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When the anti-gunners’ arguments fail, they frequently go all ad hominem. Gun rights advocates, they claim, are compensating for their small penis size. Without getting into details about my own wedding tackle, I know a couple of firearms enthusiasts who are hung like a horse. Equally, as I’ve said here before, it’s a man’s testicle size that determines his character, not the length of his penis. I won’t trouble you with my own cubic centimeter count. And I haven’t taken calipers to any of my gun-toting friends’ testicles. Suffice it to say . . .

it’s not the pro-gun side that’s obsessed with junk. It’s the antis. (Especially considering the fact that at least 30 percent of gun owners don’t have a penis.) You could say something about projection or suppressed homosexuality, but I couldn’t possibly comment.

I will, however, say this about that: knowing how to keep and bear and shoot arms safely and effectively should be a part of every man’s (and woman’s) education. Taking responsibility for your own safety and the safety of those around you helps makes a man a mensch. Look it up.

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  1. —I haven’t taken calipers to any of my gun-toting friends’ testicles.—

    That could be fun if you’re into that though… Just negotiate a safeword first.

  2. My ex wife said that I had probably come from royalty! She was always saying: If I had another inch, I’d be a king, and if I had an inch less, I’d be a queen!

    • It would get stuck after the first 4 or so.

      Still it makes one think about the barrel harmonics of real guns and how a 40″ barrel would not be extremely accurate.

      • Fullbore, Palma & F-Class shooters do alright with 32″ barrels or longer. If all the powder is burnt, there’s less muzzle blast and less turbulence at the crown. I know a 32″ isn’t that uncommon on the Fullbore line shooting only 308, I’d guess a 160gr 6.5mm magnum in F-Open or 1k BR, with a heavier bullet, smaller diameter and bigger case could do well with maybe even a 35″, but that probably creates some machining and stress problems.

  3. You could say something about . . . suppressed homosexuality

    Suppressed? Don’t they need a tax stamp for that?

  4. From “The Glitter Dome,” by Joseph Wambaugh:

    … the Ferret cried to Tuna Can Tommy, “Now I know how you got your nickname!”

    “What nickname? I always sign the picture ‘Tommy’.”

    “Do they call me that, that’s mean… I can’t help the way I’m built!”

    “My God!” the Weasel cried, “Your putz, it’s nearly three inches in diameter!”

    But alas, it was less than two inches in length. It was shaped exactly like a tuna can.”

  5. I have a sneaky feeling that this is the only female extension that this guy is going to ever see.

    • Mind explaining that one? I’ve been married just 3 years but I feel that’s long enough to know that there ain’t any extensions down there.

  6. Say what you will, I like long pipes. I don’t like too much girth though; those bull-barrel Smiths in “Predestination” look silly to me.

  7. The genitalia comment from an anti is the one instant comment which closes my ears and mind and I typically walk away.

  8. Guys if an anti questions your manhood simply offer to “whip it out”. If anyone questions it you meant your gun. Them make a loose pistol whip motion and wink at them. Psychological advantage you.

    Don’t actually whip either out though, bad practice and the weak of constitution antis will have SWAT there in minutes.

  9. WOW this one went off the tracks right away. Too much ammunition in the opening statements I suppose. When the Antis start making comments about the size of someones genitals you know they are out of valid arguments and grasping at straws. Or, in this case, fire hoses. 😉 Just be careful they don’t grab yours. Seriously though, their penis compensation and Ammosexual remarks are so lame. They really need to hire someone to get them some new material.

  10. First paragraph may be the most awkwardly written literature I have encountered. Seriously, just wtf…

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