Glenn Youngkin
Virginia Gov. Glenn Youngkin

Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin (R) has vetoed the first of a series of proposed gun control bills to land on his desk from the Democrat-led Senate and House. Among the legislation vetoed were two bills aimed at restricting gun rights on people accused of domestic abuse and one masked as firearm safety, but really a move to push anti-gun propaganda through the state’s public school system.

One bill, which sought to enforce stricter regulations on individuals accused or convicted of domestic abuse possessing firearms, was vetoed by Youngkin, not because Youngkin doesn’t agree that domestic abuse victims need to be protected, but in the arbitrary ways the law sought to restrict firearm’s possession by age and on those who were not even subject to a court order, according to the Virginia Mercury. Youngkin emphasized that while it is crucial to address domestic abusers appropriately, the proposed legislation failed to meet its intended goals and needed to be worked on more.

“Make no mistake, Virginia should ensure that domestic abusers are dealt with appropriately, and those who resort to illegal firearm use, especially, should face severe and harsh punishments,” Youngkin said in his veto. “The legislation fails to achieve its intended purpose and is unnecessary.”

Another piece of legislation targeted by Youngkin’s vetoes sought to require school boards to notify parentsabout gun risks and advocate safe storage laws. It is an echo of a similar recommendation by the Biden Administration earlier this year. The governor, recognizing there are a host of real-life threats the state’s families and young people face, many that the Democrats did not feel the need to be pushed, should be more equitable in what it covers.

The Governor proposed amendments to the bill that would expand the notification to include a broader range of parental “rights” and “responsibilities,” encompassing topics beyond firearms, such as protecting children from sexually explicit material as well as the extreme risks of drug use. These amendments necessitate the bill’s reapproval in 2025 before becoming effective, as reported by WJLA ABC 7.

Youngkin will need to decide on additional anti-gun bills that have been approved by the Senate and House, chief among them an assault weapons ban, restrictions on who can provide training for concealed carry permits and restrictions on carrying a firearm in any establishment that serves alcohol among others.

Youngkin’s actions are indicative of his stance on gun control legislation and suggest potential future vetoes on similar bills. The General Assembly, having concluded its session without addressing the governor’s amendments and vetoes, is set to revisit these issues in a reconvened session on April 17. However, any overrides of Youngkin’s vetoes appear unlikely due to the Democratic majority being too small to achieve the two-thirds vote necessary to counteract the governor’s opposition.


    • These bills are for political reasons,to say ,see he is for domestic offenders being armed.

      • Many “Domestic Offenders” are actually the victims of spousal abuse.
        Angry partner gets them in trouble for spite over a dalliance or other minor line crossing. Loss or rights needs to be upon real proof only.

        • The Lautenburg Amendment should be declared unconstitutional.
          Mo one should loose fundamental rights for a misdemeanor or less.
          Exparte Domestic abuse orders are frequently fraudulent.
          25 years private practice, 10 years domestic law.

  1. The citizenry against Gun Control must be louder than those like jacked up Gun Control joe biden. And what the citizenry says matters. Like writing to a democRat legislator and saying I heard someone say Gun Control is Rooted in Racism and Genocide and is that true? If so how can you continue to support the agenda of racists and nazis? Please advise.

    Stuff like Shall not be infringed, no such thing as Assault Weapons, etc. does not move Gun Control democRats who have been trying desperately for decades to cleanse the party’s Legacy of Slavery. Past time to quit throwing mitch mcConnell level softballs at Gun Control democRats.

    TRUMP 2024.

  2. My bet is Va. will vote in a Demon in the next Gov. election. Sorry but Glenn was a glitch in the time continuum over whacked out school boards and parents rights.

    • Liberal/Progressive Democrats and Palestinians have a lot in common. They both support and vote for organizations that support terrorism and are a detriment to their lives and livelihoods.

    • Youngkin was a “RINO’ hence why he won in a blue leaning swing state. Had they picked “Trump conservative”. Virginia would be the next Illinois. Republicans need to stop running Trump clones who parrot conspiracy theories and election denialism in purple states if they want to win. And it wasn’t a “glitch”. Republicans won all the statewide offices and flipped the house of delegates. Stop running Trump clones and drop the abortion issue and maybe we’ll start winning again

  3. The DV no gunms for life misdemeanor charge is a federal thing.
    4473 wont work.
    Doesn’t matter what the State says.
    A Bill Cliton gunm grab scheme still in effect.
    The “Sentence” last forever.

  4. Young is a political hack pandering to his Far Right Radical base and he is a prostitute of the NRA. He proved that he considerers “no loss of life too high” to be sacrificed on the depraved altar of “zero” gun control.

    The Depraved nut case talks about children seeing sex but a dead child that resulted from a gun lying around the house being loaded making it far to easy for an accident or suicide seems to bother him not a wit. dd

  5. Virginia restaurant owners are going to lose my business if he doesn’t veto the no gun zones at any establishment that serves alcohol. I just wont go out to eat anymore for the couple of months each year we spend in that state.

  6. 3rd attempt to post in 2 days

    We are T Tag and we will suppress the truth!!! Sieg Heil!!!!

    Young is a political hack pandering to his Far Right Radical base and he is a prostitute of the NRA. He proved that he considerers “no loss of life too high” to be sacrificed on the depraved altar of “zero” gun control.

    The Depraved nut case talks about children seeing sex but a dead child that resulted from a gun lying around the house being loaded making it far to easy for an accident or suicide seems to bother him not a wit. ff

    • Young did no such thing. Apparently you can’t read.

      But you dacian are a depraved nut case that wants sex with children and helps the left wing facilitate and embolden and aid mentally ill killers to kill children.

  7. While l stationed at Fort Eustis in Virginia I used to listen to the conservative talk radio AM station WNIS in Norfork.
    Some of the hosts were self-described libertarians. And they proudly promoted not voting in elections all the time.

    So the libertarians certainly helped to get the democrats elected in Virginia. And a lot of libertarians are atheists. They make fun of Christians who believe there is a God.

    They say mockingly say, “an invisible being who walks on water.”

    Okay. So when these policies come about that take away your civil rights. They just magically appear out of thin air. Is that correct???
    There is no human force or it’s only an invisible force. That takes away your civil rights.

    The christians will say your rights come from god.

    Then the atheists will say there’s no reason to vote.

    “Why it’s Ok to not vote.” Catherine Mangu Ward. A great libertarian. Video 50 min long.

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