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Ralph’s Guide to Buying Your First Mosin Nagant 91/30 Pt. 1

The Mosin Nagant 91/30 is a blunderbuss with a bad attitude, a fierce weapon of war from the tip of its pig-sticker bayonet to its skull-cracking iron butt plate. The original 91 was introduced in 1892, improved in 1930, and remained Russia’s top infantry rifle until 1945. Like the Ivans and Ivanettes who carried this beast through seven wars, the Mosin-Nagant rifle packs a punch. It’s big, robust, heavy, loud, rude, sometimes crude, iron-balls tough, ugly in a beautiful way, cheap, historic and a whole lot of fun if you go easy on the vodka. Whoa. I just kinda described myself if I drop the historic thing and add more vodka . . .

The Russians made more Nagants than they did those annoying matryoshka dolls – those fat-chick dolls that open up and there’s a smaller babushka inside that one and you open that one and there’s a smaller one inside that one and you keep on going and going until you want to grab a sledgehammer and smash every freakin’ one into subatomic Soviet-era sawdust. Yeah, I don’t like them either.

Because Nagants were made by the bazillions and never thrown away, they don’t cost very much now. Prices start at about $75 bucks online and less than twice that in your local store. The online deal looks better, but when you add in the shipping and FFL fees (if you don’t have a C&R License) and the fact that the rifle can’t be checked out beforehand, maybe it’s not.

Nagants are also cheap to run. 440 round spam cans of milsurp ball ammo cost only a few rubles. Modern hunting ammo in 7.62x54R costs a few kopecks more, but still less than hunting rounds in .308 and .30-06. Cheap to buy, cheap to use, what’s wrong with that, comrade?

Every collector, recreational shooter, amateur historian or general firearms enthusiast should own at least one Mosin Nagant 91/30 bolt action. Anyone who believes that battle rifle technology began and ends with the M-16 can turn away in horror, because this is a guide to buying and tuning your first Mosin Nagant 91/30 into a shooter in excellent condition. There isn’t much to dislike about the Moist Nugget (as it’s affectionately known), but there are a few myths and truths you need to know.

The Good, the Bad and the БЕЗОБРАЗНЫЙ

The Nugget does not have a reputation for great accuracy. Okay, I’m being charitable. The fact is that the standard infantry 91/30 isn’t a sub-MOA sniper rifle and never will be. However, as a battle rifle, Mosin-Nagant M91 accuracy ought not to be measured in MOA, but in MON — Millions of Nazis. It’s the rifle that won the Battle of Stalingrad, which is accurate enough for me.

Westerners have heard that “General Winter” defeated the Wehrmacht. Oh, really? Well, then, exactly who was blowing all those Storm Trooping bastards straight to hell during those sultry summer on the Eastern Front? The Russian winter slowed the Germans up, that’s true, but it was the Nagant that knocked ‘em down — and it didn’t take half a year off to get its wind back.

Armory 91/30 construction at the height of WWII was fast and furious. World War II models show tool marks and rough stocks and a whole lot of other cosmetic defects that should not affect their function. However, the quality of prewar Nuggets was good to excellent in the Russian way, meaning they were purpose-built for an army of illiterate muzhiks who could line up the rear sight and the front sight on a Nazi, and the bolt-action rifles worked, always.

Every gun was crazy overbuilt so it would withstand constant Arctic combat and kill from either end. Despite what you think you know, Russian metallurgy of the period was on a par with Western Europe’s. Finally, after the war the Russian military stored seventeen hundred million trillion of these rifles (more or less), using up the entire world supply of cosmoline in the process. So, there’s no shortage of Nuggets available – yet — although they are getting more difficult to find.

Next gripe — the Russians pulled corrosive ammo from their ammo pouches. Yes, it’s true, and so did every other WWII army, but if properly maintained the rifles remain battle-worthy until this very day. Ivan had to keep his rifle in good shape because if he didn’t he’d end up on that long lonely roll of dead commies. And I won’t hesitate to remind y’all again that Russian ammo shredded the Wehrmacht more than it did the Nagants, so don’t overthink this issue. But checking for pitting is one of your first tasks.

Then there’s the safety. This is a real issue and not a myth. Some people say, charitably, that it blows. Well, yes. Actually, it does. Totally. It’s not unsafe, but for hunting, it’s noisy enough to scare off a hungry mama grizzly and her cubs. Even at the range, it can’t be operated easily by anyone who doesn’t have steel appendages. It’s slow to engage or disengage. Other than those “minor” quibbles, it sucks.

The only good thing that can be said about the Nagant safety is it that it’s unlikely to fail because, unlike a cross-bolt, bolt interlock, trigger disconnect or other Twentieth Century appliance, the Nagant’s Nineteenth Century cocker physically locks the bolt to the high-side of the receiver. It would take a mighty blow to dislodge the safety, but there’s no other good news about this Communist torture device except that it beats being water-boarded.

And then there’s the Nugget’s trigger. I read somewhere that the pull is longer than the Volga. That’s silly, since the Volga is 2,293 miles long and the Nugget’s trigger pull is maybe half that, tops. Besides, a lot of combat triggers have a long and crusty pull – think of the M-16 as one example. The Nagant trigger is as lengthy as the Don and as creepy as a mortuary, but it’s not much worse than a lot of basic triggers.

Anyone who wants a match trigger on a Nagant can get one from Timney or Huber, but I wouldn’t bother. Oh, since a trigger return spring was considered a potential weak spot, the Nagant doesn’t have one and honestly, it’s not necessary. If you insist on having one, a return spring upgrade costs under $10 and it’s an easy install.

Which brings us to the grip, which is as straight as Chuck Norris. The venerated Springfield 1903 had the same grip, which didn’t seem to bother the doughboys when they were tramp-tramp-tramping through Belleau Wood using Hans and Franz for human target practice. It’s also the same grip found on English-style shotguns and didn’t bother Elmer Fudd while Bugs was driving him cwazy. AR-lovers might think I’m cwazy too, but the grip doesn’t bother me at all.

Finally, a few words about cosmoline, the icky crap that puts the Moist in the Moist Nugget. One day, many centuries ago, the devil blew his nose like a flugelhorn and what shot out was cosmoline. Warm cosmo has the tantalizing aroma of freshly-poured road tar on a hot day. It’s gooey and it sticks like baby vomit. It’s darker than the interior of a bat’s colon. It gunks up the works and it’s gotta be removed or it will shut your rifle down and maybe make it unsafe.

I love it, though, because without cosmo, these military relics would have rusted away to Battenberg lace eons ago. It’s not difficult to de-cosmo a rifle, but it’s a time-consuming PITA and can’t be done at the show or store. If you find a Nugget that’s still “in cosmoline,” that’s not a bad thing, but it’s going to make it tough to check the rifle on the spot.

This much I promise: with a bit of time, effort, affection and engine degreaser, this ugly duckling can be turned into a very presentable duckling with no or very light non-Bubba gunsmithing. No, it’s never going to be a swan. On the other hand, a modern tack driver is never going to be an important piece of world history.

Choosing Your First Mosin Nagant 91/30

Let’s begin with the inevitable safety warning: Know and obey the rules of gun safety before you handle any gun, even one that’s older than you and should know better. Keep the muzzle pointed in the proverbial “safe direction” at all times, which as far as I’m concerned means “not at me.” You will need to depress the trigger when you’re examining Nagants, so check and double check to make sure the rifle isn’t loaded and neither are you.

Don’t do any of the following tests with a loaded rifle — if you shoot somebody while you’re flagging the room, that somebody may get pissed off and return the insult with an ever larger and more powerful gun. While it’s true that we should all reduce our carbon footprints, premature death by gunfight would be an extreme way to Save the Planet.

There are Nagants to shoot, and there are Nagants to collect. If you’re looking for wall-hanger, this won’t be the right guide for you. To find a shooter, shop for your Moist Nugget the same way my beloved GF shops for shoes – absolutely freakin’ relentlessly. Whether at a gun shop, gun show or private face-to-face transaction, remember that there are still plenty of Nuggets with matching serial numbers around if you look for them, so there’s no reason not to buy a nice one. Do your due diligence and you’ll make a lifelong friend.

So you go to the show or store and spy a Nagant beckoning from the rack, or you meet up with Bubba and he shows off his well-used “Roosky” rifle. Whaddaya do?

Assuming the rifle is relatively free of gunk, check the stock. Well, duh. Did you really need me to tell you that? Check for cracks, ugly gouges and Bubba’s classy “improvements.” Minor dings and compressions are to be expected, but if a Nugget doesn’t have sound wood, put it down and say до свидания, кот котенка – that’s “das bidania, kitty cat.” Why bother to repair a damaged stock? Also check the shellac and tenderly run your fingertips over the wood.

If the surfaces are sticky, slimy or just look wrong, the furniture’s been poorly redone. If the shellac is dull, rough or worn away, the furniture needs refinishing. Anyone who enjoys woodworking and is prepared to invest a little time and money to spruce up a stock needn’t be deterred.

On the other hand, if you don’t know Elmer Formby from Elmer Fudd, Elmer Gantry or Elmer the Cow, say до свидания. Some Nagants have been sporterized with synthetic stocks, which is fine for anyone who likes old wine in new bottles. To me, its heresy and whoever does such a thing should be have the Nagant’s eighteen-inch long spike bayonet shoved right up their old Moon River, if you get my thrust.

Otherwise collectible Nuggets may still have “sticky” bolts that are not always evident until the rifle is fired. There are a number of causes of “sticky bolt syndrome.” Cosmoline can harden and coat the chamber like shellac. When the bolt heats up, the cosmo softens and turns to mucilage. There could be a burr in the chamber. There could be a lot of things. Look for a sticky bolt by working it several times. The Russian Mosin Nagant’s bolt is far from smooth like a Krag’s, but it should open, slide and close with mild pressure or a “keep-your-hand-out-of-the-cookie-jar-you-little-brat” lovetap.

If the bolt requires persuasion by force, deadly or otherwise, just say до свидания and pass it by. A sticky bolt can be cured, but why choose a rifle that’s already a bigger ball-breaker than Hillary Clinton? Open the bolt and point the barrel straight up without scaring any passing pilots. Give the rifle a little shake or slap, or touch the bolt handle lightly, and the bolt in good condition should slide open on its own. Ура!

Function-check the safety. The cocking knob looks inviting, but it’s so close to the stock that there’s no way to grab it properly. Seated or standing, brace the butt on your leg, body or crook of your elbow with the bolt closed. Squeeze the knob between the first two fingers of your strong hand, or your thumb and forefinger (which never works for me).

Now, pull back on the cocking piece, rapidly turning the knob counterclockwise and the rifle clockwise at the same time. With two hands sharing the work, deploying the safety is half as difficult. The bolt should now be locked to the receiver. Pull the trigger and nothing should happen. When you get your rifle home, practice this move until you need orthopedic hand surgery. Ten turns ought to do it, maybe less if you frequently limp-wrist your Wonder Nine.

In our next thrilling episode, we’ll inspect the crown and if you’re not bored we’ll check the bore rifling. You want a good bore, and we’ll measure the firing pin depth and head spacing. We’ll look at some markings and – cover your noses – remove any remaining cosmoline. I have a tip on the last one that will make y’all heroes to your spouses. In the final chapter, we’ll sight her in, tune her up and blow some shit to smithereens.

I hope that anyone interested in purchasing and spiffing-up their first Moist Nugget will find this series of articles useful and amusing. Comments, suggestions and contributions of a non-financial nature are invited from members of TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia or anyone else who knows and appreciates the historic WWI- or WWII-era Mosin Nagant 91/30.

Click the link below to read…

Ralph’s Guide to Buying Your First Mosin Nagant 91/30 Pt. 2

Covers Tula and Izhevsk markings, hex receiver and round receiver variations, and cosmoline removal. 

Ralph’s Guide to Buying Your First Mosin Nagant 91/30 Pt. 3

Covers tuning the rifle for better performance.

[Click here to read Chris Dumm’s review of the Mosin Nagant]

83 thoughts on “Ralph’s Guide to Buying Your First Mosin Nagant 91/30 Pt. 1”

  1. Great article! I think every shooter should consider having a Mosin-Nagant and a tin of surplus ammo, because they’re so affordable and rugged and fun. A Mosin itself is cheaper than a. 22 riflle, and you can shoot it until you’re dazed and deaf for less than $20!

    I can’t wait for the next installment.

    • Chris, your Mosin article was fantastic and really ramped up my determination to add a Nagant to my collection of historic firearms.

  2. I got my first one in January. It was already cleaned of cosmoline, and I got 180 rounds of ammo- out the door for $175. Invested in a “field” headspace gauge from, and I was good to go.
    Took it out and shot it with the wife and a friend, we all had a blast (no pun intended :).

    A few weeks later, I stopped in at our local Big Five, and found that they had some in stock, so I purchased one, and called my buddy, who turned out to be nearby, and came over and got one for himself. Now his whole family is hot for some Mosin-Nagants. Apparently, I’ve started something around here 🙂

    • I just took my mosin to the range this past week and what a treat! First time shooting it and it kicks like a mule after 50 rounds on my fragile shoulder. My rifle is made in 1939 and has 1 “X” stamped on it. Before buying this gun you should know that when a solder was killed in battle there stock was stamped with an “X”. Most nagant a you’ll find won’t be stamped because they were made near the end of the war but you can still find the ones used in battle. Also I had a sticky bolt after firing it, this problem can be fixed with proper cleaning of the bolt and the receiver. It helps to keeps pressure against receiver when pulling the bolt CCW after a shot. Also you should buy these bullets for about .32 cents. 800round wooden crates can be bought for $270. But most ammo is corrosive, so after shooting please clean.

      • I have never heard that the “X” indicates a death. I don’t think the Russians had time to mark rifles that way… they were too busy trying to turn back Germans. Perhaps you are thinking of the boxed “X” on stocks and receivers? That’s just a rebuild mark.

  3. Awesome job Ralph, but now I have to buy one. Whenever I see a cool looking gun with a “pigsticker” I buy it.

  4. Bolt actions are cool and all, but my $320, early ’50’s H&R M1 Garand will have to deal with my battle rifle fever for the near future.

  5. See, that’s the problem with TTAG. I read something like this and immediately start Jonesing for one. The cool thing about the M-N is, at least it’s cheap to pick one up. Unlike 95% of the other guns I’ve added to my want list because of this damned site.

    • Get your C&R license and you will save $$$. Some online and local stores will give you Class 01 dealer pricing with an 03 C&R.

  6. My first one actually cost me $10. About 10 years ago, I had a bad experience with a local sporting goods store. I ended up contacting their corporate office. They ended up sending me a $50 gift card. That week, they had a $20 off coupon in the paper. They had Mosins for $79. So I walked in with my coupon, and gift card…and gave them $10 and some change. For an actual gun. I took the gun home and took it apart, and cleaned it. I took the rough stock to work(I worked at a furniture store), and refinished it in the shop…it looked great.

    I went to a gun show the next day, and bought one of those large tins of surplus ammo. Great fun.

    I do regret selling it. Someone offered me $200 for it. I couldn’t turn it down.

    • I got a Stevens 20 gauge for .01. Friend gave me a $100 gift card. Cost after taxes was 100.01. Had to buy ammo because I didn’t have a penny and the store wouldn’t let me run .01 on my debit card… Ugh, kinda ruined the experience.

  7. Great Article! Just had my 1939 out on Wed with some really stinky bulgarian copper washed steel ammo.

    Its hilarious that you can buy an actual high-powered, accurate enough, rifle for 75 bucks. hahaha.

    There was a finnish sniper that had over 300 kills with iron sights when the ruskies invaded before WWII.

  8. I went shooting with some compadres today (doing the last bit of, ah, ‘research’ for an Armalite review) and we met four family groups of shooters at the quarry. Every group we met, save one, brought one or two Mosin-Nagants. We brought two of our own.

    It’s funny how a 120 year old Russian has become such a successful American immigrant. Welcome to the melting pot!

  9. I await the next installment — and however many more are planned thereafter — with barely controlled anticipation. I’ve been shopping for one of these myself, lately, because the historic angle of it all strikes a chord and because for some reason I love the thought of lugging one of these heavy beasts through the woods on the trail of some Bambi or other.

    Something I read recently suggested the average Soviet conscript was taught to work the safety with the butt of the gun in the crook of his elbow. I tried this for the first time the other day, and had my easiest time ever working the safety. But that gun had a few things wrong with it… and perhaps a weakness in the springs was one of them. Also, apparently the bayonet, when affixed and then jammed in the ground, makes a suitable stand for the gun when you’re sick of hefting the thing.

    Since there are a number of different mosin nagants around, I’d be interested in hearing about how to identify them and have some idea which are particularly noteworthy — but since the title already limits this to 91/30’s, perhaps that’s just wishful thinking on my part…

  10. Hmm, just found out that a friend has one, and apparently another friend just got one. I am getting sorely tempted. Only drawback: I am no fan of “loud”. My friend did say to avoid the carbine–that the extra 6 inches makes a difference. True/false? But going by the pictures I’d lose the bayonet…

    • The M44 carbine is louder and recoils more than the 91/30 rifle. The rifle recoils and sounds like a .30-06. It kicks, but not like a mule. The carbine recoils like a .50BMG and sounds like a .308 with a flash hider. Loud! But I like the M44 anyway.

  11. These rifles are so much fun!!! Of course, they spout flame and beat the hell out of your shoulder but who cares? The few I’ve shot were capable of much greater accuracy than I could achieve with a rest and iron sights. Just wonderful for the money.

  12. This is a great article, i love my mosin, went down to big 5 the day I turned 18 and picked one up on sale, I can hit a milk jug from 250 yards with the iron sight no problem

      FRED : [email protected]

  13. I found your article and really enjoyed it. I plan to pick up one at the next gun show in a couple weeks…they have a couple stands that have crates of them for $99 with accessories, and deals on boatloads of ammo to go with!

  14. Very helpful article–I found the safety. It has a safety! Thanks!

    I just got mine at gander mtn for $99. Being there to visually inspect definately helps; the first one shown to me looked like it won the war (had some rust on the bolt and bolt spacing did not look like the show models). I asked if there were more to compare with and thankfully the next one looked brand new, no cosmoline, but light oil. The barrel is stamped 1941. The slide worked smoothly and the barrel looked ok as much as my unaided and uneducated eye could tell. My biggest decision was how many should I buy? Before shooting, it looks like an unbelievable deal. The rifle is simply beautiful with wood covering the whole barrel. bayonet, 4 ammo cases, a cleaning kit and a sling. I wish my AR came with these goodies; to compare, an AR bolt alone is $99.

  15. Great article and funny too ! But I must take exception to calling the Mosin rifle a Nagant . Mosin Nagant maybe . Mosins are rifles , Nagants are 1895 model Russian revolvers . The Russians call this weapon : ” Vintovka Mosina ” which means Mosin rifle . The soldiers who loved it nicknamed it ” Mosinka ” . Nagant and or Nugget is phony and insulting to this great weapon of war that happens to be celebrating its’ 120 the birthday this year !

  16. Remember that this Rifle was “THE ENEMY AT THE GATE”!!!!!!
    The Mosin-Nagant Rifle is very reliable…..and very acurate, WHEN
    time is taken to learn this Rifle. As with any firearm, practice is an
    important function. I own a Mosin Mfg’d at the IZHEVSK Armory
    in 1943. It shoots strait and consistantly acurate, no scope. If you
    enjoy target shooting, or don’t mind the weight, hunting, you can
    have both in this Rifle.

  17. Great article and I love the sense of humor. I just purchased one of these from J&G and read your article while cleaning out the cosmoline. Cheers and happy shooting!

  18. This guy is so damn sarcastic, I’m gonna make him an Honourary Aussie.

    But before I do that, I’m gonna read the remaining parts to this Tome.

    Ian (Australian-American in Mesquite, Texas)

  19. LOVE this article. It helps tons while making me laugh at the same time. I’m glad I am not the only one who feels like a wimp while trying to use the safety!

  20. Gun kicks like a mule on steroids, but I love shooting it, just wish I had more ammo for it on a day to day basis.

  21. How does it kick compared to say, a Savage Nightrain 2 in .308? Or a 45-70? Or, less specific, a 12 guage (standard, or magnum, no choke or turkey)

  22. I have 2!! They kick like any other large caliber centerfire rifle !! The absolute most fun you can have for $100 dollars. Ammo at $0.18 a round!! Love my nagants!!!!!

  23. The “Moist Nugget” is indeed a fun rifle and inexpensive to feed. It’s also capable of considerably greater precision, with the proper handload, than a lot of people know. And your article had me cracking up, too. Everything you say is true, *ESPECIALLY* your description of cosmoline. 😀

    Mosin-Nagant: How else can you arm five people for $500?

    – T

  24. My first was a Polish M44 with miss matching numbers, blue was all gone, broken stock but is one hell of a good shooter. Had no idea of what it was but cheap, Now I have 2 M44s 8 91/30 and many other different makes. Love em all……..

    • How do you tell the difference between a 91/30 and a M44. I have 2 mosins and could use a little info if you don’t mind. Thanks…..Jim

  25. I have A USA made 1891 model , yes they were made by Westinghouse Electric and also Remington for Russia during WW1 , and it’s still a good shooter…. paid 39 bucks for my Westinghouse Mod. 91…

  26. I can’t seem to find part 2 I’m looking at a “moist nugget” this weekend. Asking $165 for bayonet, rifle, and ammo pouch.

    • Andrew, the last Mosin I bought was 129. That included all the goodies and the sling. It also included a ton of cosmoline. If it’s already degunked I’d gladly pay 165 to save all that mess and work.

      There’s a ton of instructionals on the interwebz to get the most out of your Mostly Nasty.

      • According to seller it is mainly de cosmolined. I was looking for part 2 of this write up. Anyone have a link for it? I can only find pt 1 and pt 3

  27. Great writing! Really enjoyed it. Just a note. A “Nagant” is a revolver. The rifles and carbines are “Mosins”

  28. Great article Ralph ! I just bought my second Mosin. I’m pretty sure my first has never been fired. You Americans are so lucky to be able to purchase military guns so cheaply ! I have found boiling water removes and softens up cosmoline very well. I just pour it over the stock. I use mineral spirits or varsol for the rest of the gun. Iraqi war veteran 8888 has some great you tube footage of Mosins. Regards.

  29. Enjoyed this, but in Russian these are simply called Mosin(ka) or Tryokhlineyka. Why you Anglos call it Mosin-Nagant is beyond me. Nagant is some frenchie who lost the design commission to Mosin. A Nagant is a handgun, for which Frenchie did win the Tsar’s commission.

  30. Interesting read. I have always wanted a Mosin Nagant and have recently discovered how affordable they are. I am thinking of buying 2. 1 to restore and 1 to put on a new carbon fiber stock for actual shooting.
    Thanks for the info.

    • How so, Sebastian? I’m a liberal, and I love Mosins. What, did you think we all preferred Krags?

  31. I have just ordered 4 Mosin Nagants, a round one, hex one, a sniper with the curved bolt and the Carbine. Are the stocks interchangeable between the Hex and round one?

  32. I’ve only read part 1 of this article and it was extremely informational and literally had me laughing out loud. Excellent article.

  33. Every shake a mosin ? A thousand men strolling towards a machine gun can’t make noise. Thus the dog neck slings .

  34. Pissed myself laughing! Great series.
    Brownies are just out of the oven here at Casa del Scot.

  35. i work at a local gun shop part time ( impact guns) in ogden utah and we just received a surplus of mozin variants in both hex and round receivers, well upon inspection i noticed this very clean mosin nagant m91 stamped 1912 hex receiver and the origanal serial number on the bolt,receiver,bayanett,mag floor plate and butt stock are all (5) this isnt a forced restamp or new serial and like i mentioned super clean rifle. i have no intention of ridding my collection of this rifle i am just curious if this is a actuall rare find or not it is a russian iza made mosin.

  36. I just bought a nagant as my 2nd firearm for $182, yeah it had an ungodly amount of cosmoline but I cleaned it all up after 3-4 hours of getting it all out and polishing the wood and stock. It looks absolutely beautiful now and reading this article made me even more pleased and satisfied with this rifle

  37. Mosin is a rifle….m91. 91/10. 91/30. M44. M38. Nagant is a gas seal revolver. M1895 . Let’s try to use the correct terms, so as not to confuse or confound anyone.

  38. I’ve been debating on buying one mainly since I believe this one I’m looking at is going to go cheap. And after reading your article on this gun I’m convinced I can’t pass it up. Right now at $65 it’s almost worth that for scrap metal. Other than looking like it’s been through WWII or earlier this is a good looking rifle. It also belonged to a good friend who recently passed away so it will make for good memories. It looks like there is also going to be an opportunity to buy more ammo than I would ever be able to use unless we are invaded by ISIS or some other obnoxious neighbors.

  39. First off the article is well written and spot on, secondly and arguably more important, you are hilarious. Cheers mate,

  40. Well, I have looked all over the internet for this same problem and the closest I find is a peening the dovetail fix for a loose sight. Unfortunately, my sight is not just loose but has significant play in it.

    This is my first C&R and I knew I should not be buying rifles I know nothing about but this Mosin was graded as excellent. I know these rifles have poor tolerances (especially during the war years) but this bad! One can only imagine what the headspace is on this Russian POS.

  41. Hilfrigginlarious man !! You really should write a little campaign material for Billary !! But I degrease … anyway I’m about as a rookie at my knowledge of a Mosin as a 5 year old boy shopping for a girlfriend. I know a little more about them now and eager to graduate to a full blown half way knowledgeable purchase of one.

  42. This original article looks like it dates back five years or so. I don’t think you can find them for $75 any more. Anybody have more recent information or resources for purchasing?

  43. I’m very haⲣpy to uncover this site. I want to to thank
    you for your time due to this fantastic read!! I definitelу reаlly liked every bit of
    it and I have you book-markеd to cheсk out new stuff on your website.

  44. Поздравляю с Днем Победы! Perfect book for not just a first time buyers. It was written very clearly, to the point, everything what you need to know. Thank you, Ralph Warner, for great job. Your book is a true manual and explain many important issues.

  45. Without all the cringe worthy jokes, the article could’ve been half as long. Hopefully the wannabe comedian knows better nowadays and doesn’t try so hard any more.

    Other than that, lots of good info so thanks!

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