Smart Guns

Pew Poll Shows “Smart” Guns Could Cost Thousands of Lives

Among those who dearly desire a disarmed populace, any measure that makes firearms harder to access, possess, and use is considered a positive thing. Thus, equipping firearms with with complex, delicate electronic circuitry, that only...

In Praise of Stupid Guns

By Patriotic HIT Pharmacist Among the latest hustles and bogus gambits pursued by the gun control advocates is the so-called “smart gun” (which will be enclosed in quotes throughout because it is no such thing). It...

IMI Systems Quote of the Day: Human Impediment to Smart Gun Adoption Vows to...

I still believe that government has a role to play in protecting residents from preventable gun deaths by helping to bring (smart gun) technology to the market, but I am also more optimistic than...

Bill in Congress Would Encourage (Subsidize) Development of ‘Smart Guns’

Lots of movement on the "smart gun" front in recent days. First, he New Jersey legislature sent a bill to the Governor's desk that would ostensibly repeal the state's poison pill law that's been...

Jonathan Mossberg: What RF Doesn’t Know About Smart Guns is a Lot

95 Regarding your post on the recent CIA hack “proving” your case against smart guns, you obviously know more about these sophisticated devices than people like me who’ve been making them. Even I didn't know...

Bogus Police Survey: 3 out of 5 Officers ‘Interested’ in ‘Smart Guns’

"A new online survey of over 400 law enforcement professionals from coast to coast showed a surprisingly high level of interest in firearms that can only be operated by the authorized user (i.e. smart...
machine inc safeop digital trigger

Machine, Inc. Announces SafeOp Aftermarket Smart Gun System for GLOCK 19 Pistols

Aaaaand we have another entry in the smart gun sweepstakes. This one comes from a new player in the space, Machine, Inc., who says their SafeOp system is the "world's first digital aftermarket safety...
smart gun

Democrats’ Smart Gun Mandate is Dumb Policy

By Larry Keane President Joe Biden said he’s figured it all out. Guns can be made safe if the firearm industry would just team up with Silicon Valley to create bio-enabled so-called “smart guns.” This is...
Terminator 2 (courtesy

Welcome to Guntopia Where Firearms Will Decide If and When You Can Use Them

I ran across a new "smart gun" proposal, AI Can Stop Mass Shootings, and More. Yes, these people -- three superior intellects who toil away at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute -- are proposing that...
lodestar smartgunz smart gun

Here We Go Again: Reuters Breathlessly Announces Another Revolutionary ‘Smart Gun’ That Will CHANGE...

The gun control industry coined the term "smart guns" many moons ago to describe what to date have been a series of flawed, unreliable firearms. Every few years since then, pretty much like clockwork,...

‘Smart Gun’ Fail: New LodeStar Works Not-So-Smart Pistol Couldn’t Fire Two Rounds Back-to-Back

Last week, we lambasted reports of a new "smart gun" that Reuters raved about in a glowing "exclusive." Reuters reporter Daniel Trotta wrote that the third-generation prototype fired "without issue" during a live-fire demonstration...
lodestar smartgunz smart gun

Media Hype Aside, No One Has Made a Reliable, Market-Ready ‘Smart Gun’ Yet [VIDEO]

By Larry Keane There is a media blitz afoot, pitched by developers of authorized user recognition technology equipped firearms; what the media refers to as so-called, “smart guns.” Several of these companies herald that this...