
      Can you follow directions?

      And that third question is most important.

      (I do doth smell a troll though…)
      (But a troll has to troll!)
      What will you do when told to get into the box car?

      • There is no way I’ll respond to such an insulting post but to ask, do you have a problem with civil online debate?

        • The only part that is not fully manufactured by a highly qualified gunsmith or machinist employed by a qualified gun component manufacturer is the “lower receiver” that is currently defined as the gun. The reason it’s possible to build an AR-15 is that it just isn’t a terribly complicated part to finish the last 20% or so of (basically machining a deep rectangular hole for the hammer, trigger, and so forth and drilling a few holes) and isn’t subjected to extreme pressures or wear like the bolt and barrel. Also all of the specialized tools necessary to complete the rifle are readily available as are numerous books and instructional videos by qualified individuals. Reloading is far more dangerous and that has been a hobby since as I recall at least the 1950s or 60s.

        • Civil online debate? Are you going to tell someone to “GFY”? That’s how you have engaged in “civil debate” in these comment sections in the past.

          Mentioning your time as an infantry officer is an appeal to authority fallacy, made even worse by referring to your own questionable authority.

          Get off it Dave, you’re a poseur.

        • It is common knowledge that officers think very little of the enlisted, and think even less of “civilians” (said with a sneer of barely disguised contempt).

    • “Building a firearm like the AR-15 needs to be left to highly qualified armorers employed by major gun manufacturers, period.”

      Lord help us if the OP ever discovers day-trading.

      • “Lord help us if the OP ever discovers day-trading.”

        *snicker*… 😉

    • Mr Walters, a good Marine knows his or her own limits. That does not mean others have those same limits of ability. We are a pretty educated bunch of people here in America and can build many things safely, with quality and with precision. I have handled some of the Aks and other weapons that were manufactured by people with less education in another country
      and found them quite worthy. Those people have significantly less education than we do and they are not limited such as yourself.

      So if you feel you cannot safely or adequately complete a build, then don’t. As for those who can, admire their ability and maybe strive to remove those limits you have.

        • Forgot how to spell your own name?

          First Walters, now it’s Walers, next how about a little reggae jive and let’s go with Wailers?

      • Marine armorers often have more than decades of experience with the maintenance and repair of weapons from 155 howitzers to mortars and all the way down the line to .45s. Frankly, their knowledge and experience and expertise amazed me when I was first assigned battalion armory officer duty.

        It can take mere seconds for them to diagnose a problem with a weapon, from cannon to machine gun to rifle or to pistol, and then but minutes often with as little as a file or polishing cloth to correct the problem. If a rebuild is needed, IT’S ACCOMPLISHED AND THE WEAPON IS COMBAT READY IN MINUTES.

        Marine armorers’ are absolutely essential to the survival of not only the individual rifleman, machine gunner or artillery man, but also, to the combat success of the entire battalion. They’re, well, deadly serious and utterly committed to their tasks.

        You guys are mere tinkerers and hobbyists compared to them. A Marine armorer would likely take one look at your home-built weapon and throw it in the trash…exactly the way anyone should treat the trash most, perhaps not all, of you create in your basements.

        The world is one of comparisons, some stark and glaring. There are few of you who could even remotely compare your skills in armoring to an experienced, or perhaps even a newly graduated but highly trained Marine armorer.

        I stand by my statement, as I’ve experienced the best in leading, often in combat, a combat battalion’s armory and the dozen or more armorers who served it. Most of you couldn’t remotely equal or even approximate their skills.

        Most, but perhaps not all, of you are back of garage tinkerers and hobbyists who have grossly inflated opinions of your expertise. The reality is that you have “kits” with instruction sheets. NO MARINE ARMORER NEEDS AN INSTRUCTION SHEET FOR ANY WEAPON IN THE BATTALION!

        I suspect that’s because you’ve not been required to develop the level of gunsmith skill that’s required to prevent defeat in battle.

        Mostly, perhaps with rare exceptions, THAT’S ALL YOU ARE. So, stop over-inflating AND OVER STATING your skills. Most of you couldn’t remotely compare to the armorers I’ve led.

        In general, I prefer to NOT post insulting remarks on this or any other comment board. Doing so only incites. And, that’s NOT how I prefer to learn the opinions of others and to learn from others. But the above comments are utterly insulting. And, I’ve made an exception in this post for you unjustifiably high-minded TINKERERS AND HOBBYISTS.

        • Scott, I started reloading in the latter half of the 1960s, and I was not in any way a pioneer.

        • David, if you are saying that your armorers rebuilt/repaired actual firearms without reference to manufacturers’ or military directives and procedures, they should have been disciplined or fired. That would be EXTREMELY unprofessional, to the point of dangerous. I worked with aircraft maintenance for a couple years, test flying aircraft after rebuild/repair, taking my very breakable body 9 miles up and supersonic, the very last thing I wanted to hear was that they did not bother to refer to manuals and did it all by memory, because they were just so good.

        • Yeah, Dave, here’s the thing – NO ONE should build a firearm who doesn’t feel comfortable using tools, and learning and perfecting some basic skills. There are thousands of resources out there to help, if you want to learn those skills, and build a firearm. But if that’s not your bag?? Fine, don’t do it. But do not presume, with your “appeal to authority” argument, to tell ME what to do, or effect a preening moral superiority. You lack confidence in your own skills. I do not.

          And if you “know all about” M16s and AR15s, then you know that one of the hallmarks of the AR platform is its relatively simple design. Building one, from PRE-MANUFACTURED parts, ain’t exactly rocket surgery. I can do it; I did do it – and my AR shoots just fine, thank you very much. Over 10,000 rounds through it. Sure, I get an occasional misfeed (and I also do with my purchased AR), usually with cheaper ammunition, or toward the end of a long range day, when it starts to get dirty. Seems to me I remember a lot of kerfuffle over the M16, as MANUFACTURED by Colt, and provided to our troops in Viet Nam, over the SAME THINGS. Hmmm. I guess “professional gunsmiths” aren’t perfect, either. You are ENTIRELY too full of yourself.

          Again, if you don’t want to build an AR, don’t. My “give-a-s***-o-meter” registers zero. But take your attitude elsewhere, Fudd.

        • Wow, that was one of the most overinflated self-important posts I have ever read in my life.
          Dave, you were in the marines post-Vietnam. That tells me you didn’t do anything remarkable. Thank you for your service, but you are what the flavor vanilla would call boring.
          You were so un-civil in another post where I asked a question, and you finished by telling me to “GFY”. You were first to insult and have no place to demand civility.
          You have no more knowledge of anyone’s skills here than we do of your lack thereof.
          Your post reads like you’re in your dress uniform addressing a graduating class of marine cooks – it was that cringey.
          You strike me as someone who has always assumed themselves to be the subject matter expert, even when they clearly are not, but are too dense to know they know so little. Or you have Asperger’s. Or both.

          No offense meant toward anyone with Asperger’s.

        • This is a profoundly useless argument, and David realized it, so he’s retreated to framing his opinion in the narrowest terms possible.

          No. I’m not as good as a Marine Corps armorer, simply because I don’t have their training.

          But that doesn’t mean I can’t build an AR15 that shoots 5 shot 3/8 inch groups at 100 yards. Because I’ve done exactly that.

          The central contention David began with was he’d never trust a home-built “garbage” rifle. When that argument was nuked from orbit, he kept going and has now painted himself into a very tight corner.

          And for the record, the guns the military uses are off the shelf, lowest bidder guns. Those armorers aren’t building them in their wizard workshops, they’re just keeping them going. The same way us “hobbiests” do.

          If David knew guns as well as we “amateurs” do, he’d realize keeping an AR running is simply a matter of swapping out parts.

          Which those of us who’ve built guns like how to do.

        • Actually, the custom .22LR rifle I built on a Ruger 10-22 platform was far more complicated than building an AR.

          Building an AR is so simple that a caveman, or a TINKERER can do it.

        • Socks Green:
          Care and cleaning of.
          Remove from foot before immersing into boiling water.

        • Arthur Thompson,

          Yeah, I noticed that, too – he must be getting tired from all that work moving the goalposts.

          Like I said to Dave – no one who doesn’t feel comfortable doing so should build a firearm. That kinda falls in the “Duh!!” category. But to come all over “I’m an EXPERT, because I had some paper-shuffling job that related to the armory, and I KNOW, from my deep expertise, that any home-built gun is garbage, and would be “thrown away on sight” by a REAL armorer” is so much garbage.

          I’m currently working on my second build (both from 80% lowers), and having one rifle under my belt, and a little more money in the bank, I’m planning to make this one a higher-end AR – not quite a “precision rifle”, but I hope, and expect, to get 1 MOA or less out of it.

          Dave apparently knows his limitations – unfortunately, he seeks to impose HIS limitations on all of us. He’s a self-important Fudd, and he’s welcome to take his “expert” opinion, fold it five ways, and put it where the sun don’t shine.

        • “But the above comments are utterly insulting.”

          Oh, I agree. But not what you think I’m agreeing with.

          What you seem unwilling (or unable, my bet) to understand is that assembling an AR-platform rifle isn’t much more difficult than snapping together Lego bricks.

          The physically-dangerous bits, the pressure-bearing components (the upper-receiver assembly) come (for most of the builds) pre-assembled by competent gunsmiths.

          You see, you would have known that had you built one yourself. But you didn’t.

          You’re commenting loudly on a subject you know nothing about, but you *claim* to know what you’re talking about.

          That’s insulting as hell.

          Get it?

          Please enjoy your slice of fresh ‘Humble Pie’, you have truly earned it… 🙂

    • Millions of peaceable American free citizens have proven these statements false. That includes ones that built the “AR15” of the day prior to the formation of this country.

      • no “human” in Amerika has been free since 1865. the republic was destroyed by a tyrant “We” owe all of this crap to Abe Lincoln and his yankee followers

      • Basic tools scare more people than you’d think.

        I’ve long been impressed by the number of middle aged people of supposedly moderate intelligence (*eyeroll*) who will tell you that something like changing the oil on an engine or running a emissions testing facility takes “specialized training”.

        LOL, wut? They pay high school kids $10/hour to do those things buddy. Cutting edge astrophysics this ain’t.

        You see the same shit with a bunch of other things that people don’t understand. If they don’t know how to do it they assume it must take special training and expert certifications. They assume this is true for things in which is true and things in which it’s not. From oil changes to wiring in a GFI to guns it’s all on the same level as landing on the moon, it requires experts. If it didn’t, why everyone would know how to do it. Especially the people who think this way, amirite?

        The ones I particularly love are the people who’ve cropped up in the last year that think that rtPCR testing is, at this point, hot shit. Holy fuck, you must make like $250K a year doing that! Dude, no. They literally pay people who might have an AA $12/hour to do this and the primers are being made by Sophomore undergrads in lieu of a four credit 200 level class… it’s not rocket science. You follow basic instructions. select the right primers (which has been done for you in most cases) and the machine does the work. We let freshman in college take labs where they do this. Really, it’s fucking easy on a slightly more complicated level than using a deep fryer at McD’s. Kary Mullis did the hard work for you… which was really figuring out that an enzyme created by bacteria living in undersea vents would do what he wanted and coming up with a repeatable process to get it done.

        Very few people these days seem to understand that education is great and all, but the biggest value of education is to produce inquisitive people who know how to start working at figuring out the shit they don’t already know. That’s gone down the shitter, you can go pull the graphs and watch that monster drop in 1964, and the way it doesn’t stop until the mid 1970’s… and from which no recovery has ever even truly been attempted. Because drones are easier to control.

        • You hit it on the head strych9. I think this phenomenon is why so much liberty in the past was yielded to “experts” and so much weight given to over credentialed “experts” in the past. I know ragging on boomers is passé, but a lot of times they really do just assume the fancy professor/expert/fancytitles people are speaking gospel on things. I will say that for better or worse, mostly the better, the information age and ability to quickly disperse or find formerly specialized info and techniques via the internet has done great for generations coming up now to really see through the BS. Like how so many see that most college is vastly overrated, or at least massively overpriced (and I say this as someone pursing a masters). Unfortunately they often conclude that it should be forgiven/free now, but at least they are spying the BS, its a start.

        • “Kary Mullis did the hard work”

          Yep, ya just gotta love those liberal hippies from UC Berkeley:

          “Mullis practiced clandestine chemistry throughout his graduate studies, specializing in the synthesis of LSD; according to White, “I knew he was a good chemist because he’d been synthesizing hallucinogenic drugs at Berkeley.”[51] He detailed his experiences synthesizing and testing various psychedelic amphetamines and a difficult trip on DET in his autobiography.[18] In a Q&A interview published in the September 1994 issue of California Monthly, Mullis said, “Back in the 1960s and early 1970s I took plenty of LSD. A lot of people were doing that in Berkeley back then. And I found it to be a mind-opening experience. It was certainly much more important than any courses I ever took.”[52][verification needed] During a symposium held for centenarian Albert Hofmann, Hofmann said Mullis had told him that LSD had “helped him develop the polymerase chain reaction that helps amplify specific DNA sequences”.[53]”

          I must say on this memorial day, I really appreciate Katy Mullins ruining his life with drug abuse, the human race has profited greatly from his sacrifice.

        • EOD:

          Hrm… I don’t think it’s just Boomers in that regard. Regardless of what they later do/did or I detect that there was a big change in people who went to high school after the mid-1960’s.

          That change seems to be both personal and interpersonal and the base assumption seems to be that credentials are somehow equated with infallibility. Interestingly that assumption also seems to result in both blind obedience and significant cynicism.

          One of the biggest changes seems to be that people have stopped looking things up. Time was people would go to the library to do some research if they didn’t know the answer to something or heard something they questioned. Now, people have all that capability in their pocket and… don’t use it.

          Heck, a lot of people are seemingly incapable of opening up a new tab in their browser to check something. This facet of people, in and of itself, produces some odd behavior. On the on hand people often don’t cite something that’s not *public knowledge* but OTOH it’s come into vogue to challenge people who do not without bothering to fact-check something yourself. And that laziness then becomes a point of argument against what was said regardless of the statement’s validity. It’s an almost entirely backward way to look at citations.

          But I suppose it’s all paper plates. People are all about feelz and convenience these days which makes everything, including facts, logic and method, disposable.

      • Nothing. All my ARs are built by me, starting with 80% lowers I milled out myself. All of them shoot reliably and put that little conical messenger of liberty on target just like the Gucci brands.

        And there are countless people who have done the same with their ARs.

    • I was an Army enlisted Armor Crewman. I served for over 10 years and commanded an M1 Tank both stateside and overseas. In a way you are correct. I also wouldn’t trust a commissioned officer, especially a Marine to hand me a torque wrench, much less assemble an AR-15 or it’s select fire equivalent. There is a reason they don’t let officers do maintenance and it has nothing to do with “more important things to do”.

      They make edible flavored crayons now devil dog, so chows is on. Go away and let the competent people do the work that needs doing. Sir.

      BTW, you pulled your veteran card so I slapped you back with mine. Next time keep your DD-214 out of the conversation.

    • Building an AR15 these days is not exactly accurate….I would call it assembling an AR15 …..

      My upper came complete assembled and tested with BCG . No (building or assembly )required . Adding a hand grip , Buttstock and trigger group to the lower I only had to eat 2 crayons to figure that out .

      Hardly needed a “trained” Quantico marine for that .

    • Well, never took an armorers class and I’ve build a dozen or so and they all work great. You should try it brother.

    • Glad to see you finally picked up the “former Marine” title opposed to the “ex-Marine” one you used in the past. On this subject though, I built/assembled my AR from individual parts. I used good parts, and used common sense when putting it together. It’s now run 100% suppressed and serves as my patrol/SRT rifle. No need for an “expert” to put together. Then again I use to build the SMG version of the Kriss Vector. Another gun that looks complicated but a HS dropout could put together if had the parts and shown how like once.

    • Your military experience is nothing more than an argument from authority, and is irrelevant to the discussion.

    • You are 100% welcome to not buy anything you choose…..what does that have to do with the rest of us?

    • LOL, are you serious m8? I am no gunsmith but it was not hard to buy a barreled upper (simply because I didn’t want fuss over/acquire tools for properly head spacing and torqueing the barrel) and an 80% lower with jigs, then proceed to remove some material with a drill press and literally piece together the rest of the rifles upper and lower parts from various kits with some punches and basic hand tools. You vastly underestimate your own competence and that of others. I’m not one to say you can become a gunsmith off youtube, but one certainly doesn’t have to be to drill away material using jigs and smooth things out with a Dremel tool afterwards using youtube guru’s

      • drunkEODguy,

        Don’t overlook the possibility that he QUITE ACCURATELY assesses his own abilities. Like Dirty Harry said, “A man’s got to know his limitations.” If Dave (notwithstanding his ‘important’ role as an armory officer?!?!) doesn’t believe he has the ability to assemble an AR, who am I to contradict him.

        Think I’ll head off to the range, and run a few hundred rounds through my HOMEMADE AR. Bet I don’t get a single misfeed or jam (I am using the good ammunition, however). As someone above mentioned, Dave sounds like the kind of guy that would call AAA if he got a flat. At least he knows his limitations.

    • “Armory officer”… you mean executive officer aka the company commander’s pet. It’s a shame that the OCS high wasn’t slapped out of you by the fleet.

      I’m also retired from the 0311/infantry and building a rifle is no different than baking cookies or playing with legos; if you can follow directions then it’s fine. I fixed electronics for myself and others, other people did their own car modifications, how dare people exercise their skills.

    • Drawings are publicly available. Calipers and gauge pins are cheap. They were manufactured for decades before computers were invented.

      It can be done, and it is not that difficult. Just use your head, take your time, and you will be fine.

      Even if you do not plan on building your own firearm, there are MUCH bigger problems with the ATF proposal.

      The ATF’s proposed definition of a firearm can potentially end up requiring serial numbers on just about every major component. Every semiauto handgun would need serial numbers on both the slide and the frame, and the AR-15 would need serial numbers on the stock (contains buffer tube, buffer, and spring), lower receiver, upper receiver, AND the bolt carrier (EXTERNALLY VISIBLE, housing 2 or more parts!).

      Whether or not a component is defined as a firearm is left entirely up to them. It could happen. Make no mistake about it.

      • “The ATF’s proposed definition of a firearm can potentially end up requiring serial numbers on just about every major component.”

        I think that’s the actual point. It is going to drive out of business all but the largest companies, so that by the time you price out the parts needing a background check (and that cost), most home assemblers will just say “fvck it”.

        That may be a good way to attack that in court in 2A-friendly jurisdictions since it is so overly hostile to the smaller part players.

        It is nothing less than an attack on the 2A itself, and we should deal with it on that level…

    • Mr. Walters – your caps key seems to get locked occasionally – you should take your computer to a highly specialized expert with years of experience in how to get your caps key unlocked…. probably shouldn’t try it yourself as you have little or no professional experience in that area….

      A marine who supports gun control… stunning

  3. ok, so tell me…..
    After I submit a nice well thought out dissertation in a professional format making a very good point t that from all legal perspective would carry real weight…

    What reason do I have to honestly believe that this administration or this ATF would actually take it into consideration or even change their mind about any of this? We are dealing with lunatics that are hell bent on taking these things out of public circulation. We all know that.

    Because its their job and that’s what they are required to do?
    Oh please!

    • It worked with M855 under Obama…

      The point here is essentially three-fold.

      1) You’re trying to FCC them into oblivion where the professional buearucrats start telling the higher-ups they can’t do what’s being asked of them without enormous increases in personnel and funding. This then requires the ATF to ask Congress for money. Leverage is had. Alternatively the high-ups don’t listen and the ATF’s job really does become impossible. Again, leverage.

      2) Forcing them to reply to a bazillion comments allows you to troll them for the reasons in #1 but also forces them to actually respond in a rational way. If they fail to do so this can be brought to the attention of Congress-critters who can then make life Hell for the ATF. With the directorship on the line, questions about this kind of thing can be posed to him to watch him fumble them and be denied the the directorship.

      3) Ethically and morally you have a duty to exhaust all your legal options in any given “tier” before moving on to the next tier. This is how you create your list showing a “…a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism…” as justification for the next step (no, I’m not suggesting open rebellion against the ATF, I’m saying that you’re laying the groundwork for arguments in court, which is the next tier, where the ATF cannot say “We didn’t know” because you’ve got the comments explaining things to them and the responses the ATF made to those comments).

      It’s not an exercise in futility. It may actually stop what they want to do, could fuck up the current nominee’s ability to become the director and is fertile ground for future legal action.

        • Depends on your state. If you live in one that has enacted stronger 2nd Amendment protections, or asserted its rights under the 10th amendment, said state can make it hell to be a federal agent in that state except for the possibility of being on a family vacation.

          You want state help for legitimate investigations into real criminals, then you better not be acting like despots and usurpers.

        • It’s not really about faith.

          If you assume the worst to be true across the board then you still need the ability to document the basis for any actions you might take in the future.

          The Founders didn’t write the Declaration as a “Well, ya know we’ve got dem grievances and everyone knows what they are” nor was it their first attempt to dissuade the TPTW at the time. Hence the Declaration of Independence in the first place. It’s essentially a list of grievances which were not addressed by the Crown.

          That list is followed by a VERY important statement: In every stage of these Oppressions We have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble terms: Our repeated Petitions have been answered only by repeated injury. A Prince whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.”

          That’s called “building a case” in the modern parlance and it’s no less important today than it was in the 1770’s.

        • “So where is my assurance that this won’t be used against me?”

          There isn’t one. And I’ll let you in on a little secret too; there never was such an assurance.

        • Your assurance this would not be used against you is likely in your closet, or in your safe, and should already be loaded as we speak.

      • The problem is not a single response to the bump stock rule comments was rational.

        For example, many people commented that bump stocks do not meet the legal definition of a machine gun because they only fire one round per trigger pull.

        The ATF simply responded, “we disagree.” To literally every comment. “We disagree.” No further explanation. Simply stating disagreement is not a rational argument, but it seems to have held up in almost every court case on the matter so far (all but one).

        • You see a problem. I don’t.

          If the ATF wants to act in arbitrary and capricious ways then nothing we do will stop them. But what we can do is document this and use it as evidence against them later on.

          I’m not sure why people don’t learn from the FCC on this. I’m really, really not.

          But whatever, in that vein, enjoy:

      • “It worked with M855 under Obama…”

        So much THIS.

        I plan on framing my response to braces turning pistols into SBRs needing to be on the NFA as to how it will apply to my knuckles being crushed when my ankle was also crushed.

        A clear violation of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). And the sharp regulatory teeth that law provides to those denied an accommodation. How it is illegal itself to be forced to prove a disability.

        That’s how to hurt them, people. Do it the Alinsky way, by using their own rules against them… 🙂

        • The same thing will happen with vaccine passports (as it should IMHO). The lawyers are probably already circling on that little chumsicle.

  4. That is your opinion. If someone can build one that works for him, that is fine. Using parts that are manufactured properly is a good thing. Drilling out a 80% lower and then assembling the parts(assuming the parts are quality controlled, seems to me and many others as safe. Buying one that has been manufactured and stamped with a serial number, just allows the government into your business.
    I wish that i could do so, but California’s laws keep me from it. You can bet if I lived in a free state I would have a few.

    • It’s that quality control thingie.

      But I understand the more and increasingly common resistance to governmental control of firearms.

      Thanks for the kind reply.

    • You can buy a chunk of 7075 aluminum and actually fabricate your own custom billet lower. If you have a press or dremel and can complete an 80%, you can do a 0%.

      Assembling a mutt is more fun than assembling a kit. Some of my firearms have more than 8 different manufacturers parts in just the lower. Fine tune that baby just the way you like it.

      • “You can buy a chunk of 7075 aluminum and actually fabricate your own custom billet lower.”

        Aluminum or brass, as YT’s ‘Farm Craft 101’ channel has proven.

        But that won’t help you if you need a functional AR-pattern bolt. That takes serious machine shop skills to complete…

    • LoL
      *mic drop* for Possum!
      He sniffs out the truth.

      First time ya hear that “Got it? Good.” stuff was in school, then the Boy Scouts, then the military, then from some corporate Jack-wad.
      Then one day you’ll channel your inner Johnny Paycheck and give the reply they deserve.

  5. Some thing to put in your comments on the proposed rules is to demand that studies be conducted to prove the benefit, or no undue burden on peaceable citizens, or turning ordinary citizens into criminals, or the Constitutional legitimacy (or whatever concern you may have) of each restriction listed in the proposed rules.

    Conducting studies, or finding studies that already exist? will eat up too much manpower on their part.

    I don’t think their response can be “we aren’t gong to look for studies or conduct as study”. They would have to state that they looked and found no studies or that the burden is somehow on them to not conduct such studies

  6. I clicked the link. I started reading. Minutes pass, and I look at the scroll bar on the right. Dang. It’s going to take a half hour or more to read all of the gobble-de-gook. Probably more. And, I’m already unsure if I’ve understood all that I’ve read.

    The only people who are going to make well thought out, meaningful comments are those who have followed all the legal nonsense all along. It’s a pain for the rest of us. And, probably a huge pain for people who aren’t especially literate.

    I’m sure the ATF is counting on that to keep comments to a minimum.

  7. I have put in one comment, but I think I may have missed a few things so it seems important to put in another. I assume they can’t reject multiple comments from the same person.

    I also still have my comment from when they tried to do the brace ban, something tells me I need to update that for brace ban attempt #2.

  8. ATF’s job is simply to kill people, a job for which they are well suited.

    A well thought out dissertation in a professional format is beyond their scope. They are, after all, just thugs and goons, on whom any intelligent discussion on any subject is a complete waste of our time.

    They are very similar to the FBI, whose employees are also thugs and goons…

    • “Well suited”? We have never been told the truth, but the story I heard about Waco was that the guys we all saw climbing into a 2nd floor window, became confused and panicked in the dark, sprayed each other with auto weapons, killing each other. Video which WAS released showed the guy left outside on the roof being hit by a string of fire coming from inside the room (he lived). TOTALLY incompetent.

  9. Gun Control is Anti Freedom and Tyrants will Say and/or Do anything necessary to deflect from their intent for it’s Implementation. Whether it be by Insidious means or outright Tyrannical Confiscation. The desire of Liberal Democrat to attain total control over the populace of Our Nation has followed a long and convoluted path. The Infiltration and Indoctrination of Education and the Media has been but a part of the overall strategy. Their ability to Infiltrate into the Governmental Bureaucracy Complex has allowed them to Implement and Attain many of their goals of Control without the need of election or oversight of the Citizenry. A Bureaucratic Mechanism that has grown so large that it operates as a separate Entity above and outside the boundaries of even the Constitution. A Black Hole of regulations and edicts that many aren’t aware of and few understand how to fight. It is not the Politicians that the Citizenry should fear most for they are for all their underhandedness still in the light of day and can be Dealt with. It is the Bureaucracy that by which Freedom will be Turned Asunder. An bastion of unknown Minions led and controlled by Unknown Elites who behind the scenes strive to Control the destiny of Our Nation regardless of the Good or Ill of it’s People. You Have Been Warned

    • Quote: Darkman 30 May 2021
      “It is not the Politicians that the Citizenry should fear most for they are for all their underhandedness still in the light of day and can be Dealt with.

      It is the Bureaucracy that by which Freedom will be Turned Asunder. An bastion of unknown Minions led and controlled by Unknown Elites who behind the scenes strive to Control the destiny of Our Nation regardless of the Good or Ill of it’s People.”

      This states the situation accurately.

      When the left finally achieves their goal of violent revolution it will pay dividends to keep this in mind, especially the “unknown elites” part. They are the real enemy that must be sought out and they are legion.

      Be Prepared !!!

  10. Gun control laws are not and never have been about public safety. Gun control laws are and always have been about two things: The safety of those who want to rule, and the subjugation of the masses!

    If the politicians can’t disarm the populace to ensure they aren’t a threat, the politicians will create “laws” to turn the populace into criminals, just to control them. They want citizenry full of victims and dependents, not self-reliant thinkers and doers.

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