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You could stitch the words “shall not be infringed” to the end of the text enumerating any constitutional right, and it would not change the fact that none of these rights are absolute. Claiming that the Framers wrote “shall not be infringed” to affirm the right to keep and bear arms as an unregulated right is laughable. But Republicans created this mythic interpretation of the Constitution’s text, and have united the open-carry cult who fancy themselves to be the modern-day descendants of General Washington’s army, and the droves of wannabe militiamen who think the Constitution contains a cheat code that permits open rebellion against the U.S. government. This is a powerful falsehood that has begotten all of these “good guys with guns.” No one from the gun lobby or the Ivy League class of well-heeled Republican electeds actually believes this bullshit. …

[T]here are a great many federal legislative solutions that are supported by the vast majority of Americans, including gun owners. These include raising the minimum age for gun ownership, creating a national firearm registry to assist law enforcement in criminal investigations, mandatory background checks for would-be owners (and perhaps even annual background checks after gun purchases), regulation of certain kinds of deadly ammunition that only exists for the purpose of committing crimes, limits on magazine capacity, and red flag laws―irrefutable lifesavers—in all states.

Survivors of gun violence, and the bereaved who have buried their loved ones and friends, are among our most important gun safety activists. But the onus to forge change cannot fall solely on them. Millions of Americans just like myself—that is to say, “gun guys”—have a critical role to play in this fight. We’re the ones who can pierce the veil of illusion that the Second Amendment has become, and tear down the pernicious myths that have been allowed to flourish.

We can no longer deny that some within our culture celebrate violence and accept avoidable deaths; they are winning, at the moment, and will continue to win if more “good guys with guns” don’t step up to be good guys with ideas. I understand the ambivalence of speaking up. But with each mass shooting and every tragedy that can be traced back to a gun, we keep crossing and recrossing a basic demarcation of decency. If we erase this boundary, there will be no redemption. And the first step to modernizing our firearm policies is to mercy-kill the Republican Party at the polls, every chance we get.

In 1789, Thomas Jefferson wrote in a letter to Madison that the “earth belongs always to the living generation”; to his mind, every constitution should naturally expire at the end of 19 years. “If it be enforced longer,” Jefferson wrote, “it is an act of force, and not of right.” Much of what our Founders have provided has proven durable, but the Second Amendment is tethered to an epoch of America that has not existed for centuries. The living must demand that our gun laws reflect life in the twenty-first century and beyond—otherwise, we may not make it there alive.

Rich Logis in I Carry a Firearm Every Day. Yes, the Second Amendment Is Killing Us

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    • Anyone else seeing only a photo and no text article or links? I’m not getting anything on this page.

    • Sneaky Gun Control rich logis talks in circles like a child molester trying to convince busy parents with a dinner reservation to leave their children with him.

      What the child molester doesn’t say is what matters and so goes what sneaky Gun Control rich logis doesn’t say is what matters.

      Not a beep out of rich logis about what happens to regulated defenseless men, women and children who are cornered by a criminal, rapist, murderer or what has happened to millions of regulated defenseless citizens cornered by a tyrant.

      In other words the fast talking, finger pointing drama queen rich logis will never utter the Truth About Gun Control because he knows his racist and genocide based agenda will crash and burn.

      Frankly the first thing I would do if the situation warranted it is ask LE for a restraining order against the sick puppy rich logis…for his own protection.

  1. Certain types of ammunition that exist only to commit crimes? That’s a new one to me. An evolution of the entirely fictional “teflon coated ammo that sails through armor” hysteria of the 80’s?

    Gotta disable the ad block to see this one btw.

    • Apparently the fact that SIXTY MILLION (60,000,000) babies were killed in the womb between 1968 and 2020 has been missed by the people.

      500,000 dead by gunfire, 300,000 of them probably suicides, is a drop in the proverbial bucket.

      • Per the CDC’s own records, an average of 600K babies have been “legally” murdered by their mothers annually over the past decade, with the Government’s consent. But the Leftists in office care only about control, not about life. Even CA Governor Newsom has openly boasted about making this State a sanctuary for anyone across the nation seeking to end their unborn baby’s life with his blessing.

        Sacramento has become the modern temple to Molech.

  2. I’ll bet that Liar49er is on board with Logis’s proposal.

    Mercy-killing all Republicans — and Christians, too, if he could.

    • Good luck “I’m a gun guy”. Us real POTG have the overwhelming majority of gunz in America. Some of US have the will to use them🙄

    • “When American citizens levy war against America, they are committing Treason, as are those who give them aid and comfort after the fact.”

      So said Miner49er

      • I’m sure miner will be the first one, armed with meaningful dialogue and a cardigan, to begin confiscating lawfully owned firearms when the time comes.

        • MajorLiar is incapable of “meaningful dialog”, and too impoverished to afford a cardigan (plus, he comes across as a just-out-of-college, living-in-his-mother’s-basement, loser, and a cardigan is not “cool”).

          More importantly, as Rad Man stated, MajorLiar AIN’T goin’ to back his idiot rhetoric with his (otherwise useless) life. He is a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

        • Someone shows up in a cardigan to take my weapons they are going to end up with all my stuff. When I wake up from my laughing coma my wife and children will be gone, my guns gone, my furniture gone, and my dog dead beside me.

    • lil’d likes the hands on approach, just as his idol Vasily Blokhin did. Liar49er would prefer a more industrial method.

  3. Ah yes, the New Republic now with an authoritarian fascist flavor. Rich “I like when the government performs unannounced searches and violates your constitutional rights” Logis is here to tell us all how much he likes ex-parte search and seizures and the elimination of due process.

    • “Ah yes, the New Republic now with an authoritarian fascist flavor.”

      Preach it :

      “We can no longer deny that some within our culture celebrate violence and accept avoidable deaths;…”

      Free clue : They aren’t Trump supporters. They listen to music with lyrics like “…got an AK-47 for a best friend, business, the American way…”

      • Lyrics : Geoff Tate / Michael Wilton

        “Last night the word came down, ten dead in Chinatown
        Innocent, their only crime was being in the wrong place, at the wrong time
        Too bad, people say what’s wrong with the kids today
        Tell you right now they’ve got nothing to lose
        They’re building empire
        Johnny used to work after school
        At the cinema show
        Gotta hustle if he wants an education
        Yeah he’s got a long way to go
        Now he’s out on the street all day
        Selling crack to the people who pay
        Got an AK-47 for his best friend
        Business the American way
        East side meets west side downtown
        No time, the walls fall down
        Can’t you feel it coming?
        (Empire) can’t you hear it calling?
        Black man, trapped again
        Hold his chain in his hand
        Brother killing brother for the profit of another,
        Game point, nobody wins
        Decline, right on time
        What happened to the dream sublime?
        Tear it all down, we’ll put it up again
        Another empire?
        East side meets west side downtown
        No time, no line, the walls fall down
        Can’t you feel it coming? (empire)
        Can’t you hear it coming (empire)
        Can’t someone here stop it?
        In fiscal year nineteen eighty six to eighty seven
        Local, state and federal governments spent
        A combined total of sixty point six million dollars on law enforcement
        Federal law enforcement expenditures ranked last in absolute dollars
        And accounted for only six percent of all federal spending
        By way of comparison, the federal government spent twenty-four million more on space exploration
        And forty-three times more on national defense and international relations than the law enforcement
        Can’t you feel it coming? (empire) can’t you hear it calling (empire)
        Can’t someone here stop it (empire)”

        Source: LyricFind

        • Geoff,

          not that I disagree with you, my friend, but where in the Constitution is the federal government granted police powers (other than immigration and international trade)??

          I think there is too much deference to local assertions of police powers, but I can live with that in a federalist system. There is literally NO justification for federal police powers, other than enforcing immigration laws (tariffs was a stupid mistake by our Founders, none of whom was an economist).

        • “There is literally NO justification for federal police powers, other than enforcing immigration laws (tariffs was a stupid mistake by our Founders, none of whom was an economist).”

          Who else will do the non-local policing, then? Too much deference to local police enforcement means more federal intrusion, does it not?

          Imagine the kind of policing that will be done by the Leftist Scum ™ if handed that authority. The first thing they will look at is if you are are of the wrong class of people (in their eyes)… 🙁

        • Geoff,

          Policing WHAT, exactly?? Defense of the country? Yep, the federal government is specifically authorized to do that. Preventing illegal immigration? Also on the list. Levying and collecting tariffs? That’s covered (to our great national shame, we also amended the Constitution to permit income tax). WHAT ELSE is the federal government expressly authorized to “police”, and why couldn’t that function be equally-or-better performed by local LE?

          The concept of “limited, express powers” used to have a meaning. Certainly doesn’t any more. EVERY single thing the government does, comes with a price tag. Our Founders were smart enough to realize that, in almost every case, it wasn’t worth the candle. Some things have to be done by government (national defense being the obvious example) because there is no functional private-sector alternative.

          Give me an example of when the government (state or federal) does something more efficiently than the private sector (I won’t bother to wait for an answer, because there isn’t one).

      • We can no longer deny that some within our culture celebrate violence and accept avoidable deaths;…

        True, and many of them are in govt offices/agencies and use words like “collateral damage”…

    • I made it all the way through, but I’m an Evelyn Woods Reading Dynamics graduate.

      While reading it, I kept thinking “I’ve heard all this before and it’s still unconvincing.”

      • Yep, my exact thoughts too. Those that espouse this Longis’ Ideology that the Government should limit and control the 2nd Amendment, conveniently forget the Government’s past abuses, and that ultimately, it is We the People who are the only thing that can prevent any Government from Totalitarianism and Tyranny.
        Longis is what’s commonly known as an Useful Idiot. Both sides love their Useful Idiots.
        To the ignorant, his argument and logic sounds reasonable. To those of us who’ve studied the issue deeply, it’s just more of the Anti-2A diatribe, full of false logic couched as a bromide of so called “common sense,” something we’ve found, isn’t all that common.
        There’s this mistaken and misguided belief that Laws prevent Criminal Behaviors, and many on both sides fervently believe this fallacy to be true. The reality though is that Laws Prevent Nothing. All they do is establish a punishment system, Penal and Financial for those breaking the Law. The general belief is that the Fear of the Consequences is a deterrent. Now, with the Left’s effort to Decriminalize Unlawful Acts and do away with Punishment for Transgressing the Law, we don’t even have Deterrency as a factor.
        The most obvious fallacy in Longis’ argument is that No Right Is Absolute. What Longis and others of his Ilk fail to realize, is that the 2nd doesn’t GrantThe Right To Keep and Bear Arms, it merely prevents the government from taking that Right (which we gained at birth) away. He fails to realize that any Government that removes the individuals Right to defend themselves, is the very Government our Founders condemned when they listed the “Long Train of Abuses and Ursurpations evicting the design to reduce us under Absolute Despotism.

        If there’s any Justice or Karma out there, Longis will realize it as he boards the Cattle Cars for his trip to the Reeducation Camps, because that is the direction the Left is taking.

    • Mike,

      I did read it . . . shaking my damn head the entire time. Author was a maroon, and a dishonest one, at that.

      Wonder is he’s a member of MajorLiar’s afternoon Leftist/fascist idiot circle jerk???

      • He thinks he’s better than us, that’s who he is.

        And there is no more needed to determine how to deal with the likes of his ilk…

        • Geoff,

          I guess, at the end of the day, I don’t really give a shart if someone thinks they are “better than me”. They are entitled to their opinion, and I am entitled to give it the consideration I believe it deserves. I am quite certain that MajorLiar and dacian the demented think they are “better than me”, and I give that EXACTLY as much consideration as I do to the fact that Shrillary thinks I am a “deplorable”. Oops, look like I already gave my last fuck, so I don’t have one to give.

          It becomes an issue when they think that gives them license to impel my actions to their preferences. Like all “Progressives”, they think they are the smartest people in any room. The are seldom the smartest person in their mommy’s basement – most basements have cockroaches with greater cognitive ability.

  4. This guy is not a gun guy because he obviously is not familiar with all the fallacies he is promoting. Good guys with guns either protect themselves, others or prevent violent crimes around 1.7 million times a year. There are only 50+ thousand deaths a year from firearms and almost 2/3 of them are suicides not homicides. Rifles of any kind and high capacity magazines do not account for a significant number of deaths each year by comparison to handguns and other forms of weapons including hands and feet and other blunt objects. A visit to the FBI website would clarify many of these issues for those who are uninformed. Additionally, the solutions to these problems are locking criminals up and keeping them locked up, closing our borders and not letting unvetted illegals come into the Country, doing something about all these crazy shooters before they commit a crime (many of them are known to have problems or have made threats prior to carrying them out), providing better mental health services, dealing with the homeless problem, requiring bail for serious crimes, and cracking down on the drugs coming into the Country. Its also time to look at the fentanyl problem which killed 100,000 of our people last year. I would say that should take a priority over gun control. Safety has nothing to do with many of the policies being promoted by the current administration. They violate the law on a daily basis themselves and they are only interested in power and control at the expense of the American People. It is time to fight back and clean up our elections sytem because they do cheat and purge these radical leftist socialist people from our government and country. It’s coming down to you or them as they continue to destroy the law abiding citizens of this great nation.

    • “Its also time to look at the fentanyl problem which killed 100,000 of our people last year.”

      Sad to say, that problem is self-solving. Addiction is so strong, and the ease of overdosing (known as a ‘hot shot’) is so easy that I think we should be providing it for them. In quantity, it’s a dirt-cheap synthesis. Keep ’em snockerd out until they OD for the final time…

  5. “would not change the fact that none of these rights are absolute.”

    Eggzackly, doofus. That is why the Framers included a mechanism for amending them.

  6. Stopped reading during the first paragraph. Nothing I can do with this dooshbag but inject some lead therapy into his cranial area.

  7. I’m not sure here right from the beginning of his rant if he’s ever looked up the definition of “infringe”. He does hit on something that really irks me about many in the GOP right now is when these criminal tragedies occur, they’re silent or seem to dig there heels in as far as “nothing to talk about here”. That, while the Democrats and media shills are broadcasting interview after interview of lives lost to criminals and folks with obvious mental issues. One side is screaming to ban all guns and the other says hardly anything implying nothing is to be done. What the heck? First, the tragedy must be acknowledged. Second, the “why did it happen” needs to be known. Third, real proposals that comply with the 2A that many gun rights orgs are trying to get heard that actually (and some are as we speak) will make a difference and THEN shoot down the “common sense” nonsense of the left pointing out why what they’re advocating won’t make a lick of difference – BUT the GOP additionally needs to ENGAGE and lead in constructive discussion – especially in the media. Unfortunately, the few I’ve watched have been absolute dolts with no coherent story, the left-biased interviewers eviscerate them verbally, and the GOP guy gets hard in the face, backs off and just says “2A shall not be infringed” (if they even have the vocabulary and education to say that much). The statement is true, but totally off the mark of looking at mentally disturbed people killing folks with guns or any weapon. AND, people have to realize, not all occurrences can be prevented and there still will be tragedies – but hopefully fewer and much farther between. I guess it is pretty clear I don’t think much of the intelligence, knowledge, or teamwork skills of many politicians in the present day on either side of the aisle. (Steps down off soapbox.)

    • “First, the tragedy must be acknowledged.”

      Republicans do acknowledge tragedies, offering “thoughts and prayers” rather than jumping straight into a debate — a common courtesy and expression of empathy which is ridiculed by the Left. Unfortunately the media magnifies the stringent calls for action from the Left to “do something” while emotions are high and reasoned discussion is not possible, leading to ill-considered and unconstitutional legislation.

      “Second, the “why did it happen” needs to be known.”

      Unfortunately the Left and the Enemedia (yet I repeat myself) aren’t interested in the “why” and often actively works against release of such information, because it doesn’t fit their gun-grabbing agenda.

      “Third, real proposals that comply with the 2A that many gun rights orgs are trying to get heard that actually (and some are as we speak) will make a difference …”

      Real proposals such as … ?

      “BUT the GOP additionally needs to ENGAGE and lead in constructive discussion – especially in the media.”

      The media will not allow that — if it doesn’t fit the narrative template, they do not consider the discussion to be constructive. Besides, the GOP will never get a fair shake in the American media.

      • no name,

        “Unfortunately the media magnifies the stringent calls for action from the Left to “do something” while emotions are high and reasoned discussion is not possible, leading to ill-considered and unconstitutional legislation.”

        To the Leftist/fascists and gun-grabbers (ah, but I repeat myself) that is a feature, not a bug. It is not about actually SOLVING the alleged problem they are fulminating about, it is about virtue-signaling that they “actually care” about said ‘problem’. The fact that NONE of their solutions have EVER actually improved a damn thing means nothing to them. “Well at least we TRIED!” absolves them from any moral responsibility for the (inevitable) outcome of their moral preening. One should always keep in mind what the road to hell is paved with. I don’t give a fig what your INTENTION is, what is the predictable OUTCOME of your policy? Leftist/fascists hate that, because it would require them to think, and they are no longer homo sapiens, they are homo motus.

        • That’s the same reason that Leftists don’t really care about improving the economic standing of minorities in the blue cities. If the problem was solved, they couldn’t feel good about themselves for something to “help.” As long as they can feel superior about their altruism, there’s no incentive to solve the problem of the poor.

  8. “We can no longer deny that some within our culture celebrate violence and accept avoidable deaths”

    The only truth that this idiot vomits in the whole screed. And those that celebrate and accept are democrats.

    • The entire premise of this article is a pointless example of double speak. Tell the world how we can no longer tolerate the very thing being promoted with every word they write. Never realizing how much he is the embodiment of the very threat he tries to denounce.

      Rich Logis might be a gun owner with a history in the Republican party but that really doesn’t mean anything. People will eat that up. It means NOTHING. I’ve been telling all of you over the course of the last three or so years that owning guns DOES NOT mean being in ANY way patriotic pro2A anti-communist. So when TTAG regularly announces the last numbers for how many possible guns have been sold, it should be takin with a grain of salt because it is NOT an indication of anything but maybe more guns in the wild. I have always said this and continue to. Logis is by definition a RINO. When Democrats say they are gun owners I respond by simply saying…ok. So you own firearms. AND?

  9. For those who can’t see the article, and are unwilling to turn off your ad blocking… its a repeat, in part, of this (the o0riginal article) > I Carry a Firearm Every Day. Yes, the Second Amendment Is Killing Us >

    Its just another left wing idiot giving their version of what they think the constitution says and leaving a lot out and cherry picking the parts he wants in his conformation bias, a version that has been debunked repeatedly in part or whole for the last 100 years. It was only the ‘interest balancing’ that allowed it to stand on courts for a while either in part or whole…and that’s the argument this idiot is making again, interest balancing confirmation bias.

    His name is Rich Logis. Hes a former member of the republican party and founder of “Perfect Our Union” ( But on his web site ( under “Meet Rich” there is no information about Rich and under his ‘Writings & Works’ category there is also nothing, and no substance of interest or revealed is not unusual for left wing who try to hide things from the public, like for example their agenda.

    • “But on his web site ( under “Meet Rich” there is no information about Rich and under his ‘Writings & Works’ category there is also nothing, and no substance of interest or revealed is not unusual for left wing who try to hide things from the public, like for example their agenda.”

      According to his contact page, he’s interested in hearing from us!

      “Let’s Talk”

  10. They do have one sign in the photo I can agree with: “Child gun deaths are no accident.” That’s because most of the murders they wring their hands over, are committed by adolescent or young adult criminals as gang violence, and then get massaged to make it sound like little Tommy accidentally shot his baby brother while playing with his daddy’s gun. Just like those inane “Is the tiger locked up?” conmercials.

  11. Urban areas have the lowest gun ownership but highest homicide rates. Rural areas have the highest gun ownership but lowest homicide rates. 90% of metro shooters (and victims) have at least one felony. I assume the position that it sounds like a culture and criminal issue, not a gun issue.

    • Hello, Comrade fellow American! Like you, I also enjoy recreational vehicles, capitalism, and, how you say, baseball. Let us “hang out” sometime as comrade friends, where we will talk about our patriotic love of firearms, of which I own many. Speak loudly into microphone, comrade. It is for YouTube.

  12. And the funny thing is the real gun control law is the 2A. Shall not be infringe is first and only constitutional argument. All 200,000 plus gun laws are in defect to the 2A.

  13. Logis is a strawman attempting to deceive with an outrageous viewpoint while pushing the current gun confiscation catch word that the 2A is a myth. Moreover, the Haitian revolt didn’t take place until the early 1800s, AFTER the Constitution was ratified. Logis is a liar and most likely never voted for a Republican, ever. Logis never quite stated what he allegedly concealed carried, and claimed that he ONCE owned an AR. The BS meter is off the charts with this clown.

    • The slave uprising in what is now Haiti started in 1791 and ended in 1804. It is the only slave rebellion to result in the establishment of a new state present day Haiti.

  14. U.S. government killed 10,000 + of it’s own citizens during prohibition by poisoning alcohol that they were drinking…when “mass” shootings get to that number…oh…in about 100 years…then maybe we can talk about “gun control” for the government first…including all their security.

  15. First is the author should actually read the Federalist papers and the other writings of the Founders. They clearly state we as a people have not just the right, but a duty to overthrow a tyrannical government if such should take hold.
    Secondly, we as humans have every right to defend ourselves and our homes from criminals and tyrants.
    Third, the greatest problem leading to violent crime is poverty and hopelessness. This has been fostered and promoted by the very same Dementiacrat Party and Leftist/Marxist media that promotes gun control and censorship.
    When a person has been force fed from birth a narrative of how they have no chance to succeed in life because of racism, sexism, etc, they will respond accordingly. Why make the effort to get an education or improve yourself if you can’t succeed no matter what you do? So why not follow those baser instincts and emotions and rob, steal, rape, bully, assault or murder those between you and what you desire? Especially if there are few if any real consequences for doing so.
    It’s easy to blame the gun for all of societies ills. While not dealing with the real problems that will take time and effort to cure. When the gun grabbers and social engineers are forced to be honest it is not truly the gun, but the control they desire.

  16. The framers were pretty good wordsmiths. Claiming that “shall not be infringed” means anything other than just what it says, is laughable.

  17. I wish they would ban every single gun that way me and other criminals would be the only ones with them! I would also make a fortune making and selling them too!

  18. Permit me to express EXTREME skepticism that this gun-grabbing fascist actually carries every day, but even if he did, it would not add one feather-weight of gravitas to his “argument”. I can list for you a million reasons why “liberty” is dangerous. Just like God granting us free will, that’s kinda the POINT. Freedom is dangerous, and should only be practiced by rational people (homo sapiens), not ‘feel good’ Leftist idiots like MajorLiar and dacian the demented (homo motus). Like Samuel Adams, I prefer dangerous freedom over ‘safe’ enslavement. Idiot Leftist/fascists want to legislate what THEY believe is ‘best for me’ – that’s a hard pass, Leftist/fascists. I’ll decide what’s best for me, all on my own, and if you don’t like it, you can (in the immortal words of Sean Connery on SNL’s “Celebrity Jeopardy”) “Suck it! Suck it long, and suck it hard!”.

  19. did you see it there
    i saw it
    how they get people to commit voter fraud and election theft:
    “And the first step to modernizing our firearm policies is to mercy-kill the Republican Party at the polls, every chance we get.”

    • Dave,

      How about we just actually pay attention to the written Constitution?? I guess that’s a bridge too far. I do not posit that the Constitution is perfect (pro tip: It isn’t), nor do I posit that we actually follow it, anymore (and I can directly trace that trend back to Marbury v. Madison). EVERY pol or ‘public servant’ (how much more dishonest can a phrase in the English language be????) constantly works to undermine the basic concept of ‘checks and balances’, and pretend they don’t.

      • “We”? No. Our side is not the problem.

        What I was trying to get at was that even if there are some who are opposed to 2A, I wonder if there is some way to get them to show some respect to the others?

        “Red Flag laws” are an infringement of 4A, 5A, and 6A.
        “Gun safety” is pretty much unenforceable without wiping one’s ass with 4A and 5A.
        And so on. These wouldn’t stand at all if people across the spectrum reverently defended 4A, 5A, and 6A.

        Obviously, the true solution is to restore Constitutional government, as you correctly stated. But if we can get people who don’t especially care about 2A to yet defend 2A effectively based on a deep respect for all the other rights, it could strengthen our cause.

        • Fair point, Dave. I hope you are right; I fear you are wrong. The lying, propagandistic MSM has succeeded in anathemizing firearms in the minds of most non-gun-owning Americans, so even if they believed their other rights were in danger, I don’t see them as being impelled to protect the 2A. But I hope you are right.

  20. Excellent article but the Paranoid Far Right are not capable of thinking clearly or logically as their sickness prevents them from exercising all common sense. One would have better luck talking to a brass monkey, as they are more intelligent.

    • Spend all your Soros money on chezzy poofs and porn hub dacian? That screed was fairly short for someone who projectile vomits for paragraphs on end.

    • dacian the demented dipshit,

      “common sense”.

      You keep using those words. I do not think they mean what you think they mean.

      NOTHING that comes out of your diseased typing fingers (probably two, I suspect you’re a ‘huntin’ pecker’) even occupies the same universe as “common sense”. But, then, that is universally true for Leftist/fascists. We mock you, dacian the demented, because you are so completely deluded that only pity on the handicapped could hold us back. You surrender that advantage by thrusting your ignorant, uneducated, illogical, STUPID opinions on the rest of us. Please continue to provide fodder for my ongoing game of whack-a-mole. I’m retired, and it’s a cheap, easy way to get a chuckle. Other than that, I’ve stepped on cockroaches I felt more remorse about than thrashing your stupid ass every time you stick your head up out of the hole. The cockroach has more intrinsic value, as well as more intelligence.

      • Agreed. What started as an agreement between the Limited Central Government and the 13 States’Government, and ratified by an overwhelming majority is not the agreement between the Federal Government and the States we have today. A Morbidly Obese Bureaucracy still continues to pack on the pounds. A Bureaucracy that is self saving first and foremost,that really runs this country. The President, House and Senate are but mear puppets. Only allowed to be (S)Elected to mirror the illusion of Free, Fair and Honest Elections to the masses.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, Speaking of common sense, you haven’t the common sense of an amoeba. You still can’t tell us the firing sequence of a cartridge. And yet, you keep talking about the “far right” and claim to be an “expert” on firearms. Why, you can’t even tell us which end the bullet comes out. As a card carrying member of the FAR LEFT, you still try to pass off “gun control” as a solution to crime, when you can’t seem to be able to tell us how you are going to get criminals to obey the law.

    • Excellent article but the Paranoid Far Right are not capable of thinking clearly or logically as their sickness prevents them from exercising all common sense.

      Oddly enough dacyboy, you and I are in agreement on this one… The “far right” is comprised of violent, low intellect, anti-government extremists who will go to any lengths to destroy everything this country stands for… They are called ANARCHISTS and their goal is the abolishment of ALL government control unlike YOUR radical, violent, low intellect “far left” fascists and kommies that seek to take over complete control of our day to day lives… Probably over your head but at least TRY to keep up…

      From Left to Right the political spectrum runs from:
      Kommunists/Fascists (ANTIFA-BLM-LA RAZA-AFT)
      Soshullists (Democratic Soshullists Party-most Labor Unions))
      Progressives (the Clinton Wing)
      Moderate Democrats/RINOs
      Centrists (both parties)
      Moderate Conservatives
      Reagan Conservatives

      (Note) there are some “actual” Democrats that run as Republicans in heavy Red districts and can fit in most anywhere on the Left Wing spectrum… But thank you for proving that the radical Far Left exists through YOUR words and your illogical attacks on EVERYTHING Conservative while pointing out your counterparts un-American political beliefs and actions on the far right…

        • Don’t see how you arrived at that conclusion, but tax on tea did play a proportional part in starting the Revolution by prompting the “Tea Party” which brought about the “Intolerable Acts” of 1774 (banning town meetings, closure of Boston Harbor, compensation to the East India Company, which led to the formation of the First Continental Congress … The Seven Years War, the Boston Massacre, the Stamp Act… Basically, a bunch of shop keepers and farmers fed up with being told how to live their lives and being forced to pay the King for the privilege of having his boot on their necks… Sounds kind of familiar…
          So, what do YOU think started the Revolution?

  21. I looked at the original article and I wasn’t surprised that there is no option to leave a comment about the drivel. I wonder why this guy didn’t approach any gun rights site for the opportunity to present his argument.

    • Truth welcomes discussion and argument as it will stand on its own. Propaganda flees truth as a vampire does sunlight.

    • Matt,

      “I wonder why this guy didn’t approach any gun rights site for the opportunity to present his argument.”

      Do you, really?? I don’t. As much as I despise the likes of MajorLiar, dacian the demented, jsled, and Prince Albert the Fake-Limey Ponce, they at least have the cojones to enter the arena (although they usually (MajorLiar being somewhat of an exception) retire from the arena as soon as opposition appears). This guy is both an idiot and a coward.

    • I wonder why this guy didn’t approach any gun rights site for the opportunity to present his argument.”

      Because he’s a lying fucking coward and he KNOWS his bullshit won’t stand up under fire…

  22. English Bill of Rights (1689): “That the subjects which are Protestants may have arms for their defence suitable to their conditions and as allowed by law.”

    American Bill of Rights (1791?): “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

    The English colonies in North America lived under English law. The founding fathers said exactly what they meant. Note well the last four words of each ‘Right’.

  23. Would someone please give this wacko a drug test to see what drugs drive his(?) delusions? “Republicans created this mythic interpretation of the Constitution’s text” I guess that he forgot all about the Wig Party, who predated the Republicans and also believed the 2nd protected private ownership of firearms.

  24. Hoplophobe is a good definition for them. These people have an irrational fear of guns. I believe most of them suffer from some form of mental illness. And they project their fears onto innocent people. It would probably be best for anyone, who described themselves as a liberal, to be banned from owning guns. To follow their own logic.

  25. Any one that starts out with “Trust me” has credibility issues right off the bat. All that means is “I’m getting ready to sell you some BS”

  26. What the hell is “ammo designed only for committing crimes”?!?! We talking hollow points? 5.56×45 or 7.62×39? I genuinely don’t understand what ammo is designed only for committing crimes.

    Minimum age?–As long as you raise minimum age for voting and military service. Red Flag Laws?–You mean pre-crime punishment? Annual background checks?–On who’s dime? National firearms registration?–I’ll pass, I’ve seen how that plays out already. High capacity magazine restrictions?–Once you give government the power to both define “high capacity” AND ban it, why would anti gunners stop at 30 rounds? Or 10 rounds? Or 6 rounds? Pretty soon your revolver will be labelled “high capacity”.

    Sounds mostly like he just wants to make firearm ownership expensive. The kinds of regulations that would disproportionally affect disadvantaged communities.

    • “What the hell is “ammo designed only for committing crimes”?!?!”

      That is the dead give away right there, demonstrating that he is not a gun guy at all, even if he/she/it/they “identify” as one.

      • That stupid statement by Longis had me wondering where I could score some.
        Damn, it’s not in my Hornady, Nosler or Speer catalogs.

  27. “Claiming that the Framers wrote “shall not be infringed” to affirm the right to keep and bear arms as an unregulated right is laughable.”
    Translation: “Claiming that the Constitution actually means what it says is laughable.”

    How is it “laughable” for words to have meanings and for words to mean what they say? How is it “laughable” that the words “shall not be infringed” are followed by a period (not an if, but, when, or although, but a period)?
    “Shall not be infringed,” period, is pretty f***king clear, and it means exactly what it says.

    And yeah, like the rest of you, I’m stumped by his phrase “certain kinds of deadly ammunition that only exists for the purpose of committing crimes.”
    That’s a clear sign he’s not a “gun guy” and knows nothing about guns.
    There’s no ammunition that only works while robbing a bank, no ammunition that only works when aimed at a bank teller. There’s no ammunition that won’t fit in the guns of police or law-abiding people, but only fits in the guns of criminals!

    Is he talking about standard defensive ammunition (hollowpoints) used every day by cops, law-abiding citizens, and hunters? Does he only want FMJ to be legal?
    Or perhaps he thinks FMJ is “armor-piercing” and wants only softpoints to be legal?
    Or maybe he thinks all ammunition except wadcutters “only exists for the purpose of committing crime”? His ignorance is astounding, for someone who claims to be a “gun guy.”

  28. National Firearm Registry huh? Yeah, just step into the showers Comrade, and don’t mind the funny smelling gas…it’s just cologne…honest.

  29. “Guns for me and not for thee.” This idiot has guns and wants to take yours away so she can control YOU. Take your ideas and put them where the sun doesn’t shine, a$$hole. You obviously aren’t well versed in the words of the Constitution. You need to go back to school and LEARN history. Hitler, Stalin, Xi, Little Rocket Man, etc. ALL took away peoples’ guns so they couldn’t fight back against tyranny. Why don’t YOU ggive up YOUR guns and move to one of those countries that take away your rights and live happily ever after away from here.

    • Little Rocket Man, etc. ALL took away peoples’ guns

      Hmmmmm, to be fair those honors belong to Mao and Kim Il Sung respectively, Xi and LRM are just carrying on tradition…

  30. This guy is one dangerous son of a bitch, nobody I know wants to overthrow the government . . .

    however sometimes in the course of history, individuals that are obtuse to our Constitutional Republic need to be removed from that government by that force which is necessary to restore individual rights.

    Easy to cherry pick out of context quotes . To really know what Jefferson thought about Arms, read “The Declaration of Causes and Necessity of Taking Up Arms”
    Written by Thomas Jefferson and John Dickinson, July 6, 1775, a precursor to the Declaration of Independence. Yeah, it’s an individual absolute Right from God, be it a gun or a rock to defend oneself. God punished Cain, not the rock.

    That said, the best question ever to ask an anti gun ideologue . . .

    Gun Grabber: We need to confiscate all guns.

    Me: Really ? Do you have guns ?

    Gun Grabber: No.

    Me: Then how do you plan on getting mine.

    💥 end of story

  31. Using the premise of enacting gun control to stop “mass shootings” is asinine. 99% of “mass shootings” are perpetrated by anti-gun leftist a§holes as it is! Taking guns away from sane people does nothing!

  32. Never forget that these people are OK with guns in THEIR hands. They just don’t want you to have one. Dictatorship 101 – Gun control is people control.

  33. That’s a threat. It’s scumbags like you who think they can say or do anything that need to be removed from society for good. You need to be committed to a Criminally Insane, Mental Institution. You’re not the kind of person who should be allowed to own a gun….period!!!!!!

    • hey randy, if you dont stfu we will find you repubs and kidnap and tirture you to death 1 by 1, including your worthless families

      • if you dont stfu we will find you repubs and kidnap and tirture you to death 1 by 1, including your worthless families

        Ooooh ooooh, NEVER MIND that Randy dude you fuking piece of shit… Do ME instead I would LOVE to have a handful of you chickenshit cocksukers show up at MY house and “TIRTURE” (your word) ME to death you cowardly cu-nts… Bring it ON motherfuker, tell me where YOU are, and I’ll gladly tell you and your scumbag POS cohorts how to find ME… Let’s PARTY shitbag… OBTW: conveying a THREAT over the internet IS a felony but I won’t tell, can’t wait asshole let’s DO this… Fuk it I’ll come to YOU, damn the fukin adrenalin is FLOWING, I almost taste the blood… Come on asshole, step up or shut the fuk up like the pussy that you are…

      • Your comment is awaiting moderation
        AntifaCA: “if you dont stfu we will find you repubs and kidnap and tirture you to death 1 by 1, including your worthless families”

        Ooooh ooooh, NEVER MIND that Randy dude you fuking piece of shit… Do ME instead I would LOVE to have a handful of you chickenshit cocksukers show up at MY house and “TIRTURE” (your word) ME to death you cowardly cu-nts… Bring it ON motherfuker, tell me where YOU are, and I’ll gladly tell you and your scumbag POS cohorts how to find ME… Let’s PARTY shitbag… OBTW: conveying a THREAT over the internet IS a felony but I won’t tell, can’t wait asshole let’s DO this… Fuk it I’ll come to YOU, damn the fukin adrenalin is FLOWING, I can almost taste the blood… Come on asshole, step up or shut the fuk up like the puzzy that you are…

        edited pending moderation… If the original gets posted that’s okay, THIS POS requires a response and I’m ready to give IT one… Show me what you got PUNK…


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