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You Asked For It: The TTAG Pro Shop is Now Open

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We’ve received myriad requests for TTAG-tagged materials. Hats, shirts, toilet seat covers. You name it, someone has asked for it. So because we listen and respond to our readership whenever possible, we’d like to introduce you to our latest and greatest – the TTAG Pro Shop. Now you can golf in your TTAG polo and hat, work out in your TTAG performance T, barbecue in your TTAG apron, yak on your phone protected by a TTAG cover and sip some java from your TTAG coffee mug…all while showing the world that you know The Truth About Guns. Nick put a Pro Shop link up in the formerly retina-burning menu bar at the top for your convenience. As always, we thank you for reading and hope you enjoy your new schtuff.

26 thoughts on “You Asked For It: The TTAG Pro Shop is Now Open”

  1. Does the TTAG Logo Zip Hoodie for $48.99 also come with Arizona Tea and Skittles? Oh wait… too soon?

    On the other hand…

    there should we a shirt with “TTAG” on the front and “Education for the children” on the back.

  2. How about some tp with anti gunners faces on it. When finished using it you can mail it to them so the likes of bloomburg know exactly what we think of them.

    • Agreed. The site would be 100% perfect (in my opinion) if all of the red-burgandy on the whole page was replaced with the old TTAG green. (which by the way is #bbb8ac)

  3. i think i would need a 10 day background check to get any of that merchandise, and i think it would gain to much unwanted attention for me.

  4. Congratulations on the continuing maturation of TTAG.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if the branded clothing lines pull in more revenue than the traditional part of your business model (advertising).

  5. I paid for one of the original t-shirts and never got it. Remember the founding member ones, or whatever they were.

    I expect you’ll make this right now?

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