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World’s Longest Shot via SVLK-14 “Twilight” Sniper Rifle [VIDEO]

Record-setting SVLK-14 "Twilight" Sniper Rifle

In the video below, a Russian shooter get to grips with “Twilight.” No, he doesn’t sparkle. He or someone like him hits a target 4,210 meters (13,812 feet) away. That smashes the previous record of 4,157 meters (13,638 feet), set in the US back in November 2016, when Jim Spinella hit a 36” plate at 4210 yards with a HCR 375 CheyTac (click here for video). While we don’t actually see the Russians record-breaking shot, national honor demands another U.S. attempt. Da?

33 thoughts on “World’s Longest Shot via SVLK-14 “Twilight” Sniper Rifle [VIDEO]”

  1. Given enough time and ammo, I’m pretty sure we can make that happen! 🙂 I know a place in Wyoming for the attempt.

    • “Given enough time and ammo, I’m pretty sure we can make that happen!”

      I posit that’s pretty much inevitable with an accurate firearm.

      I refreshed my memory by watching the video of the old record shot and noted something that was said in the wrap-up remarks at the end.

      One of the guys stated (to the effect of) “After about ten shots I knew he would make it.”

      Above, TTAG commenter FB adroitly noted :

      “I’m still waiting to see the longest cold barrel shot with at least 6 consecutive hits.”


      Impress me with *repeatable* hits at a distance.

      There’s not much skill involved when you can just keep throwing lead downrange and eventually get a hit.

      To me, that’s why that combat kill by that Canadian soldier a few years back was pretty damn impressive.

      He did it in something like 2 or three shots *max* if memory serves.

      Impose *strict* shot limits, like maybe *3* rounds max (two rounds preferable) for distance record attempts…

  2. I’m still waiting to see the longest cold barrel shot with at least 6 consecutive hits. Let’s also throw in a 6-12 mph crosswind.

  3. If 4210 meters is 13812 feet, how is 4157 meters 3638 feet? Should be 13638 feet. And 4210 yards is 12630 feet, it should be 4546 yards.

  4. It appears to be pushing a .408 CheyTac round.

    There’s nothing special about this rifle – or the round. Mostly, this comes down to: Choose a high Bc bullet, then choose the cartridge to launch it, then build a rifle around it.

    Everything they appear to be doing in their rifle design is pretty well known in long range circles. Their action is aluminum, lined with stainless steel. Their bolt has three lugs. They’re using a quality barrel. The only thing that they appear to be doing that might escape attention is that they’re screwing that brake on with a jam nut, so you could also use it as a barrel tuner. I found that in their rifle assembly videos elsewhere.

    • Looks like they used vanilla .375 CT for that particular “record attempt”. The only account I was able to dig up describes round as:

      * Straight 375 CT,
      * 352gr MTAC (they did not state the brand, but there are not many 352gr .375 solids with band)
      * MV ~930 m/s, that would be 3050 fps, I believe.

  5. A single hit? With how many attempts?
    I would want at least 3 CONSECUTIVE hits at the same distance.

  6. That can’t be the actual configuration of the rifle they used, can it? If for no other reason than that the rail on the “Twilight” rifle picture doesn’t appear to be canted anywhere near the 230MOA used in the 4210yd shot.

  7. I’m sorry but was there a link that I missed for a video of this record breaking shot? The video I saw appeared to be a guy testing load development on paper targets.

  8. 36 shots, 4 went into 3x3m target area, 1 hit into 1x1m circle.

    Claiming any record of this kind (and I am not talking about Lobaev’s team only) is stupid. A competition without rules is not competition.

  9. So, somebody in USA hit a one yard circle from 4210 yards, and somebody in Russia hit a one meter circle from
    4210 meters? Sounds pretty much like a tie to me. If target size doesn’t matter, I bet I could hit a five yard circle from 5000 yards away if you give me a couple boxes of ammo.

  10. I’m surprised they didn’t claim to do it with a Mosin-Nagant dug up from the Kursk battlefield using ammunition found at the back of a storage shed in an abandoned former Soviet military base.

  11. 4210 meters? Pffft! Jerry Miculek could do that with a revolver off hand while blind drunk. ‘Murica!

  12. Even if someone supposedly has video, how do we really know that the shooter put a round on target from 4,200 meters (4,600 yards, or 2.6 miles) away?

    It would be quite easy to have a second shooter just 400 yards from the gong have a spotter tell him when he sees the muzzle blast of the first shooter 4,200 yards away and then squeeze the trigger. The human reaction time in that scenario would probably be about perfect to account for the flight time of the bullet going 4,600 yards.

    I suppose this would require that the second shooter have a suppressor on his rifle and possibly even shoot a sub-sonic load to eliminate the report from his rifle, which should be doable if the second shooter is shooting a bolt-action rifle (the action does not cycle and therefore does not produce any sound) and the observer is 400 yards away.

    Or am I totally off base?

    • I don’t think Lobaev’s team needed a ruse.

      The only account of the shooting, apparently posted by member of the team on forum, states that they fired 36 rounds in total. The poster claims they hit 3x3m plywood target 4 times, and one shot landed in black 1x1m aiming mark.

      Now, the poster provided no detalis of how did they shoot, the sequence of corrections, etc. So it is whopping 15% hits on 0.75 mil (2.5 MOA) target. I suspect that quite a few long-range shooters can repeat that percentage, or do better. It is “record” that has no meaning, because no rules are set, and because it is quite far from what one calls “precision shooting”.

  13. I’m sure some of my tanker brothers have made longer direct-fire hits with a 120mm smoothbore APFSDS sabot DU round fired from an M1A2 tank. And I’m sure they can do three shots, three hits, too, as tank guns have repeatable accuracy. But whatever the US Army tank record is for longest shot, it’s classified!

    • It would have to be a long distance to be impressive. Panther tanks were destroying T-34s in head-on shots at 4500 metres in WW2. That’s nearly 3 miles.

  14. There’s a vid on youtube where a guy ( A trainer ) picks up a Barrett .5 and freehand rings a steel target at 1000 yards. I think that’s way more impressive than bench lobbing lead till you hit something.

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