IVAS Helmet Integrated Visual Augmentation System

One Potential Problem With The Army’s New Rifle and Optic System . . .

Before I got into journalism, writing, and photography, I worked on computers. Building and repairing computers was a great way to get through school compared to slinging fast food, and in the beginning I...

The Biofire Smart Gun: It’s Still Just a Prototype, But It Seems to Be...

In John Scalzi’s military science fiction series Old Man’s War, protagonist John Perry joins the mysterious Colonial Defense Forces, essentially a space force from Earth sent around the universe to fight aliens. It sounds...

Biofire Isn’t Allowing Objective Reviews of Their New ‘Smart Gun’…Yet

By Lee Williams  You can reserve a $1,499 Biofire 9mm Smart Gun today for a refundable deposit of $149. You’ll get to pick the color of the frame, the trigger and the magazine release. You...

Student of the Gun: Is the BioFire ‘Smart Gun’ a Misfire?

  Did BioFire, the makers of the latest “smart gun” travel 10,000 miles just to miss the point of being an armed citizen? During the latest episode of SOTG University podcast, Professor Paul Markel will...

BioFire Addresses Some Common Concerns About Their ‘Smart Gun’ and How it Works

We ran a post this week noting a podcast from our friends at Student of the Gun in which Professor Paul Markel discusses the new Biofire Smart Gun. Let's just say Prof. Markel isn't...

Why All the Hate for Smart Guns?

We've been hearing about "smart guns" for well over a quarter century. The dream (of some) has been a gun that recognizes its owner and will only work for that person. The idea is...

Biofire: California’s Handgun Roster Limits Buyers’ Choices to a Pool to Guns With Fewer...

Although the 's stated goal is safety, Biofire asserts that the UHA stifles innovation in firearm safety in two  ways. First, by mandating a specific, novel, never-before-commercialized microstamping technology, the UHA requires  emerging companies...