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Zimmerman To Get his PF-9 Back

Since he’s been acquitted of second degree murder charges in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, all George Zimmerman has to do now to get his gun back is…ask for it. From “Shawn Vincent, an aide to defense attorney Mark O’Mara, told NBC News on Sunday that the Keltec 9mm handgun Zimmerman used to shoot and kill Martin on Feb. 26, 2012 will be returned, but said he did not think authorities have released the weapon yet.” As someone who’s likely to be donning a bullet-proof vest when he ventures out of the house for the foreseeable future, an easily-carried personal defense weapon will likely be a good idea. Then again, maybe this particular KelTec could be put to better use. How much would a notable (notorious?) firearm like that bring at auction? How high is up?

108 thoughts on “Zimmerman To Get his PF-9 Back”

    • I hope you’re kidding – the cable lock opens at one end, so one end has the lock and one is just an 7-8mm rubber coated cable.

      • It is bothersome they chose to lock it that way. I had always been shown to run it through the magwell. I guess people feel safer if something is obstructing the barrel. lol.

        • That seems to me to be the more intelligent method, just not he way it was done here. There are also plastic chamber plugs to help protect the extractor.

        • As to handling the gun in court, these people are hardly concerned about the firearm other than to render it inoperable.

    • If you want one, get an LC9 instead. Much more likely to function properly out of the box. Very similar in feel.

      • I thought about it, but it is way more expensive. Nutnfancy seemed to like his enough to make it his edc.

        • nutnfancy’s opinions are of dubious value at best and a waste of money or dangerous at the worst. why you would use his opinion as criteria for selection for edc when there is so much more thorough (and better edited) information online boggles the mind

        • Did it take Nutn, 20 minutes to say he likes the PF9? If not the video was a fake. Just sayin.

        • fired once for operation is a shitty way to evaluate reliability. are you really defending a single shot methodology used by such glorious participants as the french during ww2 and the liberator 2.0?

        • OK, first of all, it was a JOKE for fvck’s sake. Why does everyone take everything so goddamn seriously?

          But if we’re going to be serious, how about this:

          Who the fvck are YOU (and I’m speaking to everyone, not anyone specific) to be telling ANYONE what they should or should not carry? You’re just one more asshole with an opinion. One more asshole turning up his nose and sneering at an inexpensive gun that very clearly did exactly what it was designed to do, at least once.

          And if you (Mark N.) want to provide evidence that it “allegedly jammed after just one shot, the slide not returning to battery,” I’d be happy to look at it, but until then that statement means exactly nothing.

        • fired once for operation is a crappy way to evaluate reliability. are you really defending a single shot methodology used by such glorious participants as the french during ww2 and the liberator 2.0?

        • fired once for operation is a terrible way to evaluate reliability. are you really defending a single shot methodology used by such glorious participants as the french during ww2 and the liberator 2.0?

        • Terry Warlock, if you’re posting from a mobile device, and you get the message that your comment failed to post, ignore it, at least until you refresh the page and verify. That message is wrong about 99.5% of the time.

        • fired once for operation is a terrible way to evaluate reliability. are you really defending a single shot methodology used by such glorious participants as the french during ww2 an
          d the liberator 2.0?

        • I’ve read that on a couple of occasions the gun didn’t cycle…I don’t believe that to be true. I’m fairly confident that the officer in the accompanying photo, Timothy Smith, testified to clearing the gun and removing a live round from the chamber. Seeing as how one went through the pipe, it certainly seemed to function just fine if there was another ready to go. I still wouldn’t buy a Keltec for self defense purposes, but that’s just me. I wouldn’t mind however, getting my hands on a PMR 30 for close to MSRP.

        • At Mark, it jammed, but they were also in close quarter combat and anyone with proper training tries to interfere with slide operation to cause a jam and perhaps drop the mag.

      • I picked up an XDS 9mm recently. So far I really like it. It doesn’t have the long annoying trigger pull that the DAO hammer guns have. And Hickock 45 raved over the XDS. He’s way cooler than Nutnfancy. 😉

        I bought it for 11 o’clock carry, because I can’t get a doublestack CZ or XD up front easily.

      • PF9 : 12.7 oz
        LC9: 17.1 oz

        The only reason to pick this kind of pistol in the first place is to pocket carry, in which case those 5 oz of difference do matter a lot.

      • The LC9 has a magazine interlock, making it unsuitable for self defense. (not sure how easy it is to disable)

  1. Hell, the weapon would make money at auction simply because its a PF9 that is known to actually function. How rare

    • I must be real lucky then. My PF-9 has not malfunctioned once. Using 3 different magazines, both 7 and 8 round capacity. The only maintenance has been light cleaning and oiling.

      I would be interested in buying all those malfunctioning Kel-Tecs out there, at a large discount of course, since they are so unreliable.

      • Same here with my P-3AT. I polished the ramp before I even fired it, and it has been 100% dependable for four years and roughly 500 rounds of mixed JRN & hollowpoints. The only shortcoming I’ve found is a propensity to rust with pocket carry. I have fancier guns, but nothing else light enough to carry in gym shorts in hot weather.

        • My P3AT was unreliable with just about anything, then I sent it in to get a fluff and buff and hard matte chrome completed by one of the well known KTOG folks several years ago, and worked pretty well, took it out a couple weeks and wouldn’t even feed fmj rounds… did my own fluff and buff, and it’s back to eating anything again.

          They can be made to work well, but I’ve never had to do anything to make a glock, S&W, HK, run… I carry it sometimes as I don’t have anything else that small, and nothing else out there is as small and light yet significantly better other than maybe the LCP, although with the work I’ve put into it, I doubt even that’s an upgrade (having seen a LCP repeatedly have problems, albeit probably break in problems).

    • My pf9 has worked without hiccup for close to a thousand rounds now, The only problem I have ever had with it is that it doesn’t like steel cased ammo, but as long as I feed it brass it goes bang every time

      • My PF-9 has never malfunctioned, I’ve put probably close to 500 rounds through it and I’m the second owner.

        My only gripe with the PF-9 is the false reset on the trigger. Its right about where the real reset is on my XD9 and it screws me up whenever I try to practice double taps.

    • If you like to gamble with reliability, the PF9 is rock solid compared to others.

      I got to shoot a Lorcin 380 once… Guaranteed 1 shot, with a probability of follow up shots, decreasing of course.

  2. Giving him that handgun back considering the heat he’s facing is like handing him a garden hose for a house fire. I hope he invests in something better…cuz it is no small amount of threats he’s facing if all this protesting is to be believed…

  3. How about Keltec presenting a new weapon to George, and ammo manuf. donating rounds, another company donating protective gear. This would be great advertisement.

    • How about the People of the Gun buy him a REAL handgun (and AR with thermal).

      Any firearms mfg with a pair should be publicly be presenting Zimmerman with their best hardware. Very likely to will need it.

      What’s with the PC/BS cable lock in a courtroom. The Cops on hand unable to keep track of one POS handgun?

  4. Don’t forget that the other side of the gun has the case number written all the way down the side of the frame in silver paint pen.

  5. “Ok Sherman, set the Way Back machine for the 1970’s in NYC.” “Yes Mr. Peabody…”

    Back in the 1970’s the pro-2A force to deal with in the NYC area was a gentleman named Jerry Preiser. He ran the Federation of NY Rifle and Pistol Clubs. As a part time actor he had a flair for the dramatic with a deep booming voice and the news shows loved him. I have never seen better turnouts than the meetings he put together. No one up to this very day was better at it. Thousands came to them. Anyway, he came up with the idea of “Courageous Citizen Awards”. Five Hundred dollars and a plaque to folks that survived shootouts with BGs. It was unbelievable to see a thousand or so folks screaming with approval, on their feet with thunderous applause as the citizen accepted the award. Trust me he caught plenty of flack over it, but it rolled off his back.

    So here is the pitch. Auction off the pistol. Use the money to either award Zman directly or pay for a nice high end whatever he wants to replace the gun with. But Zman has to get a nice plaque also. Without it, well, it just wouldn’t be official !

    • More howls of outrage with the usual suspects leading the charge.

      And unlike the 70’s, these days few have the money or insulation to withstand the overwhelming heat.

  6. he should certainly go pick it up/claim on general principle.

    he would show himself to be in control of the frame of this situation by just shrugging his shoulders and going on with his day.

    giving any more credence to the screeching and whining is only fueling the fire and allowing them to continue to think they have the upper hand. a “real man” would show them different.

    imagine if Zimmerman were magically replaced with any of the Clint Eastwood characters from the old westerns … like Josie Wales. Now you get my drift.

  7. Maybe I’m being silly, but would anyone here feel weird about carrying a piece that’s been used to kill another person? Maybe I’m overthinking it…wouldn’t be the first time. Hopefully I never have to answer my own question.

  8. The kid thought he was just going to teach GZ a lesson for dis’ing him or maybe thought he was being followed, which can be menacing. Reverse the two players and that part makes sense, but…
    Acting to “mess this guy up” turned out to be TM’s fatal mistake because GZ defended himself with deadly force.
    As an aside, we all know that when we are carrying, the gun may protect you, but YOU must also protect the gun. Both are accomplished by maintaining distance between you and the threat. How many of you would move to within fist distance to a threat when carrying. I certainly would not. Not being able to say for sure why GZ let that happen or he indeed was ambushed after “losing” TM in the dark.
    That said, that a mis-judgment by a teen led to his own death is a tragedy.
    now the name for the PF-9
    #1 Pro File-9
    Since the slide is like a hood.
    #2 “The hooded hoodie hitter”
    Very poor taste, but what can you do?

    Wikipedia entry Hoody/Hoodie
    Hip hop culture developed in New York City around this time, and the hoodie’s element of instant anonymity, provided by the accessible hood, appealed to those with criminal intent.

  9. normally in the mass shooting people blame the gun. with zman they chose to blame the person. i think politicians choose to blame whatever would help their political agenda.

    • right, because he’s a legal gun carrier who followed all the rules.

      ergo: we must put a stop to people carrying guns legally. duh!

      remember the gun control was supposed to be about getting rid of the illegal guns? well obviously the legal guns are a problem, now too!!

  10. Does anyone else see that the use of “Acquitted” has been used to stir up anger by misleading the public by the MSM? Acquitted, used by itself, best describes charges being dropped by the State for lack of evidence or interpreting the evidence supporting the action. George was not acquitted by the state, but found “Not Guilty” by a Jury in a court of law. One could say the proper term would be “Acquitted by a Juries verdict of not guilty.” Which is cumbersome, but if it is to be shortened why not use the term “Not guilty” that is only one space longer. Maybe I am being picky about the loose use of acquitted then again in the emotional atmosphere of this case the use of “Acquitted” fans the flames by making it sound like George got away with a crime.

    • I agree “not guilty” means not guilty and therefore innocent because he is presumed innocent as we all are when accused except when we are not as was the case with GZ.

    • I think Aquittal refers purely to being found not guilty. it’s not legally an “aquittal” if the prosecutor chooses to drop.

      • Doubt if the prosecutors would drop charges during a trial unless new undisputable evidence appeared during a trial.

        I’ve continued looking at definitions and by far most of them equate acquittal with not guilty. From NOLO Acquittal: A decision by a judge or jury that a defendant in a criminal case is not guilty of a crime. An acquittal is not a finding of innocence; it is simply a conclusion that the prosecution has not proved its case beyond a reasonable doubt.

  11. If GZ is going to stay in Florida, or the states for that matter, he should wear a vest and carry not one, but two pistols. His car should have an AR or a shotgun.

    • I’d pick the state with the lowest turnout at the anti-GZ rallies yesterday: probably one of the boxier shaped ones between the Colorado and Missouri Rivers.

  12. GZ could sell his gun at auction to raise money for his legal fees. He would probably get way more than it’s worth. He can then buy new and better gun(s), and put more money into his legal fund.

  13. Zimmerman should sign an advertising deal with since go daddy likes controversial commercials.

    “register your domain with Go-Daddy and enter for a chance to have George Zimmerman sign your pistol”

    • So when the cops shoot innocent kids, they get a free vacation administrative leave, followed by a white wash review, but if they shoot at a target that resembles Trayvon (I’m guessing a young, black thug in a hoodie), that’s where we draw the line!

    • That happened a month or two ago. They are obviously re-running the story to stir the pot. Typical news punks.

    • I would want the gun back (see below).
      People who have problems with the reliability of the weapon really should carry a revolver (now THATS a difference in reliability).

  14. I would want the gun back. Carrying a gun that saved your bacon, while at the same time having taken a life (a notch on the handle indicating a kill).
    After all the pain the libtards (democrats) would have put me through, I would be flexing and posing in front of a mirror ‘Taxi Driver style’ with the ‘Skittle scatterer’.
    There would be a lot of hate in my heart and growling sounds coming from my lips.
    I hope GZ makes millions and the race card dealing liberals burn in Hell.

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