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“Dressed in blaze orange with a baseball cap stitched with the letters ‘NRA,’ Santorum told reporters after bagging at least four birds: ‘I make the argument that there’s nobody who’s done more for the Second Amendment and been stronger on that issue than I have.'” – GOP presidential candidate Rick Santorum.

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  1. Ahhhhh Santorum. Other candidates have done just as much as him in terms of defending the 2nd amendment. On top of that he’s voiced support for the Patriot Act and other Anti-Constitutional bills and what not.
    I’m not showing an ounce of support to any candidate that’s in favor of violating the Constitution; even if they show 2A support.

  2. I thought Ron Paul and Michelle Bachman did better on a more conservative gun group than anyone else? Cannot remember the group, they were to the right of the NRA.


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